Chapter 944 Origin, unprecedented preparation for war!

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 Hearing Aaliyah's order, Eroden's eyes widened.

In all the years he has served in the consulate, this is the first time he has seen such an operation!

In the past, when those people saw the diplomats of the Black Hawk Federation, they all nodded and bowed with respect. Even in Daxia, even if the relationship between the two countries became increasingly tense, the Daxia side treated the Black Hawk consul with great courtesy!

How could it be like now that Aliya was so strong that she wanted to arrest him directly?

Eroden looked at Aaliyah, with anger in his eyes, and said, "Aaliyah, do you know what you are doing? You actually want to arrest a diplomat of the Black Hawk Federation! I am the Consul General!"

Last night, the political situation in Haider suddenly changed, making Elroden extremely angry today.

After all, he fully supports Metro's ascension to the throne, and Aaliyah's ascension to the position of president means that all of Eroden's previous work has been in vain!

This will also give him a very bad impression with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and even President Black Hawk! It will make him lose trust!

"What about the Consul General? Can't we arrest the Consul General?" Aaliyah's expression was filled with mockery.

However, her next sentence almost made Eroden angry to death. "The Consul General is also a human being. Not only will he be arrested, but he will also die."

The Consul General will die!

This sentence is obviously a warning to Eroden!

"Aliya, if you dare to do this, I guarantee you will pay a very heavy price for it!" Elroden roared.

His eyes widened with anger, veins popped out on his neck, and his face turned red!

"Why are you still standing there? Let's take action. Don't let Mr. Consul General think that we are just making thunder but not rain." Aaliyah said to her bodyguards.

Several bodyguards immediately rushed forward and twisted Eroden's arms behind his back!

Then, with two clicks, he was put into handcuffs and shackles!

These handcuffs and shackles are as thick as an adult's wrist, and they are obviously specially designed to target Yuanli warriors!

At this moment, Eroden finally realized that Aaliyah was really not joking!

If the female president's behavior is more extreme, if she wants to completely break up with the Black Hawk Alliance, then she, the so-called consul general, will most likely be the one who is killed!

Aaliyah's beautiful face is already full of ridicule, but a beauty is a beauty, even if she is mocking others, she still feels incomparably beautiful!

At this moment, with his hands cut behind his back, Eroden was in an extremely embarrassed state, with a look of humiliation on his face!

"Alya! You're crazy!" Eroden roared!

Aaliyah chuckled and shook her head, "Mr. Consul General, you have become a prisoner now. Your men have been controlled by my people. Even if you shout at the top of your lungs, no one will come to save you."

Aroden had it before
How arrogant, how frustrated now!

It’s unbelievable that such a dignified Consul General would end up like this!

Alia continued, "Mr. Consul General, you still want to decide who will be President Haider, but you can't even decide your own destiny."

The sarcasm in her beautiful eyes deeply hurt Eroden!

"You woman... you are so cruel..." Eloden stared at Aaliyah and shouted, "You will definitely suffer revenge from the Black Hawk Federation!"

"I will tell the whole world what you did today, and then wait for the apology from the Black Hawk Federation." Aaliyah chuckled and said, "You might as well guess what your domestic ordnance manufacturers will be willing to do.

Come to save you, or would you rather keep their wallet?"

After hearing these words, Eloden thought about the stakes carefully, and his originally red complexion began to turn pale!

"So, it's best to be honest, Mr. Consul General." Aaliyah stared at the other person and put away her smile. "I want to cut off your official career and make you an outcast of the Black Hawk Federation. It's simply too easy, isn't it?


"Becoming an outcast?"

When Eloden heard this, his body suddenly trembled!

He took a deep look at Aaliyah, his expression clearly filled with horror!

This guy only now truly understands that the beautiful Aaliyah is definitely not a vase! Compared with her, his own methods seem to be far behind!

Aaliyah said calmly, "So, let's wait and see."

As soon as she said these words, Eroden shivered uncontrollably again! He felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar all over his body!


Half an hour later, another open letter was sent from Haider Presidential Palace.

This is Aaliyah's handwritten letter.

The content is——

The Consul General of the Black Hawk Federation, Elroden, led his warrior bodyguards to forcefully break into the Presidential Palace and force him to give up his position as president. Currently, Elroden has been detained by the guards of the Haider Presidential Palace. If the Black Hawk Federation does not apologize for interfering in other countries' internal affairs

, then their consul general will be tried in Haider.

The content of this letter is very simple and straightforward, without any emotional rhetoric. However, the simpler the facts, the more likely they are to arouse people's resonance!

Originally, the whole world's eyes were paying attention to Haider's political situation, but Alia's letter directly pushed them to the forefront!

"The people of the Black Hawk Federation are so arrogant! What qualifications does the Consul General have to ask the General

President to step down?"

"Isn't this the way the Black Hawk Federation has always done things? They are eager to promote their Black Hawk hegemony all over the world!"

"I heard that the presidents of some countries were secretly killed by agents because they did not listen to the Black Hawk Federation!"

"I don't know how long President Aaliyah can hold on. Alas, such a beautiful woman, please don't let the Black Hawk Federation take advantage of her!"

There is a lot of discussion about this all over the world.

However, most of the discussions were from Aaliyah's point of view.

Beautiful appearance must be a super plus point.

Just seeing Aaliyah's face, many people have automatically come to her side!

These supporters of Aaliyah did not express any objection at all to the controversial process of her becoming president!

All public opinion has begun to target the Black Hawk Federation!

However, after Aaliyah's statement was sent, no reply was received from the Black Hawk Federation for a full twenty-four hours.


Federal Security Service.

Tina, who had returned to her original post, was already sitting at her familiar desk.

She was wearing a military jacket with the buttons open and a black tight T-shirt underneath.

This security bureau's standard T-shirt looks ordinary and unremarkable, but when worn on Tina's body, the turbulent waves are releasing a sexy flavor unscrupulously.

"This is pressure from public opinion that Black Eagle has never faced before." She smiled softly. "It seems that someone has given Aaliyah the confidence."

As she said that, Tina's eyes began to become unpredictable.

"How far have you... developed?"

Tina whispered to herself, but no one could answer her question.

However, at this moment, the phone on Tina's desk rang.

After she answered the call, a message came from the other end of the phone: "Tina, the director of the Asian Affairs Bureau of the Eastern Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in my office. Come over here."

However, Tina said, "My deputy director, I know what he is here for, but you know my answer."

"So, do you refuse?" the deputy director asked.

"The reason why I refused is because this task is simply impossible to complete." Tina said with a sneer on her pretty face, "I don't have the ability to oust Aaliyah."

Obviously, the deputy director didn't know that Tina and Haider's new president had become "sisters" in a sense.

"Major General Tina, I suggest you not to refuse so hastily." The deputy director said, "After all,
After all, you have just returned and need to prove yourself with a hearty victory."

"I don't have that ability. Whoever has the ability can just go." Tina said. "After all, the person standing behind Aaliyah is a master who is infinitely close to the star level."

In fact, the deputy director's words had already made Tina very unhappy.

She doesn't need to prove her ability to anyone anymore.

After all, in these years, except for the time when she was captured by Lin Ran, she has always won!

The deputy director on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment and said, "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure." Tina said, "If you give me a star level, I can bulldoze Haider to the ground right now."

After saying that, she hung up the phone directly!

The deputy director was a little embarrassed, but when it came to intelligence, if Tina was second in the federation, no one would dare to be first.

If Tina insists on not participating in this matter, then no one can order her.

The deputy director's name was Roderick. He looked at the director of the Eastern Department's Asian Affairs Bureau and said with a little embarrassment, "Actually, what Major General Tina said is not unreasonable. Now, the Black Hawk Federation and Daxia

The relationship between the two major countries has been gradually easing, and at this time, if the two countries are at odds because Haider has changed to a new president, it will be too much gain than loss."

The affairs director's name was Luopsang. He shook his head, "It's difficult for us to handle it, because the easing of the relationship between Black Hawk and Daxia does not mean that Haider will fully turn to Daxia. These are two different things.

Let the Federation lose control of Eastern Asia."

Roderick frowned, "But, we don't have any good solution."

"There are billions of people in Haider and Daxia... This is too scary." When Director Nalopsang said this, there was a strong sense of worry in his eyes, and he said, "

Once Source Crystal Liquid is completely popular in these two countries, how many Source Force geniuses will appear among the billions of people?"

At this moment, Roderick finally understood what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was really worried about!

By that time, I am afraid that the Black Hawk Federation will really be completely trampled under its feet!

However, he still said, "Most people in Haider live below the poverty line. They even have problems with food and clothing. It may take many years to buy Origin Crystal Liquid. Even if Daxia wants to support it, it is impossible to supply it."

Starting from..."

"The era of source power is coming. Countries will unite, but more will be checks and balances and competition." Director Luopsang pointed in a certain direction, lowered his voice and said, "The Presidential Palace does not want to lose this.

Prepare for an unprecedented war with all your strength.”

After hearing these words, Roderick's expression shuddered!

It turns out that the reason why the presidential office showed such an attitude was because of the arms race related to the future!

This chapter has been completed!
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