Chapter 297 Refreshing the record, eighty-ninth floor

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The entire martial arts tower fell into a dead silence.

There is no sound.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the stone tablet.


The bright red font is deeply imprinted in everyone's eyes.

Eighty floors!

This is the third person to break into the 80th floor of Qianlong Academy in the past few years.

You must know that those who can break into the eightieth level must have the combat power of Grandmaster Haoyue, or be strong men with the realm of Grandmaster Haoyue.

Since the establishment of the entire Qianlong Academy, not many people have been able to get past the 80th floor.

Definitely no more than three digits.

This number seems large, but Qianlong Academy has been established for hundreds of years.

Counting over hundreds of years, only one genius can break into the 80th floor every two or even three years.

You can see the difficulty involved.

And now, Qianlong Academy has one more Su Yu!

A freshman who had only been in school for less than half a year actually passed the 80th floor.

For a moment, the entire Qianlong Academy was shaken.

In the principal's office, Zhao Tianxing looked in the direction of the martial arts tower and kept mumbling.

"At the eighty-level Bright Moon Grandmaster level, it seems that this guy has lit up at least twelve of them!"

Zhao Tianxing was once a powerful person in the extreme realm, but he only lit up eleven stars, which was incomparable to Su Yugen.

Even so, Zhao Tianxing was not able to defeat the powerful Master Haoyue when he was in the extreme realm.

Because the gap between the two is really too big.

Therefore, Zhao Tianxing estimated that he would have to light up at least twelve to have a chance of defeating the powerful Master Haoyue.

Remember, at least!

It can be seen that the gap between Grandmaster Xingchen and Grandmaster Haoyue may not be easily surpassed even if they set foot on the extreme path.

"This kid is a bit fierce!"

Zhao Tianxing bared his teeth.

Being able to light up more than twelve stars would have definitely been a top talent in ancient times.

But now, Su Yu can do it.

Of course, Zhao Tianxing didn't know that Su Yu actually lit up fifteen stars.

If you knew it, your jaw would definitely drop.

After all, in ancient times, the monster who lit up fifteen stars finally became a being who transcended the imperial realm!

"Eighty percent, I don't know what kind of reaction those two little guys will have when they come back."

Zhao Tianxing took a deep look at the direction of the martial arts tower, and then withdrew his gaze.

He sat on the sofa again.

It's not just Zhao Tianxing.

Even the teachers from Qianlong Academy came here one after another to look at the record created by Su Yu.

Yang He smacked his lips and said.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's a pity that such a good seedling was snatched away by Lao Li. I

If I can take Su Yu with me, my reputation will spread."

The king lion on the side hummed.

"You have the nerve to say, what do you call a belt? I think you just want to lie down against Su Yu!"

Song Xing looked at the stone tablet and smiled slightly.

"With Su Yu's talent, I'm afraid he has a good chance of breaking the record of the Heavenly Sword King before graduation. You must know that the record of the Heavenly Sword King has been maintained in our Qianlong Academy for decades."

"King of Heavenly Sword? I remembered what you said. What kind of expression would you think of King of Heavenly Sword if he knew that his record was broken by his junior brother?"

Yang He said with a smile, looking extremely vulgar.

Several instructors looked at each other and smiled, then focused their attention on the stone tablet again.

And when they saw the numbers on the stone tablet, their pupils suddenly shrank.


Wang Shi exclaimed, causing a lot of noise around him.

They followed Wang Shi's gaze, and when they saw the numbers on the stone tablet, their pupils couldn't help but tremble.

"eighty three!"

"Holy shit, how long has it been since then? You actually passed through the 83rd floor. If I remember correctly, the second sequence seems to be recorded on the 85th floor, right?"

"Hiss, Su Yu is too evil. Even if he has broken through the 80th floor, he has now broken through the 83rd floor. Doesn't it mean that Su Yu only needs to break through two more floors to be on par with the second sequence?


Many students looked at what was happening in front of them in disbelief.

What is the concept of the eighty-third floor?

After the eightieth floor, the strength of the martial arts tower is fixed at the Haoyue Grandmaster realm until the ninety-eighth floor.

Within this range, everyone is in the realm of Grandmaster Haoyue.

After passing the ninety-eighth floor, we reached the ninety-ninth floor.

That is the complete realm of Grand Sun Master.

Being able to break through the eighty-third floor will rank high even in the records of Qianlong Academy over the years.

Although it is said that Qianlong Academy has had dozens of geniuses break through to the 80th level over the hundreds of years, there are very few who can go one step further.

All in all, it's thirty or forty.

Su Yu's score has reached within forty!

"How on earth is this Su Yu practicing? With such a monster's speed, why do I feel that it is more terrifying than the talent of the Three Emperors?"

"It's not that bad. The original Three Emperors only broke through the Great Sun Grandmaster at the age of twenty-five. Su Yu is still not as good as the Three Emperors."

"But the Three Emperors were already twenty-two years old when they broke through Grandmaster Haoyue."

A weak voice sounded among the crowd.

Everyone fell into silence again.

Yes, in terms of age, Su Yu is eighteen years old and already has the fighting power of Grandmaster Haoyue.

To a certain extent, Su Yu has surpassed the Three Emperors!

The best in the world!

Just when everyone was silent.

Inside the martial arts tower.

Su Yu stood on the stage, the blood-devouring magic blade in his hand shining with scarlet brilliance.

In front of Su Yu, the young man looked at Su Yu with an indifferent expression.

The number above is impressively eighty-four!

As soon as the young man appeared, he launched a violent storm-like attack on Su Yu.

Su Yu resisted, his eyes flashing.

"Huh, this Martial Arts Tower has something going for it. Just after breaking through the third floor, this young man's strength is already comparable to some strong men in the later stages of the waning moon."

"Is it possible that after passing the eighty-fifth level, the young man's strength can be improved to the half-moon level?"

Su Yu was thinking, facing the young man's violent attack, he gently waved the magic blade in his hand, and countless sword energy swept out in an instant.

He wanted to kill that young man.

The young man's shadow was calm and unhurried, holding the iron rod and smashing it down continuously.

Each stick seemed to weigh a thousand pounds and fell with a crash.


The powerful force made Su Yu's whole arms tremble continuously.

Su Yu's eyes lit up.

"Not bad, continue!"

Su Yu laughed loudly, and behind him, the shadow of fifteen stars suddenly brightened.

Buzz buzz!!!

The surrounding space fluctuated instantly as the stars lit up.

The surging Grandmaster's power poured into Su Yu's body and turned into majestic power.

Suddenly, Su Yu swung out his sword.

A jet-black sword energy was cut out.

The sword energy was packed with domineering power, and it crashed towards the young man.

With just one encounter, the young man's shadow was instantly shattered!

As the young man's shadow shattered, the number on the stage also jumped from eighty-five to eighty-six!

At the same time, the outside world.

Many people are paying attention to what's happening on Su Yu's side.

They held their breath as if waiting for something.

The next moment, the numbers on the stone tablet suddenly changed.


Scarlet numbers were deeply imprinted in their vision.


For a moment, there were gasps of air around the entire martial arts tower.

"The eighty-fifth floor has already tied the record of the second sequence!"

Someone exclaimed.

Second sequence!

That is the only one among Qianlong Academy who has broken through Haoyue

The existence of a guru.

But now, the record created by such a being has been abruptly broken by Su Yu.

Everyone looked at the martial arts tower in disbelief.

"Look, the stone tablet is still moving!"

A sharp-eyed Ziyi looked at the stone tablet and exclaimed.

Everyone looked at it, including Wang Shi and others.

Under their dumbfounded gaze, the numbers on the stone tablet began to slowly change.


eighty seven!

eighty eight!

It wasn't until eighty-eight that the number began to slow down.

However, at this moment, everyone's hearts were shaken extremely strongly.

Eighty-eight floors!

The record of the first series of Qianlong today!

Just like that, Su Yu was forced to tie it.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

Not just ordinary students, but also other sequences are looking here.

Zhu Junhao stared at the stone tablet and was silent for a moment.

"This Su Yu. Why does a storm burst out every time he comes out?"

Zhu Junhao sighed a little.

Su Yu returned to Qianlong Academy for the first time and directly pulled Gu Yun from the throne of the sequence.

He even suppressed Tian Ming forcefully.

The second time also broke the record for the first time in the Martial Arts Tower, on the seventy-fifth floor.

And now, it’s coming out for the third time.

It actually directly tied the record of the first sequence.

Any one of these three things alone would be enough to shock the entire Qianlong Academy.

But unfortunately, these three things all happened to the same person.

This makes several sequences have to be lamented.

Tang Mo even smiled slightly.

"Now, those two guys may have met their opponents."

"I'm really looking forward to the time when Su Yu meets those two guys."

Tian Ming stretched. Just now he defeated Zhang Liang and became the fourth rank. He rolled his eyes at Tang Mo and said lightly.

"You're a guy who likes to watch the fun, be careful if you can't stand the two guys coming back, especially the second guy, he's not as petty as usual!"

The three of them were talking.

However, at this moment, the numbers on the stone tablet changed again.


For a moment, the expressions of the three people condensed slightly, and they looked solemnly at the numbers on the stone tablet.

Tang Mo murmured.

"This guy on the 89th floor has broken a record!"

With the appearance of the number eighty-nine, the martial arts tower shook slightly.

The door slowly opened, revealing a thin figure.

This chapter has been completed!
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