Chapter 298 Chu Hong

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The door of the martial arts tower slowly opened, revealing a thin figure.

Everyone's eyes instantly focused on this person.

All I saw was that Su Yu walked out slowly.

Just when Su Yu defeated the 89th floor phantom, facing the 90th floor phantom, Su Yu gave up without hesitation.

The combat power of the ninety-level phantom is already close to that of a strong person in the mid-half month period.

Although Su Yu is enough to shake the strong men who have just entered Half Moon, Su Yu also knows that he is still far from the opponent of the strong men in the middle of Half Moon.

If you want to shake things up, you have to use some of your trump cards.

And it may not be possible to suppress it.

Su Yu simply gave up and withdrew directly.

Anyway, there will be plenty of time in the future, so it may not be impossible to break through this martial arts tower.

At that time, Su Yu even wanted to see what was behind the ninety-ninth floor of this martial arts tower.

Su Yu walked out of the door and suddenly found blazing eyes falling on him.

Suddenly my scalp went numb, I laughed dryly, and hurried back to the mountains.

Along the way, anyone who saw Su Yu cast a blazing look at Su Yu.

And it was this gaze that made Su Yu feel a little unnatural all over.

He could only speed up his pace and return to the cave.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Su Yu's eyes flickered slightly.

"My guess is correct. The fifteen stars correspond to the strength of the waning moon. Relying on some means, I can reach the level of the half moon. So I only need to light up one more star. Even if I don't rely on martial arts, my strength will be

, it can also be compared to the strong man Half Moon."

After this test in the martial arts tower, Su Yu finally knew where his current strength lies.

If he only relied on his own strength, he would probably be comparable to a strong man in the later stages of the waning moon, but once he used it

If you use the Heavenly Thunder Demon Slayer, you will be able to compete with the strong men in the early half-moon period.

But once faced with the strong men in the middle half of the month, Su Yu felt a little powerless.

"Such strength is enough. If I continue to practice, I don't know how many stars I will be able to light up in the end!"

There was a fiery light shining in Su Yu's eyes.

Ever since he tasted the sweetness of Jidao, Su Yu is full of expectations to light up more stars.

When I light up all the stars, I don't know what level my strength can reach.

Immediately, Su Yu took out today's energy stone and synthesized the best star stone.

He placed these top-grade star stones beside him, then started to practice the magic of gods and demons, and began to practice continuously.

Relying on the extremely rich energy escaping from the energy veins, Su Yu quickly transformed a ray of Grandmaster's power and poured it into the ocean.

As time went by, more and more of the Grandmaster's power was transformed into the ocean by Su Yu.

It has to be said that the cultivation speed of the eighth-level skill, the God and Demon Mind Technique, is really fast, at least five times faster than before.

Coupled with the energy veins and top-quality star stones, Su Yu's cultivation speed can be said to be like riding a rocket.

When other sequences are still relying on energy stones and sixth-level and seventh-level exercises to practice.

Su Yu has already begun to practice using the eighth-level skills, top-quality star stones and an advanced energy vein.

The gap between them widened instantly.

A few days later.

Not far from Qianlong City, a young man wearing white clothes slowly emerged.


The face of the young man in white showed a trace of tiredness, but it was quickly covered up by his cold expression.

"Six months."

The young man murmured, looking towards the location of Qianlong City, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"The road to inheritance is about to begin, and it is also my last chance. Whether I can get the inheritance from the first principal depends on this time." ??

"That guy Xiang Shaoyun wants to compete with me, how is that possible!"

The young man sneered, turned into a rainbow, and ran towards Qianlong City.

Finally, when we were at the gate of the city, we stopped and walked in through the gate obediently.

Flying is prohibited in Qianlong City, unless you are in Qianlong Academy. You are allowed to fly in the air, but you are not allowed to fly quickly.

Even Li Changsheng had to abide by this rule.

The young man in white walked slowly into Qianlong City, looked at everything around him, and smiled slightly.

"Sure enough, this place is still familiar!"

"The Continent of Ten Thousand Races is really not a place for humans."

The young man was strolling through Qianlong City as if he were taking a leisurely stroll.

Many soldiers' expressions changed slightly when they saw the young man.

"Isn't this Chu Hong? I didn't expect to come back so soon."

"Hiss, when Chu Hong left Qianlong Academy, he was already a strong man in the Waning Moon Realm. Now that he is back, I don't know how much his strength has improved."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the recent Qianlong Academy is not stable. Su Yu has caused a violent storm in Qianlong Academy. Now that Chu Hong is back, it seems that Qianlong Academy is destined to not be peaceful these days.


"Yes, Chu Hong's strength is there, second only to Xiang Shaoyun. With Chu Hong's return, I'm afraid the structure of Qianlong Academy will change again."

"Hey, didn't Su Yu break Xiang Shaoyun's record a few days ago? Do you think Chu Hong would do something if he knew about it?"

The soldiers around looked at the young man in white and whispered.

But who is Chu Hong?

His ears moved slightly, and he heard the conversation of several people.

"Su Yu? Broke the record?"

Chu Hong's eyes narrowed slightly, and a ray of light burst out from Chu Hong's eyes.

"It seems that after not returning to the school for half a year, there seems to be a remarkable person in Qianlong Academy."

"Why do I always feel like I've heard this name Su Yu somewhere?"

A trace of confusion flashed across Chu Hong's eyes.

Suddenly, a burst of Lingran Qi suddenly burst out from Chu Hong's body.

"Su Yu? Su Yu who is third on the list?"

Chu Hong lost his voice.

He has been wandering around the Continent of Ten Thousand Races for the past six months, and he doesn't know much about the affairs of Daxia.

On the contrary, I know more about the affairs of all races.

And this naturally also includes changes on the place list.

"Is he the one who destroyed the Fog Clan with Teacher Li? Su Yu, the disciple of the Dragon Slayer King and the marshal of the Dragon Slayer Army?"

Chu Hong murmured slightly, and then smiled faintly.

"I see. I asked why my record was broken. Even Xiang Shaoyun's record was broken."

Chu Hong slowly walked towards the direction of Qianlong Academy.

"However, the martial arts tower is just a dead thing after all!"

"Then let me see how capable you, Su Yu, are, and how capable you are of being able to become third on the Earth Ranking!"

Chu Hong shouted low, and a breath of air burst out from Chu Hong's body.

This chapter has been completed!
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