Chapter 257 Gossip in the Village

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Dong Nuan still rejected the clan leader's request to leave food.

After eating, I delayed a little longer and went back to town in the afternoon. I guess I didn't have much time to go see the house.

Dong Nuan declined, and the clan leader did not insist.

"When Dong Zhi is ready, just go to the shop in the town to find it. My father is guarding the shop, and I usually ask him to take Dong Zhi to familiarize himself with the process first, and he will probably know what to do, and then go to the county town.

, and they did similar things." Before Dong Nuan left, she also talked about when Dong Zhi would go to town.

However, the village is a bit far from the town, unless you have transportation tools such as donkeys and mules.

Otherwise, it would be really tiring to go back and forth, but Dongnuan and the others don’t have decent accommodation here for the time being.

Thinking of this, Dong Nuan spoke softly: "If Dong Zhi doesn't mind, you can stay in the store temporarily. I will make arrangements after we get to the county seat."

When you arrive at the county town, you must arrange a place to stay. Otherwise, you will have to walk all night from the county town to the village.

The clan leader naturally had no objection, and Dong Zhi was also very happy.

Dong Nuan went back to Hanjiang Tower and his house in the village to look at it. There were people taking care of it, but it was nothing.

Besides, there was nothing valuable in the house, so I went to walk around the fields and listen to the village gossip, and then Dong Nuan returned to his old house with satisfaction.

Dong Nuan's family is now promising. Even if Old Man Dong has some ideas in his heart, he must have changed his ways. It is impossible for all the benefits to be in the favor of Uncle Dong's family.

So, after the initial commotion, Old Man Dong became wiser and started to say good things.

Dong Nuan didn't stay long when he came back. After a while, the two of them got up and left on the grounds that they had something to do in the afternoon.

The father and daughter were still driving their previous donkey cart, which made Old Man Dong feel a little unsure for a moment.

So, is this business a good thing or not?

If it's good, why is it still this little old donkey cart?

If you can't afford a horse, then you can buy a mule cart. It's faster than a donkey, right?

However, I don’t think so, I have to go to the county town to open another store.

Old Man Dong couldn't figure it out. Uncle Dong was actually quite jealous, but he couldn't get enough of it and felt depressed. He even lost his smile a lot.

Now his thoughts are simple, all his hopes are on Dong Xu.

Although there was no result last year, it doesn't matter, just wait for another two years.

After all, Dong Xu is still young, so waiting two more years won't be a waste.

On the way back, the sun was shining brightly, and Dong Nuan lay on the cart, letting Dong Sanchun drive without any psychological burden.

Naturally, I had no problem with it in winter and spring, but now that I have gone back to the village to brag, I don’t think I’m too good at all.

"By the way, Dong Jing is engaged. He said that the marriage will be done after the autumn harvest. If we hurry up, maybe the new wife can be pregnant before the end of the year." Dong Sanchun said with a smile, saying that she was in the old house before.

The news I heard.

Dong Nuan really listened to this matter.

Because Dongxing married well, the second uncle's vision was also raised. When choosing a wife for her three sons, she wanted to see it in the sky.

However, Liao Mingkun does not have any fame now. He said he is good at studies, but in the farmyard, practicality is more important.

Hasn’t Liao Mingkun not passed the exam yet?

Therefore, even those families with a little bit of wealth do not look down on Er Bo Niang's family.

The problem is that Second Auntie is too ambitious.

"It's interesting to say that the second uncle really dared to think about it at the beginning." Mentioning this matter, Dong Nuan couldn't help but smile and spoke.

When Dong Nuan said this, she heard the gossip in the village, and Dong Sanchun became even more energetic: "That's right, my mother, she really dares to think, thinking that her girl married a golden egg

Really? You actually saw the daughter of a wealthy master."

Yes, Er Auntie fell in love with Dong Zining at first.

She is the rich young lady in Mr. Dong Fugui’s family.

Even if you think about it, Dong Fugui would not agree even if he was given the ecstasy soup.

I didn't notice that the eldest daughter of the family married the son of the chief clerk. I knew that the second young lady must have gone to the rich and powerful, so that she could naturally change her family.

The eldest son is not good at studying, but he is quite capable in business. The second son is obsessed with working in the fields. The third son is said to be still young and is studying in a private school in the town, but he has never heard of anything about gifted children.

Moreover, it is said that the third son is still a concubine. Even if he is a promising man, the two brothers above him, who are legitimate children, will definitely suppress him.

There is no hope for the sons for the time being, so Dong Fugui must not make any fuss about his daughter.

I don’t know what means or methods were used, but the eldest daughter was finally married to the county town.

It is said that Dong Zining is also planning to marry to the county seat, preferably the son of the county magistrate.

Gou Qingyun mentioned this matter to Dong Nuan last year.

Although Gou Qingyun mentioned this matter vaguely without much emotion, Dong Nuan could also see it and was disgusted.

Therefore, Dong Zining's wish to marry into the county magistrate's house may not come true.

Two years have passed, and she is now sixteen. In this era, she is not too young, and she is still in love with her.

How could someone like the second uncle's mother be so obsessed with climbing up the ladder?

Even if Liao Mingkun is good at studying, that will happen in the future.

"But didn't you say that you fell in love with the third or fourth lady again?" Dong Nuan said casually while basking in the sun.

In addition to the two legitimate daughters, the Dong family also has two concubines.

After the second uncle found out that her legitimate daughter could not move, she cruelly began to think of becoming a concubine again.

The concubine is still counting on getting married, so how can she put her bet on Dongjing, who has nothing?

Therefore, the second aunt's intention was destined to fail.

In the end, it took almost a year of tossing and going, and now it has finally been decided. It is said that it is the second uncle's mother's side, a girl's family with a fairly good family background.

"How can that Dong Fugui, an old fox, marry his daughter into a family like ours?" Dong Sanchun really looked down upon the second sister-in-law's thoughts.

How many kilograms do you have, and you don’t even have a clue?

Dong Nuan had no intention of talking more about this topic, and turned to talk about other things: "Whatever, I heard that Scholar Liao has been having a hard time recently."

"Yes, yes, this is interesting. I heard Dongmei whisper about it." When this matter was mentioned, Dong Sanchun responded quickly and energetically.

Without waiting for Dong Nuan to say more, he poured out the beans as if he had heard Dong Mei murmuring: "Dong Mei said, a few days ago, Dong Xing went to a place under the instigation of your second aunt.

When we went to the county town, Dong Jing accompanied her. She was dressed in rags. We don’t know exactly what happened. Dong Mei vaguely heard them arguing, but I heard that Liao Mingkun followed a day later.

We came back together, looking very ugly, there was a quarrel next door for several days."

This chapter has been completed!
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