Chapter 39 The treatment of scholars is really good

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The second uncle was watching Dong Xing thinking about it. She let her finish her words and then smiled coldly and said: "Oh, don't forget, the imperial court did not let girls take the exam for the top prize."

Dongxing was shocked, but she was not sad. Instead, she raised her neck and said very proudly: "Then I will marry next door and marry a scholar. From now on, I will be a scholar's wife!"

The second aunt was so angry that she slapped her in the face, but she didn't hit her hard, and her eyes wandered again.

She remembered that there was a scholar in her parents' home who was studying in the same private school as Dong Laowu. How Dong Laowu was doing in his studies, he would definitely know.

If you take the time to ask him, you can know the true level of Dong Lao Wu. If Dong Lao Wu is really a idiot, then she will have to make trouble for the whole family to know.

By then, Dong Laowu will definitely not be able to study. If this spot is vacant, her Son Bao and Shi Bao will all have a chance to be admitted.

Of course, everyone in the house must be staring at this, but what if you have other bargaining chips?

Thinking of this, Er Auntie looked deeply at Dong Xing, who was still there, and started to make plans in her heart.

And in Dong Lao Wu's room separated by a wall from them, Dong Lao Wu was cursing and cursing at the moment.

Anyway, he finally used the few idioms he learned, regardless of whether they were correct or not.

Anyway, the scolding was unpleasant, but it was done in an angry voice.

Aunt Dong Wu was listening, and in the end she felt her ears were numb, and said angrily: "If you have such intention of cursing others, you'd better think about how to cover up your own affairs. The family must be suspicious now. It's really frustrating."

If your good sisters-in-law find out, I'm afraid they will cause an uproar."

Hearing what his wife said, Dong Laowu's cursing mouth suddenly froze, his eyes turned rapidly, and his heart turned away.

That night, every room in the Dong family was destined to have a hard sleep.

Although this matter was not discussed in Fourth Uncle Dong's room, Fourth Aunt Dong was beating and beating her there, and she would complain a few words from time to time. It was nothing more than Fourth Uncle Dong not going to take over private work, and there was no private property at home.

To put it bluntly, there was no money for her to take to her parents' house.

Fourth Uncle Dong was silent throughout the whole process, which made Fourth Aunt Dong beat her again.

Dong Nuan was not affected at all, and even regarded the opponent's beating as sleep-aid music, and had a good sleep.

The next day, Mrs. Dong got up early. While packing and cooking, she pinched her waist and went to the yard to curse a few words.

Che Luanhua cursed several times, and then he stopped yelling when he saw the whole family getting up.

The breakfast in the farmhouse is not very fancy. The bean cakes we ate yesterday morning were bean rice, which was a little bit watery. Dong Nuan had one more millet cake than the rest of the family. It was about the size of a palm, and there was a little oil splatter on it.

, it can be seen that Mrs. Dong really put a lot of thought into it.

Not only that, Dong Nuan also got half an egg.

Of course, I got this egg from Donglaowu, who ate half of it this morning.

Seeing that there was only half an egg in his bowl, Dong Laowu's face turned dark.

Old man Dong looked at him deeply, and then explained: "Nuanya is also a scholar in the future, so she should take good care of herself. I will give half of Laowu's eggs to Nuanya, and the millet cakes are specially given to Nuanya by the clan leader.

, you have no share."

Old Man Dong specially gave half of the egg to Dong Nuan, because he actually wanted to put Dong Nuan on the fire to roast it.

It’s not that I deliberately want to cause hatred for her, but I want to use this opportunity to beat the winter warmth, learn hard, and quickly silence the prescription, otherwise I will only be on the shelf in the future, suffering the hatred of the whole family.

After Old Man Dong finished his sentence, the whole family had different expressions. The second wife rubbed her neck in a strange way and said, "Oh, scholars are really different."

Her original intention was just to ridicule Dong Nuan, but Dong Nuan was not the only scholar in the family. With just one word, she drew the hatred of Uncle Dong and Uncle Dong!

The second mother-in-law also reacted belatedly. She wanted to explain something, but she didn't want to be dwarfed in front of her sister-in-law. In the end, she could only eat her meal with her neck stiffened and said nothing.

At the dinner table, Mrs. Dong Wu did not dare to say anything disrespectful, but her eyes hinted at Dong Nuan. Seeing that the eggs had entered Dong Nuan's mouth, Ms. Dong Wu became anxious and stepped forward to pinch Dong Nuan.


In response, Dong Nuan exclaimed: "Auntie, why are you pinching me?"

Dong Wu didn't expect that Dong Nuan would expose her directly in front of everyone. She was so scared that she retracted her head and smiled. She didn't dare to do anything else, but she was gritting her teeth in her heart.

Why is she pinching Dong Nuan? There are so many delicious things, but she doesn't care about her brother. Is it ridiculous?

Why does a girl eat so well?

Dong Nuan knew that Mrs. Dong Wu did not dare to say anything in front of Old Man Dong, so she smiled and swallowed half of the egg, and then said with a smile while thinking about it: "The treatment of scholars is really good."

Old Man Dong wanted to put her on the fire to roast her, so she would make the water in the house even more muddy.

Oops, scholars are treated so well, aren’t you tempted?

Once you have a heartbeat, you can come up with any idea.

The first person to be targeted was Donglaowu, who was suspected of being a straw bag.

Don’t Donglaowu know this?

Of course he knew that, especially after Dong Nuan's words fell, the eyes of his family members seemed to fall on him. He originally wanted to raise his neck and teach Dong Nuan a few words as a scholar.

As a result, before the words were spoken, the hatred was directed towards him.

Dong Laowu was too scared to speak and kept his head down while eating.

Old Man Dong's original intention was indeed to beat Dong Nuan, but he didn't expect the little girl to directly transfer his hatred. It is conceivable that if Old Man Dong is really a idiot, he probably only has a few days left to study.

In the past few days, the family members will definitely pick at his pigtails in various ways.

Dong Nuan ate her bowl of rice with peace of mind, plus half an egg and a small piece of millet cake.

After eating, I patted my clothes again and went to school.

Liao Xiucai took two rooms next to his home and simply decorated them to serve as a school.

Anyway, he didn't accept many students. Those who were promising all went to the town. Those who were not promising would study for a few months and then go home and continue farming. From winter to spring, the number of students remained at a dozen.

Liao Xiucai didn't mention anything about Dong Nuan coming to study yesterday.

So when today came, the boys who were studying were a little surprised.

Among these people, the oldest is actually only eleven years old, and the youngest is eight years old.

The original owner, the little girl, had been working at home and had no chance to go out to play, so she was not familiar with her friends in the village.

Now that we are here, everyone knows each other and no one talks much.

And since the master didn't speak, they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

They are still afraid of Master, even the most naughty ones.

Because the Master can decide with just one word whether they will be beaten when they go home today.

So, who dares to cheat?

This chapter has been completed!
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