Chapter 489

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Building roads is not a small matter, nor is it a small project.

Many road sections may not be repaired in three to five years.

Therefore, it is not impossible to produce cement now.

When the time comes, just focus on developing kinetic energy and building small trains.

Thinking of this, Dong Nuan couldn't sit still. She had completely calmed down because she was worried about Hanjiang Tower.

In today’s warm winter, all I want to do is pursue a career!

If you want to make cement, you have to go to the Ministry of Industry.

Dong Nuan changed her clothes and asked the coachman to drive the carriage directly to the Ministry of Industry.

As a result, the Minister of Industry and Industry is not on duty today.

They said they were going to the Water Resources Department.

When Dong Nuan heard this, he turned around and chased after her.

Master Xu followed a group of officials from the Water Resources Department to the outskirts of the city.

Several river embankments in the south of the Yangtze River have always been unsafe. Last year was relatively good. The rain in the south was lighter and the weather went smoothly.

But it was not the case the year before last. Because of this, it also affected the imperial examination.

The reason why they ran out of the city early this year to conduct experiments, meetings, and research was because of the river embankment.

It's not a problem for the river embankments to remain blocked. Everyone in the Water Conservancy Department knows that.

Ever since Dayu controlled the floods, this principle has been easy to understand. Wouldn’t they know it?

However, if it is sparse, where should it be sparsed?

This is an issue that needs to be studied, and issues such as farmland, farmhouses, and some basic water potential trends need to be taken into consideration. This also involves the interests of each county.

The imperial court must study and understand it before applying to the emperor for an order and then proceed.

Otherwise, when the time comes, the people's livelihood will be dissatisfied, and subordinate officials will also be unhappy. It will inevitably lead to a mess, and the final result will be to treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

When the warmth of winter passed, all the officials were blushing and necking.

Mr. Xu, who usually looked at him with a smile on his face, was pinching his waist at this moment, and said to a supervisor: "You said you didn't have any selfish intentions, pat your conscience and say you didn't..."

Looking at that posture, if it weren't for an official stopping him, he would probably be riding on the opponent's head and hitting him.

Logically speaking, Mr. Xu is the minister, so even if he is beaten, as long as the reasons are in place, it actually doesn't matter.

However, it wouldn't look good if it really caused a big fuss. After all, it was only the work department's own business, and it would be easy for other departments to laugh at it.

I don’t know who discovered Dong Nuan and gently reminded Mr. Xu.

The other party reacted, quickly arranged his clothes, and then came over to say hello to Dong Nuan: "Princess Princess."

"Sir Xu." Dong Nuan also responded politely.

Mr. Xu guessed that there must be something going on if Dong Nuan is still willing to go out on this cold day.

At the moment, things at the Water Conservancy Department have reached a deadlock, and it's just time for everyone to calm down.

Therefore, he waved his hand to indicate that he should leave first. As he walked, he asked Dong Nuan: "The princess is looking for a minister, but is there something wrong?"

When Dong Nuan talks to Mr. Xu, he always goes straight to the point. You bend too much, and others twist things even harder than you do.

It's not something particularly important, just say it.

Therefore, when Mr. Xu asked, Dong Nuan nodded: "I'll lend you the Ministry of Industry venue. I'm going to try it out recently."

As soon as he heard that Dong Nuan wanted to borrow the venue and try it out, Mr. Xu's eyes immediately lit up. He clapped his hands and said, "Okay, okay, no problem, just use it as you like!"

Mr. Xu not only agreed to Dong Nuan's request, but also stayed with Dong Nuan throughout the whole process.

However, after three days of companionship, I found Dong Nuan playing with the soil, and Mr. Xu even got sand thrown all over his head.

So much so that after returning home every day, his old wife would ask him, how could he still play with the sand every day at such a young age?

Master Xu was speechless about this, but he couldn't say anything.

Not wanting to trouble his old bones, Master Xu stopped following him on the fourth day, and Dong Nuan continued to play with the soil.

After hearing the news, Mr. Xu from Hubu also came over to take a look. Then he was covered in dirt and his eyes were still blurry and uncomfortable.

The next day, Mr. Xu didn't come again, and Dong Nuan continued to play with the soil.

The emperor had heard about it as early as the first day of warm winter when he went to the Ministry of Industry to play with the soil, and people had been paying attention to the news.

However, his most important focus was on the imperial examination, so he didn't pay such close attention to other matters.

After hearing that the two gentlemen were kicked up dirt for a few days and then stopped, the emperor couldn't hold it back and clapped his hands and laughed, which startled the ministers who were discussing matters with him.

Afterwards, the Minister of Rites and Master Lin from Shanglin Garden came to watch.

However, until the day before the end of the imperial examination, Dong Nuan seemed to be still playing tricks and there was no movement.

On February 18th, the examination was over. When the winter was warm on the 17th, I had already returned home. After cleaning up, I drove a carriage to pick up people.

This time compared to last summer, the overall environment was better.

However, the weather is not that hot anymore, but if it is too cold at night, it is actually easy to get sick from the cold.

Hanjianglou's physical fitness is good, at least he has not fallen behind in training in the past few years.

Therefore, after the nearly ten days of exams, he was actually in good condition, but he was also quite embarrassed.

Seeing him come out, Dong Nuan breathed a long sigh of relief, pulled him back to the carriage, kissed the other person's forehead gently, and said softly: "Okay, okay, let's sleep for a while."

There's still a long way to go back home, so you can still get some sleep along the way.

Hanjianglou was indeed very tired, and he was surrounded by the woman who reassured him the most, so he fell asleep after a while.

It was also very warm in the car, so Dong Nuan signaled the coachman to drive slower, avoid most carriages as much as possible, and take a longer route to reduce some bumps.

When they returned to Han Mansion, Hanjiang Tower hadn't woken up yet, and Dong Nuan didn't care. She just carried the princess out of the carriage, and then returned to the manor.

Mr. Han who came out to greet him looked at this scene. He was stunned at first. After he realized what he was doing, he hurriedly avoided it. Then he patted his chest and said: Ouch, I'm old, I can't keep up. Young people really know how to play.

After sleeping in Hanjianglou, I slept until the next morning.

If he hadn't been woken up by hunger, he would probably have fallen asleep again.

Dong Nuan no longer goes to the Ministry of Industry to play in the sand, and just guards people.

Mr. Han came over once in the middle of the night last night, worriedly.

Dong Nuan prepared the doctor early in the morning. After seeing him, he just said he was too tired, so Mr. Han went back with peace of mind.

Now that people were awake, Dongnuan asked Qingzhu to bring over the porridge that had been warming on the stove. Hanjianglou drank two large bowls and some warm water before taking a bath.

After cleaning up, I felt a little unable to sleep, so I went to say hello to Mr. Han and reported that I was safe.

"Go back and rest quickly. After this big test, it will take a lot of energy. But if you pass this test, the road ahead will be easy." Mr. Han didn't want Hanjiang Tower to be too tired, so he watched people

After feeling refreshed, he waved to the other person to go back and rest.


Cute second update

This chapter has been completed!
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