Chapter 95 Will His Highness also be responsible for Wu Xiyu?

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Qin Zhao knew the principle of giving up when things are good.

Xiao Ce's willingness to be responsible for a woman like her is a sign of his tolerance and compassion. She doesn't want to be his woman because she also has her own pride and self-esteem.

Xiao Ce was right, but the plot guy was wrong.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. The daughter of the people does not need your Highness to be responsible. This matter ends here. Don't mention it again in the future. By the way, the daughter of the people forgot to tell your highness about something important. Today, the daughter of the people went out to bask in the sun.

On this occasion, I heard a palace maid say that someone is sneaking around outside the East Palace, and the daughter-in-law is afraid that someone will do harm to His Highness. Your Highness should be more careful when traveling in the future." Qin Zhao took advantage of the situation and changed the unpleasant topic just now.

Concubine Wu placed people outside the East Palace to monitor the movements of the East Palace. Of course she was not targeting Xiao Ce, the owner of the East Palace, but wanted to deal with her.

What she wanted to do was to divert trouble to the east and let Xiao Ce pull out the nails outside the east palace.

"You should think about what I mentioned to you, and don't refuse in a hurry." Xiao Ce said and stood up.

Qin Zhao looked at Xiao Ce's back, suddenly raised his lips and asked, "Your Highness, can I ask you a question?"

Xiao Ce slowed down and looked at her gently: "What's the problem?"

"Because His Highness ruined the honor of a common girl, His Highness wants to be responsible for a common daughter, right? If His Highness accidentally ruined Wu Xiyu's honor yesterday at Guangyu Orchid Garden, would His Highness also be responsible for Wu Xiyu and marry Wu Xiyu?

As the Crown Princess?" Qin Zhao asked curiously.

At least she knew that in the book, Xiao Ce did marry Wu Xiyu.

"How could I ruin the reputation of the Wu family?" Xiao Ce couldn't imagine what Qin Zhao asked.

It was too late for him to avoid Wu Xiyu. After all, Wu Xiyu relied on the Wu family and the Zhao family.

"That's just the assumption made by the daughter of the people. The imperial concubine hopes that Wu Xiyu will marry His Highness as the Crown Princess, and everyone knows this tacitly. If the person who was in Guang Magnolia Garden yesterday was not a daughter of the people, but Wu Xiyu, then His Highness the Crown Prince

Do we also need to give Wu Xiyu a status?" Qin Zhao felt that this was a very practical question.

Even if it didn't happen yesterday, it may happen one day in the future.

Although she knew that women were dispensable to Xiao Ce, she still stubbornly wanted an answer from Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ce has never thought about this question, "I can't give you the answer to something that has never happened."

"Then can Your Highness answer another question from the daughter of the people?" Qin Zhao asked again: "If one day, the Imperial Concubine wants to send Wu Xiyu to the East Palace to serve His Highness, will Your Highness accept it?"

Because Wu Xiyu had powerful backers, including the Zhao family and Concubine Wu. These two families had united to give Xiao Ce women, so she was curious whether Xiao Ce would accept Wu Xiyu.

In fact, she had a very absurd intuition. The fate between Wu Xiyu and Xiao Ce was not over yet. Although she cut off the scene where Wu Xiyu and Xiao Ce met in the Magnolia Garden yesterday, the plot had not collapsed yet.

These two people will meet sooner or later, and Wu Xiyu may end up entering the East Palace.

"Gu is not the only man in the world. You just said that there are many outstanding men in the world. If Wu wants to marry, she has many other choices. As for Gu, she has no plans to get married yet." After Xiao Ce finished speaking,

Then he left without looking back.

As soon as Xiao Ce left, Baozhu came in and wandered around, seeming to hesitate to speak.

"Just say what you want to say, it will make me dizzy." Qin Zhao was a little distracted.

"Are you afraid that Wu Xiyu will become the Crown Princess in the future, so you don't want to become His Highness's wife?" Baozhu summoned up the courage to ask.

She used to think it was good for the girl to leave the palace, but since the girl's reputation was completely ruined by His Highness the Crown Prince, and His Highness really had nothing to say to the girl, she felt that maybe it was not impossible to be pampered like this by His Highness the Crown Prince.

But the girl seemed to be very concerned about Wu Xiyu's presence. She also heard the conversation between the girl and His Royal Highness just now.

"These two things are not causally related. I have my own thoughts, which you all don't understand." Qin Zhao frowned slightly.

At the beginning, she just wanted to survive, but step by step she got to where she is today. If the plot of Wu Xiyu becoming the crown princess cannot be changed, then does it also mean that she cannot change the fate of her early death?

If she can't even protect her own life, what's the point of freedom?

"Why else would the girl care about Wu Xiyu so much? Even if Wu Xiyu enters the East Palace one day, so what? Can't the girl defeat Wu Xiyu in a fight?" Baozhu really couldn't understand.


Qin Zhao smiled helplessly.

How is she going to tell Baozhu that she cares about Wu Xiyu because he has the aura of the protagonist, but she is just a cannon fodder. The plot of the original novel is all about serving the heroine, and she is just a soy sauce character in the book.

As for the fact that Wu Xiyu defeated Wu Xiyu after entering the East Palace, why did she have to make herself so tired?

In her previous life, she was Xiao Ce's concubine when she passed through. She also fell in love with Xiao Ce at first sight, so she was willing to work hard for it and fight in the palace.

This life is different.

She is not Xiao Ce's woman yet, and she no longer has the attachment to Xiao Ce she had in her previous life, and she doesn't want to follow the same path in her previous life.

So far, all she has done is cling to life.

"Does the girl like His Highness the Crown Prince?" Baoyu asked when seeing Qin Zhao's silence.

Qin Zhao rolled his eyes at her: "Is His Highness the Crown Prince someone I can like?"

"What can't you do? His Royal Highness is so kind to the girl. Isn't it natural for the girl to like His Highness? His Royal Highness does not seem to be a ruthless person. He is good to the girl now and will be good to her in the future. Just feel free and bold.

Just leave it to His Highness yourself. From what I can see, Yinunu, His Highness sincerely hopes that the girl will figure it out and become His Highness's person with peace of mind..."

Baoyu looked like a firecracker and said a long string of words.

Qin Zhao just felt that Xiao Ce was too good at buying people's hearts. Not long ago, these two silly girls told her not to be tempted by Xiao Ce. After just a short time, the two of them were completely bought by Xiao Ce.

Because she couldn't explain it, she didn't bother to explain it.

In the end, Baozhu noticed that Qin Zhao's mood was waning and signaled Baoyu to shut up, so Qin Zhao was able to be at peace.

On the other side, after Xiao Ce left Wangyue Residence, he sent people to investigate whether there were any suspicious persons outside the East Palace. This investigation did produce results.

When the details of those people were found out, Zhang Jixiang was particularly angry: "The imperial concubine actually dared to plant an informant outside the East Palace to monitor every move of the East Palace. This is not in the eyes of His Highness the Crown Prince! Your Highness, do you want to tell the Emperor about this matter?"


It means to complain to the emperor and let the emperor take charge of Concubine Wu.

Concubine Wu is usually arrogant and domineering, but now she actually dares to set up an informant outside the East Palace, which is extremely hateful.


This chapter has two thousand words, thank you all for your enthusiastic support.

This chapter has been completed!
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