Chapter 99 I Want to Be the Prince's Good Di!

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Qin Zhao was feeling proud when he heard Xiao Ce gritting his teeth and saying, "You are really..."

She remembered what she had said before. Well, those things were indeed a bit excessive for an old antique like Xiao Ce.

She stood solemnly and acted obediently: "Your Highness, please don't be angry. The daughter of the people is also a victim. What happened that night was not exaggerated at all. The two of them were too bullying. At that time, the daughter of the people had not been with Zhao Yu yet."

Heli, do you need to stage a live erotica in front of your first wife, the daughter of the people?"

When Xiao Ce saw that she was talking about this matter again, he reluctantly reminded: "You are a woman after all, can you not be so straightforward when speaking?"

"People's girls are married, not those girls who have not experienced anything. What is there to say?" What Qin Zhao didn't say was that she wanted Xiao Ce to remember one thing deeply. Wu Xiyu was a restless woman.

Even though Wu Xiyu has not yet had a relationship with Zhao Yu, the two of them should touch each other and kiss each other. No matter how good-looking Wu Xiyu is, Zhao Yu has kissed her first.

As the crown prince of a country, Xiao Ce wants any kind of woman. He shouldn't be interested in women who have been used by others, right?

"That's it, go back, I don't want to hear you talk anymore." Xiao Ce finally gave up any further verbal communication with Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao achieved his goal, with a smile that could not be concealed on his face: "The daughter of the people has gone back. Your Highness will continue to be busy, so the women of the people will not disturb you."

After she finished speaking, she walked away with brisk steps.

Zhang Jixiang was waiting not far away when Wu Xiyu ran out crying.

When he saw Qin Zhao walking away, he whispered to Xiao Ce: "Miss Qin is quite jealous. As soon as Miss Wu comes, Miss Qin comes over to get jealous. I can't believe a word of Miss Qin's words."

Xiao Ce's eyebrows didn't move, and he suddenly felt a headache when he thought of Qin Zhao's previous sexual intercourse.

You still have to teach this girl well in the future, otherwise her temper will only become more and more wild and difficult to discipline.

"Whether Zhaozhao's words can be believed is a secondary matter, but Wu didn't tell the truth and was full of loopholes." Xiao Ce turned back to the desk and continued to deal with business.

Government affairs are far simpler than women, and he still prefers to deal with government affairs.

The news that Wu Xiyu ran out of the East Palace in tears quickly spread throughout the palace.

After receiving the news, Concubine Wu called Wu Xiyu over.

Wu Xiyu's face was still stained with tears, her delicate face was as pale as snow, and her big bright eyes were tainted with a hint of worry, which was really endearing.

Even Concubine Wu had to admire her for such stunning beauty.

"Tell me what happened in the East Palace. Why did you run out crying? But the prince bullied you? If so, I will help you seek justice even if you go to the emperor." Concubine Wu looked serious.


Wu Xiyu couldn't help but feel sad when she thought of what happened in the East Palace. She sobbed again and told the story intermittently.

It was just that Qin Zhao told Xiao Ce about her old story with Zhao Yu, and she was afraid that Xiao Ce would take it seriously.

"I have told you before to stay away from Zhao Yu, but you didn't listen. Did you really hang out with Zhao Yu that night, and were you bumped into by the Qin family?" Concubine Wu did not expect this to happen. She

His eyebrows turned cold.

If this is true, I believe that no man in the world would cherish a woman like Xi Jieer.

"I, I couldn't struggle at that time..." Wu Xiyu blushed and regretted it.

"You are confused! Why didn't you tell me beforehand when something like this happened? Do you think that a person like the prince would do such a thing as snatching a woman from his own ministers?" Concubine Wu was heartbroken.

In this case, let alone Sister Xi enter the East Palace and become the Crown Princess, it would be difficult for the Crown Prince to know that Sister Xi and Zhao Yu are not familiar with each other, even if she enters the East Palace and becomes Liang Di.

Wu Xiyu was so frightened by Concubine Wu that she couldn't help but burst into tears again: "Concubine Wu's aunt must help me think of a way. Now I have figured it out. I want to become the woman of His Royal Highness, aunt, please help me..."

Concubine Wu didn't like her crying look, "You should fight for what you want. Take today's matter as an example, if you have entered the East Palace, but were dismissed by Mrs. Qin in just a few words, what will you do in the future?

Stay at home in the East Palace?"

Sister Xi has such a temperament, is melancholy and indecisive, and only cries when things go wrong. How can she be Qin Zhao's opponent?

Wu Xiyu's tears gradually stopped.

Her life has been smooth sailing, and she is a proud daughter of heaven. There are so many people who pamper her and let her go. She doesn't need to fight for it, someone will give her what she wants.

This was the first time that she heard from the imperial concubine's aunt that she should fight for it.

How can she fight for it?

That woman Qin Zhao was so thick-skinned and could say anything. She was at a disadvantage as soon as she met Qin Zhao.

She is obviously the heroine, Qin Zhao is just cannon fodder.

"Sister Xi, when you grow up, you have to know how to fight for and fight for some things by yourself. You are as beautiful as a flower, but with looks like Qin's, you have never been able to get on the stage. The only thing you lack is that you are not scheming enough. In this harem,

, Nothing is possible without scheming. After what happened today, you can no longer enter the East Palace as the Crown Princess, but I have a way for you to enter the East Palace and become the Crown Prince's concubine. This is only the first step. Wait until you enter the East Palace.

, Facing the other women in the East Palace, including Qin, that is your tough battle. If you are confident that you can win over the other beauties in the East Palace, I will definitely help you." Concubine Wu said sincerely.

Wu Xiyu was a little confused.

In terms of scheming, she is definitely not good at it, but she is so beautiful that all the beauties in the entire East Palace combined are not as good as her?

Thinking again of the woman Qin Zhao who had repeatedly taken away the position that should belong to her, even causing her to miss the position of Crown Princess, she couldn't swallow this breath no matter what.

"I want to enter the East Palace and become His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's concubine, and I want to drive Qin Zhao out of the East Palace. She will always be my defeat! Since cousin Yu can be fascinated by me, with my beauty, I

If you don’t believe it, you can’t conquer His Highness the Crown Prince!” Wu Xiyu’s eyes were firm.

The most important thing is that she knows the plot of the book, and she is the heroine in the book.

That "Cousin Let Me Go", if the calculation was not so strict, wouldn't Xiao Ce also be called her cousin?

The title of the book alone determines that she is the only heroine in the book. Who does Qin Zhao dare to compete with her for the crown prince?!

Concubine Wu was overjoyed when she saw the firm expression on Wu Xiyu's face.

What Sister Xi lacks is scheming and courage, but she can help. As long as Sister Xi has confidence in herself, she will always grow in the future.

The most urgent task is to send Sister Xi to the East Palace.

It is a pity that their original plan was to make Sister Xi the Crown Princess, but now she can only settle down to the position of Liang Di.

The daughter of a famous family raised by the Wu family and the Zhao family could only be used as a concubine in the end. This was something they never expected.


This chapter is two thousand words long.

The second PK will begin the day after tomorrow. Please remember to come and cheer for Daqian. Yesterday, the votes hit a new high. Thank you for your support, and thank you to Funing Scarecrow and Song Xuesong for their rewards.

This chapter has been completed!
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