177 Water cut off

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After returning home, Ye Fu disposed of the colorful snake. He dug up the mushrooms and placed them in the yard. Jiang Run was responsible for cleaning them. After washing, he cut them into slices and dried them in the sun. After the mushrooms were dried, they could be stewed in mushroom soup and stir-fried.

Every day after that, Ye Fu, like everyone else, stayed up day and night, diligently digging mushrooms outside.

It was no longer possible to grow vegetables in the sandy soil, and even the four-season green grass had begun to dry up in large areas. Ye Fu cut the dry grass back and reused the waste to weave it into straw mats.

Wan Tao also organized everyone to burn a batch of earthen vats to store water. Ye Fu also went to customize five large vats. Liu Zhang led a few people to bake them. If he wanted to customize them, he needed to exchange materials. Ye Fu used fifty kilograms.

Potatoes, in exchange for five large vats.

Ye Fu stuffed more than ten pumpkin seeds, and after they sprouted, she planted them directly in the sandy soil. She was worried at first that the pumpkin seedlings would be killed by the high temperature, but she didn’t expect that pumpkins are quite suitable for planting in high temperature environments. Not only did they not die in the sun, they actually

It's growing pretty well.

In the evening, Ye Fu continued to dig mushrooms, while Jiang Run opened up a large patch of grass in the backyard into a pumpkin patch and planted almost two acres of pumpkin seedlings.

Vegetables cannot be grown in high temperatures, but residents cannot sit still. In addition to desperately storing water and digging mushrooms, they learned that Yefu began to plant pumpkins. Many people came to Yefu to exchange pumpkin seedlings. Ripe pumpkins can be stored for a long time. Pumpkins can not only be used as food.

Vegetables can also be made into sweets, and pumpkin leaves and flowers can be eaten.

Ye Fu dug mushrooms at night and did experiments at home during the day. After half a month of trying, only pumpkins, chayote, cantaloupes and sandy watermelons could survive the high temperature.

Chayote can be sprouted directly from the fruit. Bury it in the soil or place it in a moist place, and it will sprout in a week.

Ye Fu planted it next to the pond. Chayote has a large yield and a long shelf life. It can be fried or boiled, and the tops of the melon are also delicious.

"Ye Fu, where did you get these chayote?"

"I think I picked it up in the underground city. The temperature was stable before and it never went bad. I was reluctant to take it out and eat it. I kept it in my bag. Unexpectedly, it had rotted and sprouted after the high temperature. I quickly buried it by the pond.

, I didn’t expect to survive.”

Although Lin Siran felt a little strange, could a melon and fruit be preserved for such a long time? But when it came to Ye Fu, she believed that melons would rot because others did not have the ability to preserve them. Ye Fu must have preserved them very well before putting them away.

for such a long time.

"Ye Fu, you are really lucky. When the chayote fruits bear fruit, you have to leave some for me."

"No problem." Ye Fu didn't expect to be fooled so easily.

Lin Siran exchanged a basket of mushrooms for three pumpkin seedlings. Ye Fu called Jiang Run to the backyard. After the pumpkin seedlings were planted, they had to be watered every night. Fortunately, there were water pipes in Ye Fu's space, and they were quickly removed.

Two acres of land have been watered.

Although it was cooler at night than during the day, the temperature was still 36 degrees. Ye Fu was wearing short sleeves, and after a while he was so hot that he was sweating profusely.

Some time ago, she was treated with chicken blood. It lasted for just half a month, but she started to wilt again in the past few days.

However, the passion for farming is still there, and as long as the land is still useful, Ye Fu will not give up.

The three girls who had previously come to Ye Fu for hair loss treatment came again. Ye Fu looked at their faces and found that their complexions were much better than in the previous two months. They had gained weight on their faces and body, and their estrogen levels were also balanced.

"Now that your body is almost recuperated, you can take medicine. I have some herbs here. You can take them back, boil them, and drink them for a month. Each person has six packs and one pack for five days."

The supplies Ye Fu accepted were mushrooms. After all, the only mobile supplies in the safe zone now are mushrooms.

One pack of medicine is not big and can last for five days. Ye Fu only received 20 kilograms of mushrooms. One month is six packs and 120 kilograms of mushrooms. As long as it can cure hair loss, they all think it is a good deal.

The three of them took the medicine and left. Ye Fu returned home and lay motionless on the rocking chair. She had been too tired these past few days and had to take a rest.

"Ye Fu, give me three pumpkin seedlings in exchange."

Hearing the voice calling her from outside, Ye Fu stood up with difficulty and opened the door with his tired body.


The water output from the ponds in the mountains has become smaller. Wan Tao reminds everyone to seize the time to save water. Every household and every person must save enough water for at least a year.

Ye Fu checked again later and found that the water output was indeed much smaller. Only half of the pond's water could be discharged every night.

Ye Fu filled all the empty buckets and water tanks in the space, and checked the supplies in the space. She had not drank much bottled water and bottled water, but all the three thousand large water tanks were full. Ye Fu finally felt at ease.

A lot.

The water drawn from the bamboo strips was as thin as an embroidery needle. All the fish in the pond had been fished out and processed. Only ten chickens and ducks were left. One male and one female goat were left, and all the others were slaughtered.

Ye Fu went out to cut the grass with a sickle and a bamboo basket. The sand in the grass was very thick and made a crunching sound when he stepped on it. Ye Fu shook the sand off, put the cut grass into the bamboo basket and returned home.

Jiang Run's task was to take care of the pumpkin seedlings. He watered two acres of pumpkin seedlings all by himself.

Ye Fu took care of the livestock and chayote. A new batch of sandy watermelons and several cantaloupe plants were planted in the yard and started to climb. Ye Fu poured the grass into the sheepfold, fed the chickens and ducks wheat bran, and returned to the yard.

, pick up the wooden ladle and water it.

After a busy night, it was almost dawn. Ye Fu went to the backyard to call Jiang Run. He took care of the protective net. The two returned home together, had a simple breakfast, washed up and went to bed.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Fu woke up and looked at Jiang Ronfa for a long time.

The high temperature stopped at fifty-three degrees, neither rising nor falling. He didn't know how long this kind of day would last. Ye Fu sighed and closed his eyes again.


A few days later, the ponds in the mountains dried up completely, and the last drop of water fell from the bamboo sticks. Ye Fu raised her head and looked at the sun. The layers of white halo made her feel dizzy. Ye Fu blinked.

, picked up the last bucket of water and entered the house.

"The water is out."

Jiang Run walked over, looked at the water in the bucket, and comforted her, "It's okay. The pumpkins have begun to climb vines, so there is no need to water them. The chickens and ducks in the backyard have been taken care of. The two goats are enough."

Ye Fuzheng had this intention. There were only ten chickens and ducks left. Fortunately, a lot of fertilized eggs and duck eggs were added to the space, so they could be raised later.

In the evening, Ye Fu went to the earthen house where Officer Song and his family lived. They were digging sweet potatoes and potatoes all night. Ye Fu saw the grain stored in their cellar and found that they could save enough to last for about two years.

The pond without water had cracked. Ye Fu walked around in a circle. Occasionally, he could hear children clamoring for a dip in cold water. On the way back, he met Wan Tao. He had aged a lot in the past two years and was less than fifty years old.

At this age, all his hair has turned white, his back is stooped, and his whole person shows a sense of exhaustion and vicissitudes of life.

This chapter has been completed!
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