244 Yas City, Chacha Desert

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Entering Yas City, Ye Fu found that the ground on both sides of the road was dark and the smell of coal was in the air.

The two of them drove from the small road to the main road and encountered many vehicles transporting coal. When passing these vehicles, Ye Fu also heard two people in the car complaining about the changing weather.

The search in Yas City is very strict. After entering the highway, there are inspection points every one kilometer.

There are many coal mines here, which are surrounded by barbed wire or wooden piles.

The two of them didn't plan to go into the city, so they parked the car in the parking lot outside the mine. Jiang Rong took advantage of the heavy fog to get a pair of clothes for missing work.

Snowshoe rabbits almost make no sound, so it is very safe to put them in the car. They put on their work clothes and disguised themselves, and the two got out of the car and entered the mine.

There are no trees above the mine. Large trucks are parked in the waiting area. There is a row of three-story houses not far away.

The management of the mine is relatively strict. From time to time, people come to check, and there are also people with long guns to supervise the work, but they are fooled by the two of them. There are hundreds of mines here, and the coal is piled up like a mountain.

Ye Fu and Jiang Run even had a meal in the canteen. There are fifteen canteens in the mine. Ye Fu estimates that there are hundreds of thousands of absentees working here. The food is not bad, including bone soup, radish stew, and noodles.


The staff in the canteen are all women, and most of the absentees are men, including children and elderly people in their sixties and seventies. Everyone's clothes, shoes, hats, hands, and faces are all pitch black. In order to blend in with the crowd, Ye

Fu and Jiang Run also smeared their bodies.

After wandering around for a few hours, Ye Fu had a rough idea of ​​the situation in the mine. He didn't want to delay and planned to work after dark.

The coal to be hauled away tomorrow is already being loaded onto trucks. Here, hundreds of thousands of tons of coal are transported to various regions in country W every day.

There is not only coal in Yas City, but also mountains in other areas, and there are also logging camps there.

We won't be collecting wood anymore. Now that the weather is cold, Ye Fu only plans to collect some of the coal.

After dark, the two of them went to the mine. Ye Fu collected all the coal in the first area, but not in other areas. After getting the car, the two of them immediately left Yas City.

The city of Yas is very big. It takes three days to drive from Yas City to the Cha Cha Desert, with thick fog and heavy rain, passing through mountains and rivers. On the fourth day, the two of them went into the Cha Cha Desert.

The desert was an uninhabited land, and Ye Fu felt panicked like never before.

After several days of running around, Ye Fu was very tired. After stopping the car, he rested in the car for ten hours before the two continued to search for the salt lake.

This was Ye Fu's first time in the desert. He had imagined the desert to be desolate and hot, but now, it was just bone-chilling cold.

In the endless desert, Ye Fu didn't know where the exit or end point was, so they could only continue moving forward. Occasionally they encountered a desert hare, which was scared by the car and ran away.

On the third day in the desert, the two finally found the salt lake, with turquoise water, snow-white salt fields, and even the wind was salty.

The salt from the salt lake needs to be filtered before it can be eaten. Ye Fu took out a shovel and an electric drill and started mining the salt.

There are no traces of mining here. Could it be that the salt of the W people was not mined here?

Although Ye Fu was puzzled, he kept moving his hands. With the electric drill, the mining speed was very fast. The two stayed here for two days, and the time exceeded the budget. One third of the salt lake had been mined. Ye Fu decided


But Ye Fu didn't expect that she and Jiang Run would spend ten days walking out of the Chacha Desert, and they wouldn't find any oil or other supplies.

As she set foot on the road to Lant, Ye Fu was already a little sluggish. The rush made her exhausted. When entering Lant, the temperature plummeted and three of the car's tires were scrapped.

When they were about to reach Rand, acid rain suddenly fell from the sky. It wasn't until the tires were corroded that Ye Fu realized. She didn't expect to experience another acid rain in country W. Fortunately, the acid rain only lasted for half an hour, but the car was also scrapped.

One car.

Ye Fu's uneasiness intensified. She was a little worried about Officer Song and the others, as well as about a natural disaster in Congress.

Lant City is no different from the city before the apocalypse, with high-rise buildings and flashing neon lights.

"If the signs on the road hadn't been in foreign languages, I would have suspected that I had traveled back to before the end of the world."

Ye Fu patted his cheek, trying to wake himself up.

After spending his period in the desert, Ye Fu lost five pounds, his cheeks were sunken, and he looked haggard and embarrassed.

There are cameras everywhere in Lant City, making it inconvenient to do anything. There are sentry boxes and patrols everywhere.

But this is not a problem for Jiang Run. The two of them came to Lant City just for gasoline and diesel.

One night, the two robbed three gas stations and escaped from Lant City before dawn. At this time, Sal City, Yas City, and Lant City were all looking for criminals who stole supplies.

But what criminal can empty a port, warehouse, or gas station overnight?

Those in power felt that their subordinates were stealing, while others felt that those in power had embezzled all supplies.

Ten days later, Ye Fu and Jiang Run returned to Saar City again. Nothing had changed here. The garbage pickers continued to pick up garbage, the drunken people staggered around, and the patrols continued to bully the weak with their huge power.

The number of patrols in various districts of Saar City has increased several times, and people will be searched and interrogated when they come in and out. Ye Fu and Jiang Run can only escape through the barbed wire fence after dark.

Returning to Saar City from Lant City, it has been raining heavily in country W. The temperature has dropped to minus 30 degrees, and drunk people have frozen to death on the streets.

In the dark night, you can still see some wild dogs looking for food.

After leaving Sal City and entering the forest, Ye Fu felt the big stone weighing on his chest falling heavily.

It has been more than a month, and although they have gained a lot, this trip has not been easy for either of them.

Surprisingly, in the forest, I actually met two Erha eating in the wild.

When Erha saw Ye Fu, he immediately rushed towards her, his intelligent eyes full of excitement.

Jiang Run pulled them apart with an unhappy expression, but the two Erha seemed to be like Dingye Fu, following her closely, and they couldn't drive them away no matter how hard they tried.

When they came to the barbed wire fence on the cliff, Jiang Run fixed the claw hook and asked Ye Fu to get down first. However, the two Erhaz roared and screamed, so Jiang Run had to knock them unconscious.

"Want to take them away?"

Ye Fu shook his head, "They are too lively and not suitable to be kept on a boat."

Ye Fu slid down the hemp rope and when he almost reached the water, he immediately released the kayak, followed by Jiang Run.

At this time, several patrols suddenly appeared above. They shouted a few times and started shooting at Ye Fu and Jiang Run.

Ye Fu immediately counterattacked, a patrolman pulled out the eagle's claw hook, and Jiang Run fell towards the water.

While the people above were killed by Ye Fu, Ye Fu was also shot twice in the shoulder, and Jiang Run also fell into the water at this moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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