245 Injured, reunion

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Fortunately, Jiang Run quickly took out the dagger from his sleeve when he fell and inserted it into the cliff, slowing down his fall.

Ye Fu felt dizzy and fell straight into the water.

"Ye Fu!"

At the last second when Ye Fu lost consciousness, she seemed to hear Jiang Run yelling her name.

Ye Fu felt that the surroundings were very noisy, but she just couldn't open her eyes. There was also the beep beep sound of machines and the voices of men and women talking in her ears.

At this time, someone touched her body. Ye Fu wanted to jump up and hit someone, but she couldn't move at all. She seemed to be locked in a narrow box, with her limbs tied, and became a specimen for people to visit.

"Ye Fu."

Someone called her name gently, held her in his arms, and felt a warm touch on her forehead. Damn it, who was taking advantage of her?

Ye Fu raised her hand with all her strength, and with a "pop" sound, her slap successfully hit the other person's face. Ye Fu was pleasantly surprised, great, her body was free again.

"Ye Fu?"

Ye Fu opened her eyes and saw a delicate face. A trace of confusion flashed across her eyes, but soon, the pain on her shoulder instantly woke her up.

"Jiang Run?"

"It's me, great, you finally woke up."

Consciousness slowly returned, Ye Fu remembered that she and Jiang Run left Tuxuan, Erha's shout attracted the patrol, and the patrol shot her twice in the shoulder, although she killed both of them,

But she fainted due to serious injuries and fell into the turbid sea water.

She still remembered Jiang Run's hoarse shout.

"Where are we now?"

"We have left the cliff and are almost at the junction. Does the wound still hurt?"

Only then did Ye Fu realize that her mouth tasted like blood.

"Ahem, you fed me blood again? I don't feel any pain, how are you? Did they hurt you?"

Jiang Run shook his head, "I'm fine. It's all my fault that I didn't find any trace of them."

Jiang Run's eyes were full of self-blame, guilt and distress. Ye Fugang wanted to say something, but saw a slap mark on his face.

In an instant, she understood what had happened and coughed guiltily.

"When I was unconscious just now, I thought someone was taking advantage of me, so I hit them. I'm sorry."

Jiang Run didn't say anything, but looked at her meaningfully, making Ye Fu even more guilty.

She was lying on the kayak, with two snowshoe rabbits placed in Jiang Run's backpack. She looked at Ye Fu curiously. The heavy rain had stopped, and the sea was windy, making paddling on the kayak very difficult.

The bullet in the shoulder had been removed by Jiang Run, but because Ye Fu had been unconscious, Jiang Run could only tear off the lining of her clothes and bandage her briefly.

Ye Fu quickly took out clean clothes and asked Jiang Run to change into them. Jiang Run poured blood into her and the wound no longer hurt much.

"Let me help you rebandage it first. You just lost a lot of blood and are still very weak. Lie down and don't move."

Ye Fu nodded, "Okay."

The wound was re-bandaged with medicine, and the clothes on her body were still dripping. Ye Fu was shivering from the cold, and Jiang Run helped her change clothes again.

Three hours later, when the kayak approached the junction, Ye Fu took out his binoculars and saw the location of the fishing boat.

"I'll take out the supplies first, two sacks of medicine, raincoats, protective clothing, cans, guns, knives, milk powder for everyone's health, brown sugar, glucose, and yes, soap..."

The kayaks were small and already packed, and other items could only be added secretly to the warehouse.

"Brother Song knows that we have secrets, but he never asked. He can be trusted 100%. When we came out this time, I gave him the weapons and warehouse keys."

"I believe him." Jiang Run changed his clothes and looked at Ye Fu worriedly.

"I see you look very bad. Does your wound still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt very much. If you don't look good, it's probably because of the cold. It's okay. Just go back to the boat and you'll be fine. I'm a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death." Ye Fu raised his right hand and waved his fist, and Jiang Run smiled helplessly.

"Lie down and don't move. Although the wound has begun to heal, you need to rest for a while this time to recuperate."

Ye Fu saluted him, "Yes, Sir Jiang."

The kayak approached the fishing boat, and Wu Pei, who was standing on the deck, was the first to spot them.

"We're back. Sister Ye Fu and Brother Jiang Chong are back. Uncle Song, come here quickly."

Ye Fu lay on the kayak and couldn't help but laugh when he saw Wu Pei jumping up and down with excitement.

Others ran out in droves, and when they saw them coming back safely, they were so excited that they cried.

"Sister Xiaoye, wuwu, I'm so worried about you." Wenwen cried so hard that she was out of breath. Ye Fu wanted to sit up, but he hurt his wound, so he had to lie down and wave to them.

When they came to the fishing boat, Officer Song put down the hemp rope. Ye Fu was tied to the hemp rope by Jiang Run and asked the people above to pull her up.

"Ye Fu is injured? Where is the injury? Is it serious?"

Ye Fu smiled and said, "It's okay. It's almost gone. It's just a shoulder injury."

Seeing that her limbs were complete, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After the supplies were pulled up, Jiang Run also climbed up.

Everyone started asking what happened. Jiang Changchang kept his words short and briefly explained the situation in country W.

"Brother Song, please check the supplies and put them in the warehouse. Ye Fu is injured. I will take her back to the room to rest. By the way, have you not encountered any trouble during this time?"

"Okay, I'll take stock of the supplies first. You can go back and rest quickly. I'll report the situation on the ship to you later. Qi Yuan, Fang Wei, you go to the kitchen to get some food. Wu Pei, Fang Ming, you go sail the ship.


Ye Fu wanted to say that she could walk, but Jiang Run picked her up directly.

Jiang Rong brought the backpack containing the snow rabbit to Wenwen. Wenwen was so moved that she cried again, making everyone laugh.

When I returned to the room, I saw Doumiao and the others sleeping in their nest. She wanted to jump up when she saw her, but Jiang Run stopped her in time.

"Put an electric blanket on. It's too cold in the room."

"Okay." Ye Fu took out the electric blanket and gave it to Jiang Run. He was making the bed, and Ye Fu sat on the chair and looked at him.

"I want to take a shower first."

"I'm going to heat some hot water." When Jiang Run heard that she wanted to take a bath, he immediately went out to heat some hot water. Ye Fu looked at his back and giggled.

"Doumiao, Luoluo, are you okay?"

She seems to have gained a lot of weight and looks cute and cute.

Jiang Run was also forced to help with bathing. Ye Fu was like a doll at the mercy of others. He even fed him spoonfuls of food to his mouth.

After eating, Ye Fu felt a little drowsy. Jiang Run waited for her to fall asleep before leaving the room and taking a bath. Then he found Officer Song and asked about what happened during this period.

"It had been raining heavily before, and we met two groups of people. We couldn't understand what the other party said, but we could guess their intentions. They wanted to board the ship, but we refused. They later wanted to raid, and I turned my weapon on

After dividing them up, everyone worked together to deal with those people. The second group of people, they were expelled from country W and came to beg for food and clothes, but we didn't give them."

This chapter has been completed!
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