396 Exposure 1

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Ye Fu was not in the mood to make ceramics now. She took out a bottle of water and tested the stickiness of the clay. The effect was pretty good and she could dig it back to paste the inner wall of the water cellar.

After the temperature rose, the sun became hotter day by day. It was not hot, but simply exposed to the sun. Everyone took off their heavy cotton-padded clothes. Ye Fu told Officer Song that he had found the clay and asked him to take a few people to dig some out and bring them back.

After the clay was put on, Ye Fu set a fire inside, and after the wood inside was burned out, he could put water inside.

Ye Fu planted a large area of ​​mint in front of the wooden house, which was exposed to the sun. In order to prevent heat stroke, everyone drank several bowls of mint water every day.

Just three months after the temperature rose, it went to another extreme. Everyone was afraid of a severe drought and spontaneously burned ceramics to store water. Qi Yuan and Fang Ming built a new wooden house in the open space next to it. The wooden house had just been completed.

Qi Yuan, Fang Wei, Fang Ming, and Fu Jiao moved there, and the wooden house suddenly became much emptier.

The living room was divided into two rooms. Wenwen and Officer Song lived in one room each. Their father and daughter still lived with Ye Fu and Jiang Run, and the four of them ate and drank together.

"Sister Xiaoye, Peng Yu just suffered from heat stroke. If I hadn't brought the cooling oil you gave me, she would have fainted." Wenwen looked solemn.

In the past two days, people on the farm have suffered from heat stroke. Mint water is always available in the kitchen, but it seems to be of no use against the strong rays of the sun.

There is not much work on the farm now, just feeding grain and grass, patrolling, and fetching water.

The cabbage and pumpkins in the greenhouse don't need to be managed too much. The cabbage will be ready for harvest in half a month. Pumpkins like heat and don't need to be weeded or watered.

"Brother Song, let everyone kill two pigs tomorrow." The two pigs have grown very fat and weigh more than a thousand kilograms in total.

Officer Song understood what Ye Fu meant and immediately agreed.

"When the cabbages are harvested, let everyone go out as little as possible. The sun is not right."

"Is it the sun poison again?"

Ye Fu shook his head, "It's either sun poison or normal sunlight. Wuliang Mountain is very high in altitude, so strong light is normal, but the current light is a little abnormal. The temperature is only 26 degrees, but the light intensity is equivalent to the high temperature of 45 degrees.


Ye Funing frowned, "The temperature has not risen for a week, but the intensity of light has become stronger every day."

"Let everyone drink more water." Officer Song thought for a long time, but couldn't think of any solution.

Lying in bed late at night, Ye Fu tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. The temperature at night was normal. Without the sun, the temperature was normal. Even the wind outside was cool.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Run took her hand and straightened her body.

"I was wondering what the bright light meant."

Ye Fu took out his hand and scratched his family member's chin. "Did I wake you up?"

"I'm not asleep, Ye Fu, your anxiety is useless, because the disaster seems to happen randomly, have you noticed? It never appears in a regular manner. We thought the extreme cold lasted for five years, but it has only been one year.

The extreme cold suddenly disappeared. We thought there would be no more earthquakes. When the earthquake came, we imagined that the extreme cold would be followed by a severe drought. We made preparations, but what came earlier than the severe drought was the exposure and strong sun.


Jiang Run put his arm around Ye Fu's shoulders and pulled her into his arms.

"Then let's continue to imagine what will happen after this. It may be extremely hot, it may be heavy rain, it may be heavy fog, and it may be heavy snow."

He chuckled and said, "We don't have the ability to predict. How can we know what will happen next? Don't think too much and relax yourself. You have to believe in the new laws of nature."

Ye Fu rubbed his arms twice, "Laws of nature?"

“What are the new laws of nature subject to?”

Jiang Run said seriously, "Maybe it's the combination of yin and yang. When a disaster strikes, maybe if you look at the problem from one angle, you will find that the disaster is not just a disaster, it is also a new baptism and reset. After the animal mutates, the animal's body

But mushrooms grew next to it."

Ye Fu understood what he meant, and she snorted, "Give me a slap and then a candy. The new law of nature is to play tricks on humans?"

Jiang Run smiled and said, "It is possible. After all, the laws of nature are determined by nature, not by humans parasitic on nature."

Ye Fu yawned, "I have a curse word that I don't know whether to say or not."

Jiang Run encouraged her, "Tell me about it."

Ye Fu opened his eyes, "Fuck the laws of nature."

"Hahahaha..." Jiang Ron was stunned for a moment and couldn't help laughing.

"Just laugh your ass off and go to sleep."


At six o'clock in the morning, the sun rose. Although Ye Fu took off her cotton-padded jacket, she still wore long sleeves and even a sun hat and goggles.

The others haven't gotten up yet. Ye Fu went to the breeding area alone and then took the two mammoths into the space. In the past two years, the number of horses has increased several times. Ye Fu left behind ten bay-red horses, one takin and two

Pigs, mares, ponies and other livestock were all taken into the space by Ye Fu.

When everyone got up, Ye Fu told them expressionlessly that the weather was too hot and all the livestock had escaped. Except for Officer Song, everyone else cried anxiously.

"Let's go out and look for it. Has the mammoth escaped too?" Qi Yuan was so anxious that his hands were shaking. Ye Fu touched her nose, which was an action she often did when she felt guilty.

"I looked for them, but couldn't find them. Now that it's so sunny, maybe they can find a way to survive if they run away."

After hearing what Ye Fu said, Qi Yuan calmed down a bit, but when he thought that there were still more than ten horses, red deer, argali, takin, oxen, and roe deer all running away, Qi Yuan felt extremely heartbroken.

"I haven't eaten the meat of the takin yet. It's gone. It was raised in vain. If I had known, I might as well have killed them all."

At this time, in Ye Fu's space, the animals began to attack each other in order to compete for territory and green grass. The takin, which Qi Yuan was worried about, was even scared by the mammoth and fell to its knees.

"There is also a takin and two pigs. We will kill them later to prevent them from running away again. Moreover, the sun is so strong now, and the groundwater in the water house may not last long. We don't have water to drink. The livestock need to drink a day.

Several buckets of water."

"Okay, whatever Ye Fu says, I won't make you hungry." Officer Song quickly came out to smooth things over.

Seeing how calm he was, Qi Yuan wanted to say something else, but Wan Tao stopped him.

"Just follow what Ye Fu said. It's so hot right now. Get rid of the pigs and takin quickly to avoid heatstroke later."

Wan Tao and Officer Song looked at each other, neither of them said anything. Enduring the heartache, Qi Yuan led everyone to deal with the pigs and takin, and he touched each of the remaining ten horses preciously.

"You can't run away. The other horses have no conscience. They ran away after raising them for so long. I brought you back from the Yaxi River Basin and repay us like this. I'm really angry."

Ye Fu was snickering in the distance, but was caught by Qi Yuan.

"Ye Fu, why are you laughing?"

This chapter has been completed!
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