401 exposure 6

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During the day, the farm workers were resting in the wooden house, and Officer Song arranged for several people to patrol.

When the sun goes down, everyone comes out of the wooden house and starts the day's work.

Today I have to dig over the land where sweet potatoes and cassava were planted. There are still some missing sweet potatoes in the land and I have to pick them all up.

"I plan to make some compressed biscuits." Ye Fu found Officer Song and Qi Yuan and told them his thoughts.

"Compressed biscuits? Are you worried that when a disaster occurs next, everyone will be separated?"

Ye Fu nodded, "Let's nip it in the bud."

"It is indeed necessary. When the sea water poured in before, if we didn't have backpacks and cans in the bags, we would have starved to death before we were captured by the savages." Qi Yuan now thinks of that memory and feels scared.


"But it seems that cocoa butter and cream need to be added to the compressed biscuits."

Ye Fu shook his head, "Don't bother, let's add minced meat and flour. The purpose of compressed biscuits is to satisfy hunger. Eating half a piece will make you feel full. The taste is actually not important."

"Okay, when will we start doing it?"

"Tomorrow night, come to our wooden house and do more. After all, you will be prepared."

Everyone dug the ground in the greenhouse all night and finally picked up the missing sweet potatoes. Although they were not big, they still weighed two hundred kilograms. Two hundred kilograms of sweet potatoes were like a huge fortune to everyone.

, on the way to carry the sweet potatoes back, everyone had a satisfied smile on their face.

Sweet potatoes can be made into dried sweet potatoes or made into wine. The pumpkins in the field have also entered the maturity stage and can be picked in another half month.

During this time, there were fewer and fewer refugees outside. Ye Fu and Jiang Run went to the junction to see. There were no cars on the road. The houses at the junction had collapsed, and the contents inside had already been plundered by refugees from Tongcheng.


Tang Yizheng also built a water cellar. When they came back from the junction, the two of them went in and took a look.

Tang Yizheng made a lot of preparations to deal with the severe drought, and piled up a lot of firewood and grain.

There were fifteen or sixteen people in Tongcheng Farm before, but now including him, there are only fourteen people left.

And most of them were women and children, as well as elderly people over fifty years old. There were only three young men like him.

After drinking honeysuckle for a few days, Tang Yizheng's complexion improved a lot, and he actually shaved off his beard for the first time.

Tang Yizheng has a handsome and stern face, coupled with his fierce eyes, even without a beard, he doesn't look like a good person.

"You don't recognize me anymore? Master Ye, Brother Jiang Run, why do you have time to come to my place?"

Ye Fu looked at his swarthy face and coughed, "Your beard is gone, I thought you had a different person."

Tang Yizheng smiled and said, "I can't help it, it's too hot."

"We just went to the junction and found that the wheel marks on the road were very light. It must have been a long time since it was opened to traffic. There were no refugees on the road. I always felt a little strange."

Tang Yizheng's eyes were heavy, "Could it be that the road collapsed?"

Ye Fu thought so too. After all, the earthquake three months ago destroyed all the wooden houses on the farm.

"By the way, Ye Farm Owner, can you exchange some of the pumpkin seeds from your farm for me later?"

Ye Fu looked at him quietly, "You still owe me a sum of supplies."

"Master Ye has a really good memory." Tang Yizheng couldn't help but joke, and then went to the warehouse to get a bottle of gasoline. Ye Fu took a look and saw that it should be five liters.

"This is the only valuable thing I have here."

Ye Fu took it and said, "Gasoline is a good thing."

“Without roads, even with cars and gasoline, it’s difficult to move.”

Ye Fu agreed, "Indeed, if the road is broken, it will take a lot of work to repair the road. Besides, there is no need to repair the road now."

Tang Yizheng's eyes were burning, "Master Ye, I want to do a business with you."

Ye Fu immediately guessed what he was thinking. After smiling slightly, he coldly refused, "I won't do loss-making business, Jiang Run, it's time for us to go home."

"How can it be a loss-making business? Ye farm owner, one car, five hundred liters of gasoline, please think about it."

When he went to Mingshan before, Tang Yizheng collected two tons of gasoline. He was quite stingy, so he only gave him 500 liters.

Moreover, the car had plenty of space, and she was not short of gasoline. She did lose money on this business.

"I still have a few knick-knacks here, but they are worthless, so just treat them as the change I added."

As he spoke, he took out a golden bean from his pocket.

Ye Fu blinked and looked at him in disbelief.

"A golden bean. If you want to exchange it for my Chollima, Jiang Run, beat him."

Jiang Run moved his wrist carelessly, and Tang Yizheng raised his hands in surrender.

"Don't do anything. If you have something to say, it's not just one. If Ye Farm Master likes it, I'll go and get it now."

Gold, how could she not like it?

Ye Fu looked indifferent, "You said it's worthless, you can't eat it, and you can't exchange it for food. It's worse than a sweet potato."

Tang Yizheng nodded, "You are right, but what if the natural disaster ends one day?"

Ye Fu was silent for a moment and asked, "How many do you have?"

Tang Yizheng stood up and said, "Wait for me here. I'll be back as soon as I go."

After he left, Ye Fu looked at Jiang Run.

"Jiang Run, do you think we should trade with him?"

Jiang Run patted her shoulder and said, "You can make the decision. If the quantity is considerable, there is no loss in exchanging it for him. With the gold, you might be able to upgrade."

Ye Fu's eyes lit up, "Indeed."

Half an hour later, Tang Yizheng came back holding a cloth bag with a lot of wet soil on it.

"They are all here. There are not many things. I want to pick out a few old items because they are my mother's relics."

As he spoke, he opened the cloth bag and revealed the wooden box inside.

When the wooden box was opened, it turned out to have three floors. He collected eight pieces of jewelry, including jadeite, gold jewelry, and pearls.

He pushed the rest in front of Ye Fu and Jiang Run.

"The items are all real, not in large quantity, but they are all exquisite and have not been damaged after being stored for so many years." He tried his best to sell them.

Ye Fu took a look and saw that the things inside were put together in a haphazard manner, but he could see the exquisite workmanship and even blood-red gems.

It's a pity that she only has gold in her eyes.

"Since you are so sincere, we are neighbors, and you are still Uncle Wan's junior. I will feel sorry if I don't give it to you in exchange. Okay, I'll give it to you in exchange for a horse."

Tang Yizheng showed a smile and said, "Thank you."

With all this gold, Ye Fu has made a lot of money. If he expands the black land, he should be able to expand it to three acres, and there are two mares in the space who are about to give birth to foals. No matter how you calculate it, Ye Fu will not lose.

"Then let's go first." Ye Fu put away the box.

"I'll go with you and bring the horse back."

This chapter has been completed!
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