404 Stink 2

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Ye Fu nodded, "That's true. Except for going to the toilet, everyone should stay in the wooden house as much as possible."

"The sun is so bright and now there's a bad smell. It's really painful."

"Are the horses in the stable okay?"

"I checked and found that the horses were not affected by the stench."

After hearing what Ye Fu said, everyone felt relieved.

After the sun went down, the stench became lighter. Now Ye Fu only felt that the stench was all over his body. After a long time, he still felt a little short of breath.

At night, Ye Fu lay on the bed and couldn't sleep. He always felt that there was a smell all around him.

"Jiang Run, are you okay?" Jiang Run's sense of smell is more sensitive than normal people, so he must be feeling worse than everyone else.

Jiang Run chuckled, "I'm fine, I can hold my breath."

"Do you think the stench will dissipate?"

"Definitely. After the sun goes down, the odor will fade away, which means that the odor is indeed caused by the strong light of the sun. If it rains or snows, the odor will disappear automatically."

Ye Fu sighed, "I don't know when it will rain. This weather may turn into a long-term drought."

Jiang Rong patted Ye Fu's back gently, "Close your eyes now and have a good sleep. Don't worry about whether you can smell the stench. Just have a good sleep and you'll be fine."

Under his comfort, Ye Fu quickly fell asleep. However, at three o'clock in the morning, Ye Fu and Jiang Run were woken up by a cry at the same time.

"It seems to be Fang Wei's voice. I'll go take a look."

Jiang Run stood up and helped her get her slippers, "I'll go with you."

Outside the door, Qi Yuan came to knock on the door in embarrassment. When he saw Ye helping him out, he almost cried.

"Ye Fu, Xuxu was foaming at the mouth and twitching all over."

Ye Fu nodded, "I understand, don't worry, I'll go over and take a look now."

Carrying the medical kit, Ye Fu came to Qi Yuan and Fang Wei's room. Fang Wei held Xuxu in his arms.


Ye Fu quickly picked up Xuxu. Her face was blue and something was wrong. Xuxu was already over a year old and she had several teeth at this time. Ye Fu was worried that she would bite her tongue, so he stuffed it with a piece of cloth.

into her mouth.

"Don't stand there stupidly, come over and massage your limbs, be gentle." Ye Fu directed Qi Yuan and Fang Wei to do things, and she kicked out the other people surrounding the room.

When Xuxu's limbs relaxed, Ye Fu took off the cloth and gently patted her back.

"Ye Fu, why is Xuxu like this?"

"It may be due to odor poisoning and sun poisoning, or it may be due to her body. The way she looked just now was a bit like epilepsy."

Fang Wei's legs went weak and she collapsed directly on the ground. Fang Ming quickly hugged her.

Ye Fu cleaned Xuxu's mouth and nose. She had recovered, but her face was still not very good and her lips were very pale. She was waving her hand to look for Fang Wei.

Fang Wei wiped her tears aside, and Ye Fu sighed, "I'm not sure yet. Come here to coax her first, and I'll see how to prepare her medicine."

Fang Wei took Xuxu and put her forehead against hers. Xuxu could already call her mom, dad, uncle, aunt. Although Fang Wei had never thought about being her mother, she couldn't help but be happy when she heard Xuxu call her mom.

, a love that transcends blood ties, tightly connecting her and Xuxu.

Ye Fu glanced at the two of them, then pricked Xuxu's finger with a needle and took a few drops of blood.

"I'll go back and observe the blood changes first."

Qi Yuan sent Ye Fu out, "Ye Fu, thank you."

Ye Fu waved his hand, "Go back and take care of Xuxu."

Seeing Qi Yuan's frightened look, Ye Fu also sighed a little. It's really scary when a heartless person has a weakness.

Back at the wooden house, Ye Fu handed Jiang Run a small lid, which contained blood taken from Xuxu's fingers.

"Without instruments, how can we detect whether Xuxu is poisoned or has epilepsy? Why don't we put it outside and see if black gravel can settle?"

Jiang Run took the lid and looked at it for a few seconds, then pricked his finger and dripped a drop of blood into it.

Xuxu's blood immediately turned black and had a faint odor.

"It's the stench poisoning."

Ye Fu gave a thumbs up, "Your blood is really omnipotent."

Jiang Run smiled and said, "Have you thought of a way to detoxify it?"

"No." Ye Fu was a little worried. She was not a top doctor, and not all problems could be solved. Even if there was a bad smell today, she was helpless and didn't know what to do.

"I do have an idea."

Ye Fu looked at him, "Don't tell me about using your blood to save people."

If dependence develops, or if this matter is known to others, the consequences will not be what Ye Fu wants to see.

"No." Jiang Run chuckled, "I am only your mobile blood bank, but you won't drink my blood now."

This is a bit scary, and those who didn't know better thought Ye Fu was a vampire.

"I'm in good health now and don't need to drink blood at all."

To be honest, Ye Fu felt that drinking his blood would be addictive, so he forced himself to quit this terrible habit.

Ye Fu quickly patted him, "Don't change the subject, just tell me what you think."

"To detoxify the odor, you may just need to use clean water."

Ye Fu was stunned for a moment, "Just clear water?"

“Now that there is a severe drought, strong sunlight and poisonous odors appear again. The stench looks terrible. It will make you dizzy, nauseated, and foaming at the mouth. But drink more water and keep your body well hydrated, which can detoxify naturally.


After Jiang Run finished speaking, he smiled and said, "I suddenly had an idea when I was drinking water. I don't want warm water, but ice water. It's best to soak some mint leaves or plantains."

Ye Fu quickly took out a bucket of water from the space and then offered to distribute it to everyone.

Jiang Run would never joke about this kind of thing, and Ye Fu believed in his judgment.

“Can drinking cold water really detoxify odor?”

"I'm not sure about this. Let's give it a try. If you can't detoxify, you may die. Add a few mint leaves and the effect may be better." Ye Fu shrugged, left the water for everyone and returned to the cabin.

Early the next morning, Fang Wei came over and told Ye Fu that Xuxu had improved. After everyone drank cold water, their dizziness and nausea were relieved.

"It's still good to drink more water. You don't need to boil it, just drink cold water. Each person has eight glasses of water a day."

After Ye Fu finished speaking, everyone went to fetch water.

Before the sun came up, Tang Yizheng came again. This time he was still tightly wrapped and came on horseback.

Judging from his appearance, he had just recovered from the sun poison and was now poisoned by the odor poison.

"Ye Farm Owner, it turns out your farm also smells bad?"

Seeing that his face was turning green, Ye Fu stayed away from him. Although the stench poison was not found to be contagious for the time being, she was afraid that Tang Yizheng would suddenly vomit.

"What do you want to do again?"

Tang Yizheng was about to cry but had no tears, "I seem to be poisoned again, please help me."

This chapter has been completed!
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