460 Ye Fu vomiting blood

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"Am I right?" Tang Yizheng covered his head. He stood up and pointed at the five horses, then rubbed his eyes.

"Pack our things, we have to continue on our way, two people and one horse, Brother Song and Wenwen, me and Xuxu, Qi Yuan and Wu Pei, Tang Yizheng and Uncle Wan, Jiang Run and Uncle Liu Zhang."

Because Wan Tao and the other three could not ride alone, they could only tie them to other people and carry them away. This arrangement was obviously more reasonable.

Although he had many questions, Tang Yizheng did not ask any more. The most important thing now is to leave here, and other things are not important.

Ye Fu fed the two wolf dogs some food and water, packed up his things, and set off again before the fire crossed the river bank.

Using ropes to make simple reins, Ye Fu tied Xuxu to his back and mounted the bay-red horse.

"Drive." She led the way, and the others mounted their horses one after another. However, the road in the spruce forest was more difficult than Ye Fu imagined. There were low-lying areas and steep slopes everywhere, the spruce trees grew lushly, and there was frost on the ground.

, the faster the horse ran, the more painful the spruce branches hit his face.

In order to prevent the horses from falling, Ye Fu deliberately slowed down. The earthquakes came one after another. Although the magnitude was very small, the horses were still frightened. Once frightened, they would only follow the animal instinct and run as fast as they could.

Xuxu had woken up, and she hugged Ye Fu tightly. Ye Fu comforted her and asked her to lower her head as much as possible and not show her face.

The wind is too strong. Just like riding a horse or running, once the wind enters your mouth, your internal organs will be eroded by the cold wind.

Five minutes after they left, a strong wind blew by, sparks from across the river fell into the spruce forest, and a large area of ​​spruce trees burned.

Ye Fu was glad that she wore thick clothes and her trousers were also thick woolen trousers, so that her thighs would not be bruised and bleeding while riding on horseback without a saddle.

Two wolfdogs ran wildly behind, and their speed was no less than that of a thousand-mile horse.

Three hours later, Ye Fu tightened the reins and made the horse stop.

"Huh." Ye Fu jumped off the horse and asked the horse to eat leaves in the bushes nearby. Others followed one after another. It was relatively flat here, with endless spruce forests as far as the eye could see. In the woods, Ye Fu

I don't know how long it will take to get out of this forest.

"It's so torturous. My butt hurts so much. Wu Pei's whole body is pressed against my back. I'm really afraid that he will fall." Qi Yuan approached slowly on his horse. Wu Pei was already awake, but his face was still very pale.


Others got off the horse one after another, and Ye Fu went to check on Wan Tao and Liu Zhang. Wan Tao's condition was much better, but Liu Zhang still showed no sign of waking up.

"How is Uncle Liu Zhang doing?"

Ye Fu shook his head, "Not very good."

"Let's rest here for an hour, eat something, and then continue on our way."

It was already late at night, and they couldn't see the road clearly even with a flashlight, but there were raging fires and volcanoes that could erupt at any time, so they had no choice but to hurry.

Along the way, Tang Yizheng thought a lot. These five horses could not be wild horses, let alone appear out of thin air. He wanted to know the answer, but he knew that he could not bear the price of knowing the answer.

In life, it is not a bad thing to be a little confused sometimes.

Ye Fu still took out the cans and distributed them to everyone. They were scrounged from country W. They had incomprehensible foreign language on them.

After eating a box of canned braised pork, everyone regained some energy and strength.

Wan Tao is still losing his voice. Ye Fu tells him not to speak in a hurry. It will take some time for the loss of voice to heal itself. The most serious injury at present is Liu Zhang's internal injury.

"Let's make a fire first. It's too cold and I'm frozen." Tang Yizheng picked up some branches and built a fire. Ye Fu handed him the magnesium stick and asked him to light the fire.

Taking advantage of the break, Ye Fu took Wenwen and Xuxu to the toilet. Xuxu kept having a runny nose, so Ye Fu gave her two cold medicines and asked her to take them.

"Auntie, the medicine is bitter."

Ye Fu nodded, "It's a little bitter, but you won't feel uncomfortable after taking the medicine. Do you want a runny nose?"

Xuxu shook her head.

Ye Fu touched her head and said, "Take the medicine obediently. We will set off soon."

Returning to the fire, Ye Fu took off his shoes. Although he wore thick shoes and had heating patches on the insoles, his feet were still as cold as ice.

Qi Yuan sat aside with deep thoughts, he was still worried about Fang Wei.

"Tang Yizheng, can you estimate where we are?"

"We estimate that it took us three or four hours to walk from the river bank to here. At the speed of horseback riding, we should have walked one-third of this forest, and we should be able to go out tomorrow afternoon."

Ye Fu nodded, "You will still lead the way for the rest of the journey."

"Okay, do you have somewhere you want to go?" He looked at everyone, but at this moment, everyone's face was only tired, confused, and sad.

"No, let's wait until we get out of this forest." Ye Fu took out a bottle of medicine and stuffed one into his mouth. Jiang Chun glanced at her and touched her forehead with some concern.

"I'm fine, my throat is just a little uncomfortable."

After Ye Fu finished speaking, she couldn't help but cough. Her throat felt itchy and painful. She patted her chest and closed her eyes in discomfort.

"vomit." Another itching sensation came from his throat, Ye Fu vomited a mouthful of blood, and everyone else was shocked.

"What's wrong? Why are you vomiting blood?"

Ye Fu waved his hands, and just as he was about to speak, his throat became itchy again.

Jiang Run handed her the water glass and gently patted Ye Fu's back.

"I'm fine, my throat just feels uncomfortable."

Looking at the blood on the ground, Ye Fu scraped some soil with a knife and buried it.

"Ye Fu, are you really okay?"

"It's okay. The vomiting of blood may be due to depression."

After rinsing his mouth, Ye Fu twisted the cup and smiled at Jiang Chong. Jiang Chong held her hand without saying anything. An hour later, everyone got up and continued on their way.

Jiang Run reached out and patted Ye Fu on the head, "Be careful."

"I know, you too."

Ye Fu stood up on tiptoes and kissed his chin while others were not paying attention.

Then he picked up Xuxu and went to lead his horse.

It was freezing cold in the middle of the night, and as soon as he got on the horse, Ye Fu felt the bone-chilling cold.

Tang Yizheng led the way, followed by Qi Yuan, followed by Officer Song, Ye Fu, and Jiang Run at the back.

At three o'clock in the morning, the last three volcanoes in Nanlian Mountain erupted one after another, followed by an earthquake of magnitude 10 or above, which affected an area of ​​300 kilometers. Rocks rolled down, and fire shot up into the sky where the magma covered the area. In the dark woods, there were zero people.

The scattered birds fluttered their wings and flew away, and the running wolves disappeared instantly after being enveloped in the magma.

When the earthquake happened, the wolf dog was the first to sense the danger. Ye Fu looked back and saw that the night sky that was originally filled with black mist was opened up, and her pupils reflected the scarlet red in the sky.


This chapter has been completed!
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