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457 Mountain Fire

Qi Yuan was startled by Ye Fu's operation, but he always felt that this scene seemed familiar. When it was extremely cold, he and Fang Ming fell into a pit and fainted from the cold. Ye Fu seemed to use this method to wake them up.


After two slaps, Tang Yizheng's brows moved. Ye Fu took out another bottle from her bag, which contained a special medicine she had developed. She took one and stuffed it into Tang Yizheng's mouth to test him first. Although

It has been tested on rabbits and the effect is very good, but this is the first time Ye Fu has tested it on humans.

Seeing that he still didn't move, Ye Fu began to wonder if the effectiveness of the special medicine could not be exerted on humans. Just when he was about to slap Tang Yizheng twice more, he finally opened his eyes.

"Please, don't fight, my face hurts." After saying that, he covered his chest and coughed.

Seeing him wake up, Ye Fu breathed a sigh of relief, that's great, the special medicine is very effective.

"Can you get up and walk?"

Tang Yizheng nodded, "Let me slow down for a moment. Where are the others?"

"We didn't find it. This forest is on fire. We have to leave quickly."

Tang Yizheng pulled a branch next to him and climbed up with difficulty while holding on to the branch.

Jiang Run took his backpack and relieved some of his burden.

After looking around and seeing no one else, Ye Fu took out a flashlight and led the way, while Jiang Run walked at the back.

"Cough cough... cough cough..." Tang Yizheng coughed after taking two steps. The wound on his head was no longer bleeding, but he was swaying as he walked, as if he would stick it out at any time.

"Why did you fall into the pit?" Qi Yuan was a little curious.

Tang Yizheng was still half-dead, "I just kept running forward. There was black fog everywhere and I couldn't see the road, so I stepped into the pit and hit the back of my head on a rock, just like that."

Qi Yuan shook his head, "You are worse off than me."

"Woof woof woof..." At this time, the two wolf dogs roared wildly. They ran forward. Thinking of something, Ye Fu took a flashlight and hurried to follow. The wolf dogs ran so fast that Ye Fu almost lost them.

After chasing them for more than ten minutes, they finally stopped. Ye Fu saw them spinning in circles with a somewhat anxious expression. As soon as he walked over, he saw Officer Song and Wenwen falling behind a tree.

"Brother Song, Wenwen?"

Ye Fu quickly checked the conditions of the two people. Officer Song's face was blue and his breathing was very weak. Wenwen had a cut on her forehead and her condition was not very good.

After taking out the special medicine and feeding it to the two of them, Ye Fu helped them up and let them lean on the stone next to them.

At this time, other people followed, and the wolf dog pulled Jiang Run away, running over and spinning around at his feet as if he was taking credit.

"It's Brother Song, Wenwen, Ye Fu, how are they?"

"Brother Song's situation is not very good."

Qi Yuan became anxious when he heard this. Just as he was about to step forward, his legs suddenly went weak and he knelt directly on the ground.

"Don't get excited. His life is not in danger for now. Let's get out of here first."

Ye Fu lifted Wenwen up on his back, and Jiang Run took two steps forward and roughly threw Officer Song onto his back. Qi Yuan grimaced at what he was doing.

Through the black mist, one could already feel the approaching fire. Ye Fu asked Tang Yizheng to call the others with a loud voice, while she and Jiang Run walked in front to clear the way.

Although Wenwen was not fat, she still weighed more than ninety pounds. Ye Fu was tired after carrying her for twenty minutes.

Just seeing the lime powder, Ye Fu couldn't calm down.

"Why are you back here again?"

"It must be a ghost trying to break the wall. What should I do? Do you want to use the method I tell you?"

"Why are you hitting the wall? It's a problem with the magnetic field. I'm thinking about how to find an exit." Ye Fu put Wenwen down and paced back and forth on the spot.

Logically speaking, they should rest where they are now and conserve their energy, but there is a mountain fire behind them. If they don't go out, they may be surrounded by the mountain fire.

Before the end of the world, Ye Fu read a lot of news about geologists who went into the mountains and disappeared. The biggest reason was that the magnetic field was disrupted and they consumed too much energy and died of hypothermia.

"Rest in place for half an hour." Ye Fu took out some cans and each of them divided one. Tang Yizheng and Qi Yuan's eyes widened when they saw the cans.

Ye Fu didn't bother to explain, so he opened the can and started eating. After eating, he gave Wenwen and Officer Song some water and medicine.

Loudspeaker kept playing in a loop. Ye Fu found some branches and made a fire on the ground.

"Can we still get out of these woods?"

Ye Fu shrugged, "If we can't get out, it's a good thing that so many people die together. At least we have a companion when we get to the underworld."

A gust of wind blew by, and Qi Yuan shook his arms in fear.

"Ye Fu, don't say such things, it's scary."

Ye Fu twitched the corner of his mouth, looking at the thick black fog, feeling an indescribable depression in his heart.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger. Ye Fu wiped the dirt off his knees and decided to walk around and look for other people.

Jiang Run was worried that she would go alone, so he naturally wanted to follow her. The two of them took a wolf dog and left, while the other wolf dog stayed behind to protect the others.

Ye Fu took the whistle and continued to blow. The mountain fire burned into the woods. The mountains were probably blazing with fire. Those who stayed behind...

Ye Fu gave up distracting thoughts and continued to search for others.

However, the two of them turned around and still found nothing.

"Could they have left the woods?"

Jiang Run glanced at Ye Fu and said, "Uncle Wan and Uncle Liu Zhang are not running very fast."

Ye Fu took a deep breath, "You mean, they are falling behind?"

Ye Fu looked in the direction of the mountain fire, and his heart felt as if he had been stabbed by a needle.

Back by the fire, Officer Song and Wenwen woke up.

Officer Song was still a little depressed, so he gave cans to the two of them and asked them to fill their stomachs first, and then continue on their way after they were full.

"Jiang Run and I walked around, but still couldn't find anyone else. They either went out in front of us, fell behind, or were injured and unconscious."

After Ye Fu finished speaking, she saw Qi Yuan holding Xuxu at a loss, and she felt uncomfortable, but in the face of disaster, they could only go forward, there was no reason to go back.

"Take a rest for ten minutes and then set off."

"When I fell, I heard footsteps running next to me. Others were probably in front of us." Tang Yizheng coughed twice and spoke with difficulty.

"Before I passed out, I seemed to have heard the voices of Fang Ming and Fang Wei." After Officer Song finished speaking, Qi Yuan's eyes widened.

"Brother Song, did you hear that correctly?"

"It shouldn't be wrong. I heard Fang Ming asking Fang Wei to run faster."

Qi Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, then they can go out, why do we keep wandering here?"

Everyone is confused about this issue.

"I don't want to think about it anymore. Let's get out of here first and let someone else lead the way this time."

Tang Yizheng raised his hand, "I'll do it."


This chapter has been completed!
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