046 high temperature, search for supplies 1

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Ye Fu straightened the paper and put it into one of Qiu Lan's law books.

A picture frame fell in the corner. Ye Fu turned it over. The dirt on it was very thick and it took a long time to wipe it clean.

This is a family photo of Qiu Lan's family. Ye Fu looked at Qiu Lan in the photo. She was holding the university admission notice in her hand and smiling brightly.

She should have had a bright and splendid life.

When Ye Fu went upstairs, Officer Song happened to come downstairs. It looked like he was going out to look for supplies.

He was very tall, wearing tattered clothes, with long and greasy hair, an unkempt beard, and a somewhat fierce look in his eyes, making him look very difficult to deal with.

"I saw a snake down there."

Ye Fu understood what he meant. Small snakes are also meat.

"The temperature is too high during the day. It will be safer to go out at night."

Heat stroke is no joke. At this temperature, once you get infected, there is no chance of survival.

"I understand. I plan to go to a farther place to see Wenwen in the next two days. I will lock Wenwen at home. I would like to trouble you to help me keep an eye on her."

"No problem." Ye Fu doesn't plan to go out for the time being. She still has a fever and will die if she goes out to be exposed to the sun.

Wenwen is a very well-behaved child, and Ye Fu is very willing to take care of her.

Because of his fever, Ye Fu had no appetite, but he was also very hungry. After hesitating for a while, Ye Fu planned to make crucian carp tofu soup as an appetizer.

Take out a piece of crucian carp, a piece of tofu, and a small piece of pork. Clean the crucian carp, make diagonal cuts on both sides, cut the tofu into small pieces, blanch it in boiling water and set aside. Clean the pork, chop it into fillings, sprinkle with onion, ginger, salt, mix well, and stuff it.

Enter into the belly of crucian carp.

Heat oil in a pan, put the crucian carp into the pan and fry until golden brown on both sides, add shredded ginger and cooking wine and stir-fry, then add hot water, when the water boils, add tofu, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, then you can eat.

The milky white crucian carp soup was very salty and fresh. Ye Fu suddenly had an appetite. When paired with a bowl of rice, he felt alive again.


The next night, Officer Song took advantage of the darkness and left. After he left, Ye Fu went to his house to see Wenwen. Officer Song said that Wenwen was already asleep, but when Ye Fu went in, Wenwen used a chair to cushion her feet.

, his little body lay in front of the window, looking outside with tears streaming down his face.

Although she is very small, she knows everything.

Ye Fu didn't say anything, just stood beside her and stayed with her.

Officer Song only came back on the third day. During these three days, Ye Fu took Wenwen to the building next door to look for things. Tables, chairs, books, pots and pans were all the targets of their search.

Wenwen wore the sun protection clothing that Ye Fu modified for her, and followed Ye Fu hummingly. Occasionally, they would meet the five people in Building E. They were like frightened birds. The slightest noise would make them tremble with fear.


When they went to Building A, Ye Fu went to Building B, and they got along harmoniously yet distantly.

In the entire community, Ye Fu found no other survivors for the time being.

Officer Song's harvest from this trip was not bad. It was a dilapidated tricycle with quite a lot of things on it. However, seeing injuries on his arms and face, he must have encountered a very dangerous crisis. If he didn't say anything, Ye Fu also

I won't take the initiative to ask.

Officer Song brought five packages of instant noodles to Ye Fu. Ye Fu did not refuse. The instant noodles packages were covered with mud. He was very careful not to crush the noodles when he brought them back.

"The road outside is more difficult. Many places have collapsed. Snakes appear from time to time. The scariest thing is the green-headed fly. When it sees people, it will circle around their heads and cannot be driven away.

It was smelly and noisy, and I met a lot of people when I went out this time. Some of them fell down and died while walking."

Officer Song sighed, "When I passed by the city library, I went in specifically to see what was going on inside. It used to be a shelter, but I didn't expect that there was no one there."

Ye Fu's eyes lit up, "Are there any books in the library?"

"No more. There are snake carcasses everywhere. The library is dirty and messy. There is no clean floor. Books have been burned for warmth."

Ye Fu couldn't help but feel disappointed, but he soon felt relieved.

Officer Song didn't rest after he came back. He went to the community behind again to look for supplies. This time, he took Wenwen away with him.

Ye Fu wore a gauze hat and returned to Building D with the steamer he found. He could hear the "buzzing" sound of red-headed blowflies. This thing feeds on carrion. If you get closer, you can smell it.

It has a sour smell.

There are snake carcasses everywhere in the community. Apart from the putrid smell, this is the most annoying thing.

On the 12th floor of Building C next door, Ye Fu found a generator and two bottles of engine oil in this room. In the study, Ye Fu also found a hidden compartment. After studying for an hour, she finally opened the hidden compartment.

, seeing the safe hidden inside, Ye Fu remembered that a long time ago she went to the pharmaceutical company to search for supplies and found a safe. Later, she forgot about it. The safe had been kept in the space without ever being opened.

After knocking on the safe in front of him, Ye Fu suddenly became curious.

The safe required a password, Ye Fu sighed, forget it, let's study it at home.

This home also had other unexpected gains, more than ten clean and complete books. Ye Fu picked up two and looked through them, and found that they were all books on architecture. It seemed that the owner of this home was engaged in architecture.

There was also a very beautiful lamp in the bedroom. Ye Fu checked it and found that the lamp was in good condition and not damaged, so he put it into the space together with the low table on which the lamp was placed.

There were many clothes and shoes on the floor of the bedroom, some for men and some for women. Ye Fu also found a few unopened bottles of shampoo and shower gel in the top box of the closet.

After searching this house, Ye Fu went to the next door.

The situation in this house was a bit tragic. There was a corpse at the door. The house was filled with red-headed blowflies. The sweltering heat combined with the rancid smell made Ye Fu unable to breathe several times.

There were five people in this family. Ye Fu put their bones in a room, covered them with a piece of cloth, and then started searching for things.

There was no food left at home, and green mold had grown on the leftover snake meat in the pot. However, Ye Fu's search target was not food, but tables, chairs, bookshelves, books, knives, etc. were her targets.

There were children in this family. Ye Fu found two unopened cans of milk powder in the study room. In the cabinet, there was also a stack of broken coins and two marriage certificates.

Ye Fu didn't touch these things, closed the drawer, and went to the bedroom next to her.

This bedroom should be occupied by the elderly. There were several boxes on the simple dressing table, but there was also a highly rotten snake. Ye Fu took a clean box and opened it and saw a green jade bracelet inside.

The search continued. An elderly couple lived in the first house on the tenth floor. The handkerchiefs and fans needed for square dancing were placed in the most conspicuous position at the door. On the bed in the bedroom, two corpses were lying side by side, and there was another corpse beside the bed.

There is a wheelchair.

On the balcony, several flower pots fell to the ground, the shoe rack next to them fell apart, and the shoes rolled to the floor.
This chapter has been completed!
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