052 High temperature, cellar 1

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The vulture is a carrion-eating animal. It is huge and can fly thousands of miles into the sky. Therefore, its meat is not only hard, but it also carries various parasites and germs. Secondly, it is not easy to handle it.

Ye Fu analyzed the pros and cons for the two of them, but looking at He Rui's expression, he didn't plan to give up on the two vultures.

"Dried meat made by exposing it to the sun won't have parasites, and we have strong resistance and are not afraid of germs. Sister Xiaoye, let alone vultures, people have already dug up tree roots before."

"Then you should be careful when handling it. Don't break your hands. Salting, air-drying, fire-smoking, and exposure to the sun must be done properly." Ye Fu went back to the house and found a sharp kitchen knife to lend to the two of them.

There is a way of living in the civilized era, and there is a way of living in the apocalypse in the last days.

If she hadn't relived her life and gained space, Ye Fu knew in her heart that her situation would only be worse.

The next day, when He Rui came to return the kitchen knife, he brought half a catty of vulture meat to Ye Fu. The meat had been cut into strips and had chili powder on it. The chili powder was brought back when they went out to look for supplies last time.

The vulture meat was processed very well, and Ye Fu also admired their ability.

Two days later, Officer Song took the two of them out to look for supplies again. Officer Song was a restless person, maybe because of his professional relationship. He was very thoughtful and very aware of crises.

The temperature during the day was getting higher day by day, and when it reached fifty-two degrees, the vultures outside began to scream sharply, unable to bear the exposure.

The ground downstairs had cracked. In the middle of the night, Ye Fu went downstairs and took a look. The crack was already five centimeters wide, and the soil had become sandy. As long as there was a little wind, yellow sand would blow up all over the sky.

The next day, when Officer Song and others came back, they knocked on the door and told Ye Fu the good news. They found some supplies at Yong'an Temple in Xishan. There were a lot of things, and Ye Fu was asked to move them with them that night.

"Brother Song, He Rui, Zhang Yuan, share the things you find among yourself. The things you brought back from the last trip to Fenglin Mansion are enough for me to eat for a long time."

"Don't refuse. There are really a lot of things. This time it's all thanks to He Rui. He said that when his mother took him to Yong'an Temple to offer incense, he accidentally saw the monks of the temple moving rice into the cellar. We did the same last night.

I tried my luck and went to take a look. I didn't expect that the cellar is still there. I'm so lucky." Officer Song was in high spirits when he spoke, and he also gestured with his hands to show the size of the cellar.

"Yes, Sister Xiaoye, I hope all five of us can survive. We must unite and help each other now, regardless of each other. Don't refuse. If you refuse, we won't dare to trouble you if we get sick in the future.


Ye Fu looked at He Rui and smiled helplessly.

"Okay, I'll go. What time is it tonight?"

"Let's set out at half past nine. Bring the ropes and sacks." Officer Song was wearing a watch. He decided on the time and everyone went back to their homes.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Ye Fu started to pack her equipment, including two sacks, a bundle of hemp rope, a crossbow and a Tang knife hung on her arm, and she put on airtight sun protection clothing. She thought of something and took out a ton bucket to fill it up.

Hang it on your body after water.

Wenwen was still locked at home by Officer Song. At 9:30, the four of them set off from Xingfu Community to Yong'an Temple in Xishan on time. It took fifty minutes to walk there. Along the way, no one spoke. Everyone kept their heads down and hurried on.

, Officer Song took the lead and walked at the front, while Ye Fu walked at the bottom and at the back.

He Rui and Zhang Yuan were weaker in physical strength, but they still gritted their teeth and persisted without any hindrance.

At 10:20, the four of them arrived at the foot of Xishan Mountain. Due to floods, all the steps and roads here were washed away. Nowadays, strange rocks and sand have accumulated, making it extremely difficult to go up the mountain.

Xishan was originally just a forest park. Now, the trees here have been cut down, leaving only some wooden piles. Everyone picked up some branches and used them as crutches, almost climbing up the mountain on all fours.

Yong'an Temple was also severely damaged by floods. The huge Buddha statue at the entrance was half covered by sand, but its compassionate eyes still looked down on the city.

"The cellar is at the back. This road is difficult to walk. You should be careful."

For fear of causing trouble, everyone could only move forward in the dark, and Ye Fu's flashlight was not turned on. Fortunately, she wore night vision glasses, which was more convenient for her than the other three.

He Rui and Zhang Yuan kept wrestling. Ye Fu saw that their knees were broken and bleeding, but no one said a word.

After falling and crawling to a small independent courtyard behind Yong'an Temple, He Rui said, this is the kitchen, and the cellar is under the kitchen.

After removing the big rocks on top, Officer Song dug for a while with the small shovel he carried with him. He dug up the soil and revealed an iron plate. Only then did Ye Fu understand why the cellar was still intact despite heavy rains and floods.


This was a cellar that was as solid as an iron cage. After the four people entered it, Ye Fu discovered that in addition to food, there were also a large number of books, Buddhist scriptures, and many valuable collections.

"When we came in last night, there were several corpses at the door. They should be hiding inside to protect these things, because the iron plate above can only be opened from the outside. There should be no people outside, so the people inside

People are trapped and dead here."

The body had been moved to a corner, and Officer Song covered it with a black cloth.

Ye Fu glanced at the cellar. The cellar was not big, about 150 square meters. Documents recorded that Yong'an Temple had a history of more than a thousand years, and this cellar was probably built by the ancients more than a thousand years ago.

The cellar is airtight, the oxygen is thin, the temperature is very low, and there are exquisite murals on the walls.

"What a pity." Officer Song sighed and began to move things.

In addition to rice, flour, and noodles, there are also a lot of potatoes, sweet potatoes, and cabbage.

Ye Fu took a fifty kilogram bag of rice, five heads of cabbage, three handfuls of noodles, and about ten kilograms of potatoes.

"Let's come back later." Officer Song suggested.

He Rui and Zhang Yuan both agreed, and Ye Fu did not object.

The four people loaded up the supplies they could carry and left the cellar one by one. Officer Song buckled the iron plate back and spread it with sand. Finally, the four people worked together to push the big stone onto it.

The road down the mountain was difficult to walk. The sand was loose and soft. If you stepped on it, you would fall down. Ye Fu also fell several times. Hot sweat dripped from her forehead and fell into her mouth. It was salty and astringent. Her socks were already worn.

My shoes were soaked with sweat and felt very uncomfortable when I walked, as if there was water in my shoes.

Because they were carrying things on their backs, the return journey was very slow. Ye Fu gave them water and drank some water. After everyone regained some strength, they continued on their way.

The return journey only took an hour and a half. Fortunately, we met no one. We unloaded the goods and rested for half an hour before setting off again to start the second portage.

There is enough food in the cellar for everyone to eat for a year. The only survival problem now is the lack of water.

This chapter has been completed!
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