Chapter 619: 619 Pregnant women

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"Doctor, have you seen this child in the queue?"

He took out a piece of paper with torn corners from his arms. On the paper was a sketch of a girl about ten years old, which was slightly dirty and made with charcoal.

Ye Fu took the paper and read it carefully, "Is this your daughter?"

"Yes, she is my daughter. My name is Gao Chunping, and my daughter's name is Gao Simin, nicknamed Douzi. During the earthquake, I was working in a pharmaceutical factory and she was in the shelter. Later, I was sent to the main square for treatment, and she and I were separated.

I've been looking for it in the main square for several days but couldn't find it. Doctor, can you help me keep an eye on it."

There were tears in the man's eyes when he mentioned her daughter. He didn't want to leave, but he was forced to be carried into the carriage by the escorting soldiers.

Ye Fu remembered the appearance of the child in the portrait and nodded to Gao Chunping, "I will help you pay attention. How old is she this year?"

"Twelve years old, malnourished, not tall, looks like he is eight or nine years old."

Ye Fu gave her a special medicine, "Before you find her, you should take responsibility for yourself and live well. This is what a father should do."

Gao Chunping wiped away his tears and nodded heavily, "Thank you, thank you. I thought you would reject me."

Ye Fu didn't say anything else, just gave a few instructions and left. Back in the carriage, Ye Fu quickly drew the girl's appearance in his mind and marked Gao Simin's personal information next to it.

"Where is your husband?"

"Only animals are sterilized, who the hell are you scolding?"

The car did not stop. The pregnant woman was very thin, but her belly was very big. Everyone was worried about whether she could give birth smoothly.

Ye Fu told Wenwen what happened just now, and Wenwen also looked sad after hearing it.

Ye Fu examined her and found that the fetal position was very positive, the cervix was dilated, and she was ready to give birth.

The woman shook her head, "He died to protect me during the earthquake."

"Who is this?"

Ye Fu raised his hand and flicked Wenwen's forehead, "You're not stupid. I'm older than you and have experienced more things, so I have these experiences. Okay, cheer up, it's going to be a lot of fun today."


Ye Fu rejected this method, "No, if there is one, there will be two. Lord Dasheng is here to inform important things. If everyone else comes to trouble the captain, the team will soon be in chaos."

Everyone was silent for a few seconds. A doctor comforted her in a low voice, and the woman forced a smile.

"The rainbow is out, Sister Ye Fu. The book says that seeing a rainbow after a storm means that all bad things are over. That's great. I want to tell my dad that he saw a rainbow today."

She was not saved. She performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation for three minutes and was given special medicine, but she still died.

At seven o'clock in the evening, a pregnant woman's amniotic fluid broke in the truck in front. Ye Fu, Wenwen, and three other doctors rushed over.

"People have the right to reproduce. It's none of your business. If you have the ability, get sterilized."

"Sister Ye Fu, if you don't tell me this, I really don't know that there are so many twists and turns that you need to pay attention to in one thing." Wenwen held her chin and looked at Ye Fu, "Am I too stupid?"

People die every day in the team, and everyone is used to it.

Ye Fu handed the sketch paper to Wenwen. Her drawing skills were very good, and there was no difference from the picture in Gao Chunping's hand.

The team took special care of pregnant women and infants. During dinner, the person who distributed the dinner brought her an egg and two pieces of brown sugar.

"Who knew there would be earthquakes, who knew there would be migrations and refugees, and if we didn't have children, the human race would be extinct."

The team leader said that children are hope and should not be treated poorly. Pregnant women are very hard-working and must be cared for more.

There were several pregnant women nearby, all looking enviously at the woman and the baby next to her.

"Sister Ye Fu, what are you doing?"

Ye Fu remembered the last time he saw a rainbow. It seemed to be many years ago. He was also on the way to escape. The time overlapped and Wenwen had turned from a child into a big girl.

Ye Fu took a bag of snacks to Wenwen, "This method of yours is actually very good, but it is only suitable for use before the end of the world. These people outside live in fear, hunger and cold every day, and the slightest thing may make them

Emotional breakdown, leading to riots. Especially at this time, many people are immersed in the pain of losing family members and relocating and fleeing, let alone find a family member for someone in a big way. This approach is actually using privileges, using privileges in a big way.

The consequences could be disastrous."

Ye Fu took out an unused mobile phone from the space and gave it to Wenwen, asking her to take some photos to share with Officer Song. Both of them felt better. Wenwen made a wish on the rainbow that she would become very powerful in the future.

Doctor, Officer Song is in good health and members of the extended family will never be separated.

"It's really a sin to have children in this world."

At four o'clock in the afternoon, someone had an emergency. Ye Fu took the medical kit and went to the team behind him.

If the mother does not have breast milk, she can report it to the team leader and she can get a pack of soy milk powder.


The woman looked at her crying daughter and finally cried. "Doctor, the child's voice is so loud. Is he particularly healthy?"

"You are the one who is being scolded. Come and beat me if you don't accept it. If you dare to hit me, I will tell the team leader and expel you from the team."

"Reproductive cancer makes it hard for adults to survive, and they have not forgotten to continue their incense. They are the remnants of feudalism. With such parents, children are really miserable. They will live a life without enough food and clothing or warmth after birth."

Wenwen patted her head and said, "I took it for granted."

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the light rain stopped, and a rainbow suddenly appeared on the high mountain in the distance. The crowd became lively again. Ye Fu pulled up the shed and lay on the railing with Wenwen to watch the rainbow.

The birth process went smoothly, and within an hour, a thin little girl was born.

"The captain has a loud voice. Why don't you ask him to call this little sister's name with a loud voice? If she is in the team, she will come out when she hears her name."

Ye Fu took several photos of the rainbow and planned to share them with Jiang Run.

"I still have a baby. Doctor, the baby is healthy and I can give birth naturally."

Ye Fu helped her clean up her body, "Yes, very healthy."

"Many people disappeared after the earthquake. I hope this sister is in the team. Her father must be very worried about her."

The people at the back heard the baby crying and were all expressing their opinions. Several people had disagreements and were already quarreling. Seeing that they were about to start a fight, the team leader walked over with a whip. The group leader was still arguing just now.

People dispersed in a swarm.

Ye Fu returned to the truck and immediately took Wenwen into the space.

When she delivered the baby just now, because she didn't wear protective clothing, her clothes were stained with a lot of blood. The smell was too strong and she had to wash it quickly.

"Sister Ye Fu, giving birth is so scary."

Ye Fu agreed very much. For some reason, she suddenly thought of An An's mother, the woman who died in the ruins of a residential building when she gave birth to An An.

This chapter has been completed!
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