Chapter 621: 621 Apprentice

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The two went for a walk outside the wooden house. Wenwen was in a good mood and even sang a song when she came back. Seeing that her mood improved, Ye Fu breathed a sigh of relief.

At six o'clock the next morning, the team slowly set off after daylight. There were many crisscrossing cracks and deep ditches on the road ahead. There were also many danger signs hung on the trees beside the road, and there were some relatively large deep ditches.

Some stones were filled in, and a lot of wood was laid on top of the deep ditch to make it easier for cars to drive through. The captain called those who had been causing trouble in the team recently and asked them to explore the way ahead.

Ye Fu went to see the pregnant woman who gave birth last night. She was in good spirits. Because there was no milk, the child could only eat soy milk powder and brown sugar water. The mother was malnourished and the child was also very thin, like a newborn monkey.

The swaddling clothes were a little dirty. Ye Fu recognized it as the coat the woman wore yesterday. There were dried blood stains on it. Ye Fu took off the coat and covered it with the woman. The woman's eyes suddenly became moist and she whispered.

Saying "thank you", Ye Fu shook his head slightly. The team would not give out clothes. The coat on Ye Fu had been worn for several years and had new cotton stuffed inside, so it was relatively warm.

"Have you chosen a name?"

The woman smiled and nodded, "Get up, her name is Zhou Jian, simple Jian. This is the name her father and I have thought of before. Both boys and girls will be called Zhou Jian."


Ye Fu closed the curtain and went to check the conditions of other pregnant women. Two pregnant women were due to give birth within a few days. One of them had twins, with a belly as big as a basin, and her abdomen was covered with dense stretch marks.

Her legs are severely swollen, and because her belly is too big, she can only lie down now. The pregnant woman's husband has been following behind. As long as the car is parked, the man will come to the car to take care of the pregnant woman, saving food rations for her, and constantly comforting her.


All living things.

Ye Fu carried the medical kit back to the truck. Wenwen had gone to see a doctor. She was just about to sit down and rest for a few minutes when someone came to look for her again.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the team leader took three young girls to the truck where Ye Fu was. There were not enough doctors in the team. The team leader hoped that Ye Fu and Wenwen could teach some basic medical knowledge to the three girls.

Some, secondly, the three girls have learned skills, and their lives will be easier whether they are on the road or at the destination.

"About wound debridement, it's actually not complicated. The most important thing is to prevent wound infection, suppuration and ulceration. Bandaging is even simpler. Wen Li and Nan Hui will go with me for medical visits. Lotus Sun, you can learn from Wenwen. She

She has studied medicine for many years, and she can teach you these basic knowledge."

The team was mixed, and the situation of young girls was even more difficult. Ye Fu did not refuse. She asked for some basic information. They were all literate, had clean eyes, and responded quickly. They were good candidates to study medicine. It must be said that the team leader's eyes were also good enough.

They are vicious and worthy of being a soldier. After Ye Fu accepted them, the three of them immediately changed their calling to teacher, and Wenwen instantly became a senior sister.

"Teacher Ye, my name is Wen Li. I am twenty-two years old. I used to work in the base pharmaceutical factory and sorted medicinal materials."

"Okay, walk slowly and don't fall."

Wenwen's sense of responsibility suddenly surged as she heard the words of senior sister, "As long as you work hard, Sister Ye Fu and I will definitely teach you well."

Ye Fu...hehe.

"The team leader also told me that if Dr. Luo hadn't been injured, he would have arranged ten apprentices for you. After all, who doesn't want to be Dr. Luo's student? But Dr. Luo was injured and he couldn't bear to let you be too


"The team leader said that with great ability comes great responsibility. My arm is still injured, and he insisted on giving me three people." He was complaining, but he looked quite proud.

After getting to know each other, Ye Fu didn't hesitate. He took the medicine box next to him, took out the contents, and began to teach them about the medicines and tools needed to bandage wounds.

"Please introduce yourself."

Dr. Luo originally thought it was unfair, but after hearing Ye Fu's words, his expression instantly relaxed.

The other three doctors were also made apprentices by the team leader. They were very senior, and each of them had to take charge of three. In the evening, Ye Fu took Nan Hui and Wen Li out to change people's dressings, and happened to meet other doctors.

"Ouch, Doctor Luo, why are you so careless?"

"Doctor Ye, do you only have two apprentices?"

None of the three people had any objections. They were very grateful and surprised to get this opportunity to study. If they had any other objections, the team leader told them to study hard with Dr. Ye until they arrived at the destination, the base.

Once they are able to rebuild, they can be assigned to work in the medical department. In this team, there is no need to be cautious. With the status of a doctor, they can live a good life with a straight back.

The three of them each held a notebook and a pencil, listened carefully to Ye Fu's introduction, and took notes while studying.

Just as Ye Fugang finished speaking, Dr. Luo missed the mark and one of his legs fell into the crack. His three apprentices quickly pulled him out.

"Time is urgent. Let's first learn about wound debridement and bandaging, as well as delivery, and other aspects of knowledge. We will go back and learn slowly."

"Teacher Ye, my name is Sun Rong. I am twenty years old. I used to work on a pig farm."

"Teacher Ye, Senior Sister Wenwen, we will study hard."

Doctor Luo looked back at Ye Fu with a rather sad look in his eyes.

"Teacher Ye, my name is Nan Hui. I am 20 years old. I used to work on a chicken farm." This person has a relatively introverted personality, speaks in a soft voice, and blushes easily.

Ye Fu smiled and said, "I have little qualifications and can only take care of two people. Thank you Dr. Luo for your hard work."

"The team leader is really... I know I am very powerful, but with ten apprentices, don't you want to exhaust me to death? Dr. Ye, I won't say anymore, my hand suddenly hurts a little, so I will take my three apprentices back first.


Ye Fu already knew Dr. Luo very well. He liked to listen to good words and show off his qualifications. However, he was very capable and liked to take advantage of his words, which was a bit annoying. However, he was very straightforward when rescuing people.

Ye Fu frowned, then looked at the other two people.

When Dr. Luo heard Ye Fu's words, his face changed again and again like a chameleon. He was small and thin, and when his eyes moved, he looked like a villain in a cartoon.

"Dr. Ye, you are such a crow."

Seeing him limping away, Ye Fu held back his laughter and took Nan Hui and Wen Li to the clinic.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the team stopped to rest. Wen Li, Nan Hui and Sun Rong took the bowls and went to prepare rice. They were now half-doctors. When serving meals, as long as they put up the doctor's sign, every meal would be

You can get an additional canned meat.

The three of them returned to the fire and were still reviewing the knowledge they learned today in their minds while eating.

Looking at the extra cans, they became more determined to become doctors.

This chapter has been completed!
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