Chapter 653: 653 Barbecue

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Ye Fu felt unprecedented freedom and happiness at this moment, as if she, Jiang Run, and the two horses were the only ones on the grassland.

They galloped wildly on the grassland unscrupulously. At this moment, Ye Fu didn't have to worry about why the students in the classroom were disobedient, why the wind and sand in Yuezhou were so strong, and he didn't have to worry about getting up early tomorrow to check up on pregnant women.

She stretched out her hands to feel the breeze again, and looked back at Jiang Run who was chasing behind her.

"Wow, the wind is so cool."

Jiang Run followed closely behind, controlling his speed very well, neither getting ahead nor lagging behind.

They seemed to have returned to those days in Suiyun Mountain.

"Jiang Run, let's run ten kilometers ahead to a remote place. I want to eat barbecue."

Jiang Jun nodded, "Okay."

The grassland is so big that if they look in any direction, they can eventually reach where they want to go.

Ye Fu began to let herself go. Without the influence of alcohol, she no longer pretended to be a qualified adult.

After a long time, Ye Fu looked at him panting. His phone had fallen to the ground. Ye Fu's face was slightly hot and he suddenly became a little nervous.

"Is the meat roasted? I'm asking you to work. I'm not asking you to touch me. I'm punishing you to bake another plate and not to stare at me again."

Everyone sat around chatting and eating barbecue. Ye Fu took out fruits and snacks. The temperature difference between day and night on the grassland was so great that everyone wore a military coat.

"Ye Fu, do you have to get up early to go to class tomorrow?"

"That's great. Let's stay up all night tonight. Uncle Wan and Uncle Liu, are you tired?"

"You are responsible for the barbecue, and I am responsible for eating."

"No way, I'll sing to you."

Lying on the recliner, Ye Fu took out the blanket and put it on her body. Jiang Run laughed dumbly, walked over and pinched her face.

Qi Yuan couldn't believe it, "It can't be so miserable, right? It's already half past one, and they still have to work? Although Cheng Lin is the base director, there's no need to work so hard, right?"


"Jiang Run is already grilling, including tilapia, grass carp, squid, mutton skewers, beef jerky..."

Qi Yuan looked at everyone with a playful smile, "It's not unrealistic, am I not on the grassland now?"

Jiang Run chuckled, put the plate on the table next to him, and then went back to continue the barbecue.

"Don't fall asleep."

Ye Fu coughed, "Don't worry, just put on your coat and follow me out."

Qi Yuan opened the door and saw Ye Fu standing outside. He yawned, "Eating barbecue at this hour? Are you kidding me? I was having a sweet dream and you woke me up."

"It would be nice to live on the grassland all my life. When I was a child, I fantasized about herding cows and sheep."

She laughed heartily and turned around to make faces to scare Jiang Run.

Jiang Run had no objection, Ye Fu stepped into the space and knocked on the door one by one to wake them up.

"My classes have been moved to the afternoon. I can still sleep in when I go back tomorrow morning. Don't worry about the medical tent, Dr. Arita is in charge."

"If I had not resigned, I would still be reviewing and approving various documents now."

Shen Li saw Jiang Run grilling meat and hurried over to help. Qi Yuan and Fang Ming screamed with excitement. Wan Tao said they were two gorillas with low intelligence.

"Do you want to eat barbecue? It's time for dinner. If you want something to eat, get up quickly."

Ye Fu was in a good mood. She jumped off the horse and started to take out the supplies she needed. The two of them divided the work and worked together. After the tent was set up, Ye Fu took out the battery and power strip, turned on the night light, and Ye Fu rushed

Jiang Run grinned stupidly.

Ye Fu continued to lie on the couch, picked up the cold meat skewers and took a bite.

Everyone looked at Qi Yuan, and Tang Yizheng sneered unceremoniously, "You had a lot of unrealistic fantasies when you were a child."

After they finished packing, Ye Fu took them out of the space and appeared directly in front of the tent.

"We just arrived, laid out things, and asked you to come out."

"Stop here. It's leeward and it's not very cold. Jiang Run, I'll take out the tent and you feed the horse some water and grass."

Shen Li suddenly sighed, "Brother Cheng and Luo Yang may still be working overtime."

"You actually ran so far? What are you doing here on the grassland at night? Catching grasshoppers?"

"Do you want to ask the others to come out?" It's rare to come to the grassland and it seems more lively when everyone is together.

Fang Ming snorted, "Then work hard and realize your dream of herding cows and sheep as soon as possible."

Ye Fu's tone-deaf singing voice sounded. Jiang Run wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh, so he could only work quickly to divert his attention.

Qi Yuan suddenly felt no longer sleepy, "I'll go. Is he in the kitchen? I'll go help."

"The base is too busy. People come to Cheng Lin to report work at night. Especially in the training camp and the mining area. Brother Cheng attaches great importance to this recruitment training and the mining in the mining area." Shen Li took the roasted meat and put it on a plate. superior.

When Jiang Rong came over with a plate, Ye Fu pointed his cell phone at his face. Under the moonlight and lights, Jiang Rong's face flickered. Ye Fu whistled to tease him. Jiang Rong suddenly possessed him and hooked Ye Fu. He held her by the neck, pushed her into his arms, then lowered his head and kissed her.

There were various ingredients placed next to the oven. Jiang Run put on an apron and picked up the meat skewers with a serious face. Ye Fu looked at his back, picked up his phone and started recording a video.

"You two actually came to the grassland for a date behind our backs, and there are horses. You must have been playing for a long time."

"It's not easy to be a manager, not to mention there are so many people in the base now. Not only do we have to resume production, we also have to guard against various accidents."

Wan Tao and Liu Zhang waved their hands in tacit understanding, "Why are we tired? Apart from cooking every day, we just read and drink tea. If we continue to be so idle, we will all become lazy."

"Outside, we are on the grassland. It's a bit cold outside, so everyone should wear more clothes."

At this time, other people also came, and Xuxu also rubbed her eyes and rushed into Ye Fu's arms, asking her in a sweet voice where the barbecue was.

Half an hour later, Ye Fu made a sound, and the horse slowly slowed down and stopped.

Jiang Run put the grilled fish on the table, and then sat next to Ye Fu. He had a faint smell of oily smoke, but it was not unpleasant.

"Forget it, I don't like herding cattle and sheep now, I just like farming."

"By the way, there is something I forgot to tell you. Brother Cheng said that he has contacted the central base. There has been a high temperature and drought in Jizhou for two consecutive years. A poisonous smog broke out a few months ago. People who inhaled the poisonous smog suffered from blindness and aphasia. At this time, another earthquake broke out. Fortunately, the magnitude of the earthquake was not very large and there were not many casualties."

"The central base houses more than 10 million people, and the reserve food has been used up." Shen Li's tone was a little heavy.

"Then what do they do?"

Shen Li sighed, "I don't know, maybe they will come to Mongolia."

"Brother Cheng said that the person in charge of the central base told him that two years ago, other countries and regions dispatched many planes to Jizhou. They snatched food in the name of borrowing food. Fortunately, the central base discovered it in time and secretly disposed of them. Now, the situation abroad may be even worse."

This chapter has been completed!
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