655 Chapter 655

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While they are studying, the base provides them with free food and accommodation, but in addition to attending classes, they also have to clean and help in the logistics department. After they take up their posts, the base will withdraw the free subsidies and officially pay wages.

"Teacher Ye, can I work with you after I officially take up my post?"

Ye Fu stood in front of the blackboard, put down the chalk, put his hands on the podium, and looked at the children with a smile.

"When you officially take up your duties, you will be assigned to various medical tents in the base. Of course, the base is building a hospital. Once the hospital is built, we can work together and become colleagues."

"Teacher Ye, I heard that you are married. Is this true?" As soon as he said this, the other students started to cheer, and Ye Fu raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Yes, I'm married."

"Teacher Ye, you are married at such a young age. My brother is a soldier. I originally wanted to introduce you to him." A girl sighed in disappointment.

"I also want to introduce Teacher Ye to my brother-in-law."

"Me too."

"It's not about playing in the mud, it's about making seedlings. I'll teach you how to farm. When you grow up, you will have skills. Those who know how to farm will never starve to death."

"Let's do this. When I go to class tomorrow, Dr. Tian and I will go to the management staff to report and fill in some information. The doctor can advance subsidies and food stamps in advance and just tell the management staff."

Cheng Lin had previously planned to open up wasteland and grow watermelons in the second base so that all residents could eat fruits. However, an earthquake ruined everything. His desire to grow fruits was not yet dead. During the Chinese New Year, he and Jiang Run

I mentioned once that when Yuezhou stabilizes, we will plant watermelons in the desert and plant various fruits around freshwater lakes so that everyone in the base can pick and eat them.

Ye Fu was a little surprised. She always thought that Dr. Tian was a loner, but she didn't expect that his parents were still around.

Ye Fu looked at Shen Li and said, "If Cheng Lin still has prisoners who need to be dealt with, just send them to me and I will take them all."

"I advise you to take it easy, stay up late, and be careful that the hair you finally grew will disappear from you again." Ye Fu's words were so heartbreaking that Qi Yuan actually calmed down.

"Okay, you can grow whatever you want to eat."

Ye Fu glanced at Qi Yuan, "Didn't the cold wind blow enough?"

Xuxu nodded, "I want to learn. I want to plant many durian trees and banana trees."

"I see."

Ye Fu nodded, "Okay, I'll go nurse the seedlings later."


"Wear a helmet. Not to mention the cold wind, I'm not afraid of being knifed."

Ye Fu picked up the chalk and continued to write the knowledge points on the blackboard. Two hours later, she left the classroom. On the way back, Ye Fu met Dr. Tian who was carrying water back to the tent.

The second method is to get some soil cubes. Just like cultivating corn seedlings, put the seeds into the soil cubes, sprinkle water and spread the film. When planting, use a small shovel to cut out the squares, and the seedling roots will be filled with soil.

It can be planted directly into the ground, so the seedlings cultivated in this way have a higher survival rate and the plants are stronger.

Ye Fu waved his hand, "Dr. Tian is a good person. At this time, good people are so rare."

"I want to eat grapes."

Back in space, Ye Fu rested in the wooden house for half an hour, and then went to wash the medicinal materials with everyone. Neither Shen Li nor Jiang Run went out today. Looking at the boxes of washed medicinal materials, Ye Fu found a knife and

After sitting down on the wooden board, I started cutting the medicinal materials.

Shen Li made an OK gesture.

After washing the medicinal materials for two hours, Ye Fu took Xuxu and An An to raise seedlings, while the others continued to wash the medicinal materials.

Dr. Tian sighed, "Dr. Ye, to be honest, I still have to support my elderly parents, who are unable to work. If I can receive two subsidies, then I am willing to go over and teach the children."

Fortunately, she had stocked up on enough seeds, including all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Over the years, all the fruits she had stocked at the beginning had been eaten. There were still some watermelons that she had grown at the Longtan Base. Watermelons were also consumables, and Ye Fu planned to plant them. Three acres.

"With so many medicinal materials, I don't know how long or how long it will take to wash them."

"Dr. Ye just came back from the classroom?"

Dr. Tian was stunned for a moment, "Can I receive two salaries and subsidies?"

"Someone is washing clothes in the water room in front of our tent. I have some time today and want to wash my clothes and shoes."

"Yes, you only need to attend two hours a day. You can adjust the class time by yourself."

Ye Fu couldn't laugh or cry, "Everyone, quiet down, it's class time now, please take the time to copy down the knowledge points on the blackboard, and don't talk about irrelevant topics in class."

"I want to eat cake, can I plant it?"

"Yes, my class time has been adjusted to one o'clock in the afternoon. Dr. Tian and the management staff told me that there is still a shortage of teachers in the classroom. I wonder if you are willing to go over and teach those children?"

"Hey, Zhang Huai, you are so cunning, you actually dare to take advantage of Teacher Ye's ideas."

Ye Fu laughed loudly, "You can't plant this."

The method of raising seedlings is very simple. You can directly get a piece of land, scatter the seeds, cover it with film, and let it sit for about half a month, and the seedlings will grow.

"I plan to plant some fruit trees. Let's raise seedlings first and then plant them next to the river. What fruits do you want to eat?"

"Dr. Ye and I are not on the same road, so you don't need to help me. I have the strength."

"Auntie, do we want to play in the mud?"

"Of course, Dr. Tian's ability is obvious to all."

The tent he lived in was far away from the convoy where Ye Fu and the others lived. Dr. Tian was still wearing the tattered coat. Ye Fu stepped forward and wanted to help him carry a bucket, but Dr. Tian refused.

"Why did Dr. Tian get here to carry water? Or carry two buckets?" The bucket he was carrying could probably hold fifty or sixty kilograms of water.

"Then I won't go. The sky and the earth are not as big as my hair."

Dr. Tian nodded, "Okay, I'll remember it, Dr. Ye, thank you."

"Apples and oranges."

"I want to eat cherries, cherries."

Dr. Tian's eyes flashed, "Can I?"

"I am seventeen this year and will be twenty soon. I still want to pursue Teacher Ye."

"Are you going to have barbecue on the grassland tonight?"

"The more medicinal materials, the better. The medicinal materials grown on the black soil are all real medicines. Although they are artificially grown, they have the same medicinal value as the medicinal materials grown in the deep mountains and old forests for hundreds of years, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon."

Wenwen has not finished work yet. Her current working time is from 8 am to 6 pm. When she comes back, she only needs to press the alarm in the carriage, and Ye Fu or Jiang Run will pick her up after hearing it.

According to his age, Dr. Tian's parents should be in their sixties or seventies. It is indeed not easy for him to take care of two old people.

"I also want to eat chocolate."

Ye Fu glanced at Xuxu and said, "Baby, you should eat less sweets, your teeth are starting to get bugs."

Xuxu was shocked and said, "Aunt, will I die?"

"Not now, don't worry."

Xuxu... I can't worry.

This chapter has been completed!
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