063 high temperature, refugee 1

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After Ye Fu returned home, he put the refrigerator, cupboards, pots, pans, knives, and various seasonings in the kitchen into the space.

She only left some urgently needed daily necessities at home, and she removed two of the three doors. These doors were all custom-made and made of the best materials. If she wanted to leave, she would have to take them with her.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Ye Fu, Officer Song and Qi Yuan left Xingfu Community on time and went to the car repair shop behind.

Ye Fu is familiar with this car repair shop. Before the end of the world, her father's mobility scooter was scratched once, and she went there to have the car repaired. The car repair shop is located on a high ground, and the flood water will probably only reach the second floor.

The three of them walked very fast and arrived at the garage in half an hour. However, the place had been washed away by floods. Looking at the ruins in front of them, the three of them fell into silence.

"There is a small building next to it, let's go there and take a look."

Officer Song took the lead and walked over with a shovel. When he came to the small building, he looked at the branches washed away by the flood and the door blocked by glass and steel bars. Without saying a word, he picked up the shovel and started working.

Ye Fu and Qi Yuan quickly went over to help. The three of them cleared the things blocking the door. Ye Fu took out the lockpicking tool and opened the door.

After entering the small building, what they saw was the mess all over the ground. In a room on the third floor, everyone saw several skeletons and a lot of snake skins on the ground.

In the warehouse on the fourth floor, the three found several tires, some tools and gasoline.

After confirming the tire size, he moved the things downstairs. Before leaving, Ye Fu took a piece of cloth to cover the skeleton in the room.

It took the three of them two trips to move all these things. When they got home, Ye Fu quickly drank a bottle of water to quench his thirst. When he took off his clothes, he could sweep up two kilograms of soil from the ground.

With the spare tire, everyone's confidence in leaving has increased a bit.

Just a few days later, something unexpected happened late at night, breaking the tranquility of the happy community.

A large number of refugees suddenly flooded into Lancheng. They spoke dialects from other areas and entered various communities to stay and search for supplies.

On this day, Qi Yuan and Officer Song went out to dig wild vegetables, got in among the people, and got some information.

"They are refugees from Hua County, Xinjiang County and Shiguang City. They heard that Longtan Base will accept survivors and are going to Longtan Base."

As everyone knows about these three places, Hua County and Xinjiang County are more than 100 kilometers away, and Shiguang City is further away. It is a prefecture-level city, almost 200 kilometers away from Lancheng.

There were a lot of people fleeing this time, and there were quite a few people staying in several buildings in Xingfu Community.

"It feels like there are tens of thousands of people. I asked a big brother today and he said there are quite a few people behind."

Everyone gathered at Officer Song's house and began to discuss countermeasures with serious faces.

"When a few people came in today and saw us, they were afraid that they would gang up to rob us." Qi Yuan also rarely became serious.

"I still have some leftover medicine there, which is a poison mixed with the glands of poisonous moths and toads. I will bring it to everyone later. Everyone's self-defense knives are smeared on it. The protective door downstairs is very

It’s safe, I’m afraid they’ll climb the stairs and come in.”

"These people are here, and the wild vegetables and giant rats outside are gone." He Rui's mood was a little low.

"Beicheng has been almost burned. Our area is relatively safe at the moment, so it's normal for them to flock here. Don't go out for the next two days. Let's check the situation first."

Everyone was very worried, and Ye Fu was not much better. These refugees showed no signs of leaving for the Longtan base immediately. They were fine during the day, but at night, they came out in groups to look for wild vegetables and giant rats, fighting for a piece of

Wild vegetables were fighting and crying in the community.

There were also people downstairs begging people in Building D to give them some food, but ignored them and smashed the glass with stones.

The bombs made by Officer Song were very simple and had very little lethality. However, they had one drawback: the smoke was loud and the sound was loud. The materials were not enough, so they made only five bombs. They could not be used casually, so as not to anger the refugees.

Ye Fu began to put the bed, cabinets, air conditioners, and outdoor air conditioners in the bedroom into the space, leaving only a folding bed, a fan, and a battery in the living room.

In order to make herself look miserable, she hadn't washed her hair or face for a long time. She took out the dirtiest and most ragged clothes and put them on whenever she went out. It wasn't enough to put a mask on her head, so she used a piece of dirty gauze on the outside of the mask.

Wrap in towel.

There were very few elderly or children among the people who fled, and most of them were young men and women. On the third day, people gathered downstairs with torches, threatening the people in Building D to hand over all their food.

Ye Fu stood in the corridor of the fourth floor holding a crossbow. Shooting from this position would have a higher accuracy.

"People inside, listen to me. I'll give you three minutes to bring down all the food you can eat. Otherwise, I will set fire to this building and burn you to death inside."

Ye Fu and the others looked at each other with anger and fear on their faces.

Ye Fu took out a lighter and clicked on the arrow, which immediately burned.

"I put poison and gasoline on it. At times like this, it's enough to scare the monkeys."

After Ye Fu finished speaking, the crossbow arrow shot out like a gust of wind, directly passing through the chest of the man holding the torch, and finally inserted into the sand behind him.

The man fell straight down, and the people next to him were frightened by this incident and ran around.

"If you're not afraid of death, come here. I haven't eaten meat for a long time. Don't give it to me for free." Officer Song yelled at the top of his lungs. The people downstairs were frightened and begged for mercy.

A fire suddenly ignited in the chest of the man who was killed by Ye Fu, and he was quickly extinguished by the flames.

Ye Fu frightened these people who came to provoke them, killing one by one, or two by two. She looked like a murderer, and even Officer Song and Qi Yuan who were standing behind her were a little frightened.

The people fleeing downstairs smelled the smell of meat in the fire, their eyes glowed green, and they rushed over like crazy.

"Are they going to eat that person?" Zhang Yuan's eyes widened and he took two steps back in fright.

Ye Fu glanced down. In the dark night, the fierce faces of people competing for "food" were particularly clear in her eyes. They seemed to have forgotten that this man was once their companion.

Hunger will stimulate human nature.

Ye Fu originally wanted to pick up the crossbow arrow downstairs, but now, she just wants to escape from here.

She quickly went back upstairs, and the others looked outside and quickly followed.

"Ye Fu won't be scared to cry." Qi Yuan was a little worried about Ye Fu's condition.

"She killed the provocateur with her own hands, and then watched that person being eaten by her companions. She must have felt uncomfortable, but she would never cry. She would not be so fragile." Officer Song patted Qi Yuan's shoulder.
This chapter has been completed!
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