059 high temperature, car

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Ye Fu's injury was a bit serious this time, and it looked like she would have to rest for a while. Besides, her period was coming soon, so she didn't have the energy to go out and look for supplies.

When he sent Qi Yuan's share to him, he was making a fan at home, using the materials left over from Officer Song.

"You actually gave me two handfuls? Are you sure you really want to give them to me?"

Ye Fu nodded, "Didn't you say fifty-fifty?"

"I'm just kidding. After all, you took a hard trip to get it back. Just give me a handful. You can give me an extra box of bullets."

Ye Fuqing chuckled, "That's all, don't give it all back to me." After saying that, she stretched out her hand to take the things back. Qi Yuan quickly put the things behind his back and looked at her defensively.

"If you give it to me, it's mine, you can't take it away."

"Do you know how to use it? Be careful not to misfire and blow yourself up."

These words seemed to step on Qi Yuan's sore foot, and he turned red with anger, "I'm not that stupid. Okay, if you're so sick, go back and rest quickly. I'm busy."

Ye Fu glanced at the scrap metal on the ground, shook his head in disgust, and then walked away. Qi Yuan looked at her arrogant back and felt his chest hurt with anger.


In the afternoon, the scratches showed signs of inflammation. The trauma was too large and there were no sutures, so it was inevitable that the wound would become inflamed. In addition to redness, swelling, heat, and pain, the wound also had pus and blood oozing out.

Ye Fu was worried that the wound tissue would become necrotic, so he cleaned it again, scraped out the pus, disinfected and applied antibiotics, and took antibiotics. In order to prevent infection, Ye Fu didn't even dare to lie down, so he just sat there to catch up on his sleep.

Fortunately, the wound began to improve the next morning. It may be that she has developed immunity after being sick a few times before. This time, despite the serious injury and infection, Ye Fu did not have a fever. This is good news. It seems that her body has already recovered.

Adapted to this harsh and extreme weather.

But before the wound healed, her period came, and Ye Fu lay in bed for a few more days. By the time she regained her strength and went out again, Qi Yuan had become very familiar with Officer Song and the others.

Ye Fu doesn't know how long the high temperature will last. Many trajectories in this life have changed. The black acid rain that originally occurred after a month of high temperature has not come.

The only thing she can do now is to work hard to improve her physical fitness and prepare enough cooked food for one or two years.

Qi Yuan has adapted well in Building D. With his joining, we have had unexpected surprises when we went out to look for supplies several times.

On this day, Ye Fu was still sleeping when she suddenly heard the sound of an engine downstairs. She thought there were uninvited guests and rushed to the balcony with a crossbow. Unexpectedly, it was Qi Yuan and the others who came back.

Ye Fu was also a little surprised when he saw the van they drove back. The road outside had been completely destroyed, and bicycles and electric vehicles could not go on, let alone such a big vehicle.

Tires may explode or soften under high temperatures. They made a temporary garage downstairs. When Ye helped him downstairs, several people were busy.

"Ye Fu, take a look at our trophies. This car was found in a factory warehouse. Although it has been soaked in water, it is still usable."

In addition to cars, they brought back quite a lot of supplies this time, including instant noodles and mineral water.

"How did you drive back?"

Qi Yuan wiped the hot sweat from his forehead, "Other cars are difficult to drive, but this kind of car is the most wear-resistant. Apart from the bad smell and loud sound, it is simply the best."

Officer Song unloaded the things on the car with a smile and gave Qi Yuan a thumbs up.

"Qi Yuan is amazing. It's all thanks to him that we found so many things tonight."

Qi Yuan raised his eyebrows sternly, "It's ridiculous, I definitely can't do it alone. Fortunately, I have Brother Song, a master with incredible martial arts, and two right-hand assistants, He Rui and Zhang Yuan. Moreover, I can find these

Well, I also looked at the map drawn by Ye Fu, so the credit is not mine alone."

Ye Fu had some changes in his view of him, but he didn't expect that he was really good at finding supplies.

"When we were moving things tonight, I saw someone walking in a building opposite. It seems that there are many people in the city." Officer Song glanced at the car, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

"And there are several buildings in Beicheng that are on fire. If the fire reaches our side, we may have to move."

Ye Fu looked outside thoughtfully, and Officer Song continued.

"It's getting harder and harder to find supplies now. Once we can't find water, we won't be able to hold on for three days. If the high temperature doesn't end, the ground keeps cracking, and groundwater can't come out. If we don't leave, we'll have to wait for death."

Officer Song's words shattered the joyful atmosphere just now. Everyone knew that this was the real problem they were about to face next and there was no way to escape it.

"But where can we move to? Will Lancheng turn into a sea of ​​fire?" He Rui asked in a low voice.

"How about we go to the base." Zhang Yuan looked at a few people and said what he thought was the best place to go.

"What about you?" Officer Song looked at Ye Fu and Qi Yuan. After all, they were the only two people in this building who were in better condition.

"Don't be so pessimistic. The fire is still in Beicheng. Lancheng is so big that it won't burn here. The trees outside are gone. There is such a long safe zone between each building. There is no burning medium.

If you can't get up, even if you recover from the fever, it will be a year and a half later. As long as people are alive, they have a way to survive."

Qi Yuan stepped forward and patted their shoulders one by one. When they arrived at Ye Fu, Ye Fu quickly stepped back to avoid being patted on his newly healed wounds.

Qi Yuan chuckled and continued, "Besides, don't we have a car? When looking for supplies from now on, pay attention to the gasoline. When one day we need to escape, we step on the accelerator and the six of us leave neatly.

Leave no one behind."

"Ye Fu, please say a few words." He winked and signaled to Ye Fu to calm everyone down.

"My thoughts are similar to Qi Yuan's thoughts." Ye Fu didn't know what to say.

"Okay, don't look so sad anymore. Brother Song, let's divide our things quickly. With water and instant noodles, we can give Wenwen extra food."

Officer Song also calmed down, divided the things, and everyone went upstairs to go home.

"Ye Fu, why don't you want to go to the base?"

Ye Fu and Qi Yuan walked at the back. When they reached the tenth floor, he didn't rush to open the door and go home. Instead, he stopped Ye Fu and spoke his questions seriously.

"After so many things have happened, will you still trust strangers?" Ye Fu asked back.

"Of course I will be prepared and vigilant, and I am particularly afraid of meeting a woman who likes to cry."

Ye Fu twitched the corners of his mouth and did not answer.

"Of course, most of the bad guys I met were men, just like the two big men who robbed me last time. If you hadn't appeared, I would have almost died in their hands."

"So, you don't want to go to the base because you are afraid of meeting bad people?"

This chapter has been completed!
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