Chapter 423: The Lost Tales of Ornn

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"The Lost Legend of Ornn: Chapter of God"

Chapter 1:

Craftsman and Creator

There are always some beings who are born to be gods.

For example, Ornn.

Ornn was the first of his godly brothers and sisters to be born.

He has a hot-tempered and strong personality and can't wait to come to this world. He is eager to stretch his muscles and meet the world.

No one knows how powerful the first born demigod was.

They have the power and talent given by God. He wants to play in the world and fight to grow, but the mountains, rocks, ancient trees, and forests are no match for him. They will break with just a touch. He is too strong...

The majestic glaciers and ancient icebergs will also melt when he touches them and flow into the sea in a hurry. He is still too strong...

Perhaps the true inborn gods are like this, born with power and excellence.

This is an honor, but also a kind of loneliness.

Fortunately, the vast and powerful lands and mountains in this world can withstand Ornn's power.

Aoun punched the mountain, but the mountain did not collapse. A strange feeling arose in his heart. He suddenly felt that the earth and the mountains were guiding and calling, and a voice told him that there was something he needed in the core of the earth.

That kind of thing is destined to belong to him.

So Ornn began to use the entire land as a good partner to fight with him.


Some kind of opponent.

For ancient creatures, time is meaningless because they never die naturally.

Time passes slowly.

Maybe...a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years?

Ornn fought tirelessly against the earth.

If the earth is a piece of primitive adobe, then Aoun, who was called the master craftsman by later generations, has now begun to possess the talent of a craftsman.

During this battle, he used his fists as hammers and the surging power in his body as flames to forge and smelt this unknown ancient land.

Perhaps even Ornn himself didn't notice it.

The muscles and strength of his body have been cultivated to the ultimate demigod state during tens of thousands of years of experience and training, and he is the most powerful among his brothers and sisters.

And at the same time.

This ancient land has also been forged by him with tens of thousands of years of divine power to become extremely tough and powerful. He used his headbutt to knock out mountains from the flat ground and cut deep valleys. He made this ancient land become

Indestructible, successfully shaped... It is even said that he used his fists as hammers, used this barbaric land as a blank, and shaped this land through fighting.

Later, such a legend spread in this land.

There was a born giant spirit craftsman who used his body to build the greatest creation in the world.

That's this land.

Ordinary craftsmen shape common things, while spiritual craftsmen shape the world.

To some extent.

Ornn, the divine craftsman, is the…creator of this land.

Chapter 2:

The Living Freljord

There is nothing in this world that is not tiring, including God.

After an unknown amount of time, Aoun finally got tired.

Aoun stopped, and when he came to the glacier lake, he suddenly realized that he had grown up now.

He still remembered when he was just born, his frail and thin body, and the nature of a child - playing tirelessly, which is why he wanted to fight with the earth. In essence, this is actually a kind of child's play.


But now, Aoun realizes that he has grown up.

He grew up fighting.

The opponent in the battle is this ancient land, and it is also the friend he has played with since childhood.

'Yes, a true friend.'

Aoun closed his eyes and said in his heart.

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the land curiously. He asked in a rough voice:

"Hey, what's your name? Land, my friend?"

Ornn is a newborn god, and he can clearly sense the life of this land.

He knows it.

This land really has its own life, its own consciousness and soul.


A gentle voice sounded.

'Onn, my friend, thank you for helping me grow.'

Ornn heard a long series of pronunciations, which was the original name of this land.

"F...Lel...Zhod...that's your name?"

Aoun remembered this name deeply, and he knew that the other person was his very good friend.

This land is called Freljord.

And Ornn shaped this land with his own hands.

"Yes, friend, what's your name?"

The voice said softly.

Aoun grabbed the huge ram's horn and said in a low voice:

"My name is Aoun! I pay tribute to you. This is a battle full of glory. I have grown into a powerful force!"

The earth’s gentle response:

"I also pay tribute to you, Aoun, you have shaped me perfectly. You are an outstanding craftsman. No one in the world is better than you."

As a thank you, in the far north of the Freljord.

The earth revealed a pit of fire, revealing its core.

A scorching sun is like fire, burning everything, the core of the earth is extremely hot and gorgeous.

"Take it, it belongs to you now."

The voice said so.

"Yes! I think so too!"

Aoun was very proud, because he felt that the fire that burned everything was a reflection of himself:

A ram as fiery and violent as fire!

The earth recognized Ornn's abilities, so it revealed its secrets to him and gave him the power of the First Fire.

Because fire is the key to controlling all changes.

With fire, Ornn felt that he should use his talent - crafting.

He has created the perfect Freljord, which is well-deserved as the number one master craftsman. Now that he has the Molten Core, he feels that there is nothing in the world that he cannot create. Ornn thought... but he didn't.

I had never expected that one day pride and complacency would lead to tragedy.

From this day on Ornn had two godheads.

The God of Craftsman who creates all things, this is his initial Godhead, which can be understood as the innate Godhead.

The god of fire who smelts everything, this is his acquired godhead, given to him by the Freljord.

The creativity of the God of Craftsman, coupled with the power of change of the God of Fire to smelt everything, the invincible craftsman Orn appeared.

It began to build everything. It began to use various minerals and manufacturing processes to forge the earliest hammers, shields, forks, shovels... and other tools that have been passed down for countless years and will not be eliminated, and gave them the attributes of gods, incomparable

Tough and strong, never decay.

Mere tool making will not satisfy a skilled craftsman.

After making simple tools or weapons, Ornn began to build buildings on his own.

Later, he did succeed. In the cloudless ice ancient times, Ornn built his own house with the best wood.

To put it in later terms.

It's the temple, the temple built by Aoun himself.

This magnificent temple spans three primeval canyons. Can you imagine it?

He gave this noble temple a simple name, "Corner Hall", and then tasted it with great interest.

But he didn't realize it at all.

This is just the beginning of the tragedy.

The materials and resources required to create such a large temple are unimaginable, but not all the resources in Freljord belong to Ornn... As mentioned before, Ornn is just one of his brothers and sisters in the gods.

He is not the only demigod in this land.

Without passing by his sister Anivia, he secretly cut down the branch where she liked to rest.

In other words...

Tear down other people's homes and use them to build your own.

Then tragedy happened.

Anivia was furious, but she did not have the power to defeat Ornn head-on.

But hatred cannot be suppressed, so revenge secretly appears.

Under deliberate peeping, Avonia spread her wings and flew into the lost temple while Orn was sleeping. She flapped her wings of perfect ice that covered the sky. The terrifying wind triggered the divine fire, which burned the temple, and she herself

Aoun, who is a body of divine fire, naturally cannot notice it.

So a fire swept through Gufrejord, and hundreds of millions of creatures died in the rage. This was an unprecedented tragedy.

No one can remember how many years the fire burned.

People only remember that the sky was darkened by the flying ashes.

Of course, Ornn was sleeping soundly during this period, until one day, he woke up on top of a mountain of ashes, and he was stunned on the spot.

To be honest, Aoun was in a very bad mood because he had a restless sleep.

But he didn't know that this was all Anivia's fault.

To this day, she has not confessed to Aoun.

But in fact, there is no need to confess, because from the beginning, it was Aoun who destroyed other people's homes first.

Some people say that Aoun actually knew the truth a long time ago, but he was not an unreasonable god, so he silently endured this tone.

"The friend, you praised my craftsmanship, but look what it became in the end."

Ornn was rummaging through the ruins, blaming himself extremely:

"It was me who harmed many innocent creatures and caused them to die in the divine fire... I'm sorry, I will never brag about myself again, let the quality of my work speak for itself."

A gentle voice rang:

"Ornn, I will always support you."

So Aoun set a very clear goal for his new home:

He wanted to build a temple that would not catch fire.

It was another period of forging and training that lasted for an unknown amount of time, and Ao En was diligently building and honing his craftsmanship.

He piled the ores that were rushing to the sky together, banged them, and piled up a dark mountain peak.

Deep in the mountain peak is a majestic furnace. The furnace is burning with the first fire derived from the depths of the earth.

He is very satisfied with his new home, Luxiang.

And this time, he didn't trouble anyone, but he knew very well that he still troubled something, and that was this land, his earliest friend, Freljord.

"Don't feel guilty, Ornn."

The voice said so.

The temple was still built, and Ornn called it the Hearth Temple.

But the power of the First Fire is too strong. Ornn itself can adapt, but how can other things adapt?

So he decided to cool down the temple. He dug a huge canal from the distant seaside and led it straight into the mountains.

Sister Seal let the icy sea water flow through the ditch and into the Hearthland, and a large cloud of steam rose into the sky. It took an unknown number of years before the temperature of the mountain dropped to a level that Orn found comfortable, and he fell asleep comfortably again.

, during this time, the sea level dropped several inches.

But he didn't realize that another tragedy was about to happen.

While he was sleeping, the always clear blue sky had absorbed too much water vapor, and large groups of dark clouds appeared. These fluffy clouds gathered together, becoming cooler, thicker, and thicker.

Heavy, maybe ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years...

The dark clouds over this land finally broke out, and a terrifying and heart-stopping snow fell.

How long has it been snowing?

No one knows this.

Because from that day on, the snow has not stopped until today.

Until now.

The Freljord became an ancient ice field that was completely frozen.

"What happened next?"

Lin Luo was silent for a long time. He looked at Avarosa and said:

"What happened to Aoun later?"

"Later, no one knew anything about him, so that's why it was said that this was a lost legend - the lost legend of Ornn."

Lin Luo suddenly asked a very cold question, which was very appropriate in the Freljord and seemed like a cold humor.

"Is it because Ornn is disappointed?"

Lin Luo didn't even know how he asked this question. He probably just thought it was a yes.

Avarosa was stunned, and Serelda next to her was also stunned.

The two looked at each other, then looked at Lin Luo:

"It's okay for you to understand it this way. This is a lost legend. The molten master Ornn is indeed very lost...because from now on, there are few legends about him in the world. He seems to know what mistakes he has made.

, he is no longer strong and enthusiastic, and has become lost and silent..."

Lin Luo listened carefully and suddenly asked:

"You must know the reason, right? Her Majesty Queen Avarosa."

The latter's eyes flashed, looking at him in surprise, half-smiling but not smiling:

"Hmm, why do you think so? What's the reason?"

Lin Luo also laughed:

"Because you are a powerful saint of Freljord, and you have the power to communicate with nature."

"so what?"

"So that Freljord... let me call her that, she must have told you the subsequent story, right?"

"How did you know?"


"I mean, how do you know that 'the Freljord is truly alive'? Is it because of that mythical legend just now?"

Lin Luo was silent.

In fact, he would certainly not be so stupid as to speculate on information based on an unverified myth.

He said this because he remembered it very clearly.

That was the last moment when he entered Gushuangkou, the last exchange between Ice Queen Ai Xi and him.

'Perhaps you don't know... Freljord is actually a living land.'

These are the original words of the Ice Queen.

Lin Luo was confused by these words at the time. He could understand the literal meaning, but he did not understand the true meaning of this sentence.

Later, the other party explained again:

'This land itself is alive, it has its own 'body', it has its own 'soul', it has its own 'breathing', it has its own 'perspective'... Maybe you can't believe it.

, but this is true... Can you believe it? In fact, at this moment, Freljord's "eyes" are quietly staring at everything that happens here. It is watching everything that happens to it, but it's almost

No one can notice, unless that person..."

'Unless that person can obtain the blood of ice and the blood of the saint that can blend into nature, he can feel the breath, soul, and power of Freljord...'

It is this information, coupled with this legend that came from the mouth of Queen Avarosa herself.

Lin Luo was probably certain that Freljord was really a 'living land'.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. You don't need to explain, because you guessed it right."

Avarosa didn't ask too much, but smiled and said:

"You guessed it right... Later, Aoun's temperament changed drastically, as well as his attitude towards his followers and all things in the world. The reason why he lived alone and alone in the Hearth at the end of the world in isolation for eternity was all because of one reason.

This is the second tragedy he caused..."

She said to Lin Luo:

"Guess again?"

This chapter has been completed!
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