Chapter 424: Ancient Howling Abyss

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No newborn creature will fall into despair at the beginning of life, including gods.

Ornn is the god of fire who was born with a strong character.

He has a bold character, rugged strength and passionate nature.

But whether they are humans or gods, they will undergo transformations over time as they grow.

Every transformation of Ornn appears to be particularly great.

The first fire in the Corner Hall Temple was the first indelible scar in Ornn's heart.

He doesn't care much about the fate and life and death of mortals, because divinity is indifferent, but he cannot tolerate the death of hundreds of millions of innocent and pitiful lives in the divine fire due to his own fault.

Since then, Aoun has understood something.

Not everything belongs to you.

For example, the original branch of Avonia, something that belongs to her, belongs to her. Taking it away by yourself is a robbery, but the bitter consequences will be borne by those poor innocent people... just like Ornn thought.

, he doesn’t care about the fate of mortals, but he cannot tolerate the disaster caused by himself.

'I'm sorry, I won't make this mistake again.'

When Aoun recalled it, he thought regretfully and silently:

'Dead ones, please forgive Orn, it was me who caused this tragedy.'

"But the good times did not last long, and he caused a second tragedy."

Lin Luo said this.

He was referring to what would become the Hearth Temple, and the Freljord became a permanent snowfield.

Avarosa shrugged, looking a little helpless:

"That's what I say, but it's actually a process of natural evolution. There are two things in the world, people and the world, and they will always change. The seas have changed, and the seas have dried up... The first divine fire disaster has already made Orn feel something in his heart.

He always felt that he was ashamed of the creatures of Freljord. He thought that after building the Hearth Temple that would not catch fire, everything would be fine..."

She paused and sighed:

"But as a result, endless heavy snow came to Freljord again... This time the suffering of people was even more terrible, because the fire will always be extinguished, but the heavy snow is endless and never stops..."

"You know, during the time when the Freljord first turned into a snowfield, the creatures here had to adapt to the difference from extreme heat to extreme cold. The suffering they suffered during this period is simply beyond description...and all of this,

They were all watched silently by Aoun after he woke up."

Avarosa said with emotion.

Lin Luo touched his head, and suddenly felt a little inexplicably sorry for Freljord's life.

Avarosa is still talking to himself:

"You know, many people will have feelings of guilt throughout their lives, including God. They often won't tell anyone about this kind of thing and always keep it silently in their hearts, but they will never forget it."

"And once the feeling of guilt arises, it will continue to appear every time you are alone for the rest of your life, torturing you internally... To be honest, what causes people's feelings of guilt may be just a trivial thing.

Of course, it could also be an earth-shattering event, such as Ornn. He caused innocent and poor creatures to die miserably for his own selfish desires twice in succession, which dealt a huge blow to him."


'I once imagined that if I were an ordinary life, when the divine fire ignited from the earth and the blizzard fell from the sky, would I hate the world before I died? Or would I hate the guy who caused all this?'

This is the first time Aoun has questioned his heart.

"Perhaps I shouldn't have done all this in the first place. Real strength does not lie in unscrupulousness, but in restraint. This is the strength of the heart."

Ornn knew he had unmatched divine power.

But if he is a truly conscientious god, he should always restrain his divine power.

Because God's power is so powerful, every move he makes affects the world.

At the same time, Aoun also understood a truth: he cannot create what he wants unscrupulously. Real strength is not arrogance, but self-restraint.

'From now on, I will live alone and devote myself to cultivation.'

Aoun made a decision that he would no longer forge things that seemed beautiful and worthy of showing off because of his own "selfish desires".

To show determination of self-restraint.

He threw away all his tools, leaving only the most important hammer.


"Since then, Aoun has really done what he said he would do."

Avarosa smiled and said to Lin Luo:

"As a master craftsman of Runeterra, you will never build anything again. What a transcendent state this is. Can you understand it?"

Lin Luo couldn't give an answer to this.

There is no real empathy in the world, not even the most ordinary people, let alone a powerful god.

"Are we here?"

Lin Luo did not answer directly, but looked towards the distant, dark and endless darkness ahead.

During the conversation just now, he was in a unique plot CG mode, which was obviously a very long cutscene.

And according to the message prompted by the game.

Lin Luo has now penetrated deep into the Frost Guard Fortress in the far north.

He was crossing one iceberg formation after another, heading further north.

According to the mission, Lin Luo is now in an 'exploration mode'. Under the leadership of Avarosa and others, he needs to go to the north of the Frost Guard, that is, the end of the world, to find the place that no one has ever reached.

Lost Temple, Hearth.

That is, in the previous story, Ornn accidentally built the lost temple at the cost of countless lives in ancient times.

As for the reason, it is too simple.

"We are looking for help, help that can truly defeat the ultimate devil."

Avarosa said with a solemn expression:

"I am afraid that it will be difficult for us to defeat the ultimate demon with our strength. Even if we can barely do it, we will not be able to prevent future disasters. Therefore, we must solve the problem from the root cause - that is to ask the master craftsman Ornn to build a bridge that can seal the Howling Abyss.


Lin Luo's pupils shrank when he heard this.

He realized that this was where the ancient story began.

Legend has it that the three sisters teamed up to defeat the enemies in the Howling Abyss, but they never succeeded in defeating the enemies every year. The unknown is the scariest thing. No one knows whether a more terrifying enemy will come one day.

So the three sisters set out together, asking the master craftsman Ornn to help, and finally built the Bridge of Perfect Ice over the Howling Abyss.

"So, I can see Lissandra soon?"

Lin Luo was a little curious, but his face remained calm, and his eyes quietly looked around. Gu Ang

Since entering the Freljord, he has met all the legendary figures in this ancient land, including Ashe and Sejuani in the later era, Avarosa and Serelda in the ancient era...but only

I have never seen this frost witch throughout the ages.

A mysterious aura appeared in Lin Luo's heart, and he was temporarily curious about what this legendary figure looked like.

"Sister, you are here."

Lin Luo suddenly heard a sweet, cold, even cold voice.

This made Lin Luo's heart tremble for no reason. He quickly followed the sound, and a dark and deep castle door opened.

An extraordinarily tall figure walked out of it, her head raised proudly, wearing a slender ice-blue robe, with thrilling curves, and slender red phoenix eyes as sharp as blades.

" the Frost Witch Lissandra?"

Lin Luo's first thought was...

Why is it different from what I imagined?

But the next moment he realized, this was not Lissandra countless years later.

This was the period of the three sisters, when Lissandra was in her prime, and her appearance had not aged. If the NPC also used the charm value to evaluate, Lin Luo swore that this was definitely the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Just in terms of the exquisiteness and beauty of her appearance, she

Even more stunning than Avarosa.

Especially those pair of blade-like eyes, which are filled with thrilling charm and brilliance. A straight man like Lin Luo would have his heart beat faster. This can only mean that the other person's charm is exaggerated.

"Unfortunately, Lissandra later became blind due to various reasons. She was like a dragon who lost her eyes, and her breathtaking beauty was greatly reduced. Then she chose the blood of the immortal saint and became completely blind. I don't know what she will be in the future.

What does it look like?”

Thinking of this, Lin Luo couldn't help but sigh.

As for why Lissandra lost her sight, it was related to something more distant, and Lin Luo had not studied it carefully.

"Lissandra, my sister, how is my request of you?"

Avarosa smiled like a big sister. In fact, she was the eldest of the three sisters, and Lissandra was the youngest.

Each of these three sisters has its own characteristics.

The eldest sister, Avarosa, is the king of Freljord. She possesses the demeanor of a mother who cares about the world. People only dare to watch her from a distance but not play with her. Not to mention her proud strength and heart, which are even more unmatched.

The second sister Serelda is unparalleled. The Winter's Claws she leads are the most destructive in the Freljord. People fear her rather than respect her. Wherever the Winter's Claws pass, everyone will be destroyed.

People don't shy away.

The third sister, Lissandra, is the only mage. She has lived in seclusion since she was a child and devoted herself to practicing ice magic. She has a cold and lonely personality. She also has the most breathtaking beauty and figure in the entire Freljord. It is said that she also has a deep hidden secret.

Ambition, but only she knows whether it is true or not.

"No wonder she chose to live forever in the end. I think it has a lot to do with her appearance."

Lin Luo cursed secretly.

Just as men naturally like dignity and rights, women are only more obsessed with beauty and youth. It is not surprising that Lissandra made this decision.

"I'm ready. I can release the ice spell at any time and freeze the path to the Hearth Temple."

Lissandra said this with an indifferent expression, suddenly glanced at Lin Luo, frowned and said:

"Who is he?"

In fact, the Freljord army has already been stationed outside the Frostguard Fortress.

Only Avarosa and Serelda came on this trip, and of course Lin Luo was also included.

"He knows about the ultimate demon, and it will be very useful to take him with him on this trip."

Avarosa said calmly, as if he was saying what he had decided, and no one had the right to question it.

Lissandra raised her eyebrows, showing an air of determination:

"Are you sure you can trust him? This is a matter of life and death for the Freljord."

After just two sentences, Lin Luo instantly smelled a sense of tit-for-tat in the air. He immediately understood that the relationship between the two sisters was definitely not normal, and they were always fighting each other whenever they met.

"Lissandra, there is no need to explain what I have decided."

Avarosa's face sank, and Lin Luo felt as if the entire ground had sunk a few inches. A terrifying momentum appeared, making his sense of crisis suddenly reach its highest level.

Freljord is destined to be a land where strength determines everything.

Even the cold and arrogant Lissandra had to accept this fact, and she responded coldly:

"I know, my sister."

Lin Luo looked at the two people without any trace. Of course, he was not interested in this level of struggle at all. He just wanted to watch the show.

"Stop talking nonsense, the enemy will finally come tonight, and time is running out."

Avarosa's face was calm. She was clearly approachable when treating Lin Luo, but she had a royal demeanor that could not be rejected when treating Lissandra. Her aura made Lin Luo next to her breathless.

Lin Luo knew that of course it wasn't that this person had a good impression of her, it was precisely because he could not pose a threat to her that she was so friendly.

But at this time, facing a sister like Lissandra who has similar reputation and power, she must show the initiative she deserves.

Lin Luo opened his taskbar and took a look. At this time, the job transfer task had reached the fourth ring.

The overall job transfer task should have five rings, which means that in theory, to complete the task 100%, you need to complete all five ring tasks.

"The mission seems to be almost done. I don't know what the situation is like outside. The war between the Winter Solstice Alliance and Rakstark is probably intensifying. Tata Cathead and the others must be in place. I don't know how the branch of the Hero Legion is here... things

There are more and more people, and we must find a way out as soon as possible."

Lin Luo shook his head and focused his thoughts on the present.

The progress of the current job transfer task is obvious, and Queen Avarosa explained to him what to do next through the lost legend of Ornn.

Now they are going to the end of the world, the "Hearth Temple".

Before that, you need to cross a huge natural abyss, which is the famous Howling Abyss.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, the Perfect Ice Bridge has not yet been built, so the number of demons that appear in the abyss every day is terrifying.

What the three sisters want to do now is exactly what Lin Luo saw in the mural in Ashe's Ice Castle.

They must find the lost god Ornn and ask him to help build the Bridge of Perfect Ice to completely seal the abyss so that demons from other worlds cannot come to Runeterra.

"Let me first say that the Bridge of Perfect Ice that I condensed can only last for one day and one night. Secondly, whether we can persuade Ornn to do so is another matter."

Lissandra said coldly.

In the almost pitch-black dark blue land of extreme ice, the four of them marched against the roaring wind and blizzard. Their robes and armors rustled due to the cold. Thanks to their ice blood, they ignored the natural environment.

They were able to come here safely and unscathed.

When Lissandra's words fell, everyone had already arrived at the edge of a terrifying and huge bottomless abyss. This abyss stretched so far that no end could be seen at a glance, as if it cut the world in half. As for the bottom of the abyss, there was a

Dead silence and pure darkness.

Lin Luo only glanced down. He, who had never been afraid of heights, felt dizzy for the first time, and an inexplicable feeling of fear and apprehension appeared in his heart.

[Tip: You have arrived in Freljord-Legendary Hidden Location: Ancient Howling Abyss]

[You have obtained the achievement: "The Adventurer Staring into the Abyss"]

[You have obtained an achievement reward: all your attributes increase by 50 points, and your achievement points increase by 1 point.]

[Tip: When you stare into the abyss for more than half a minute, all your attributes will be temporarily reduced by 10%, and will increase over time.]

[Evaluation: When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into you.]

This chapter has been completed!
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