Chapter 622: Resurrection Ascension Ceremony

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When Sivir agreed to this request, Narimajie's war was estimated to have reached a turning point.

At this time, the tribal legions from all directions were blocked by the heroic legions, and the war above the Temple of the Sun also came to an end.

Nasus and Renekton have successfully dealt with their two Ascended Ones, while the Eagle King Ascended One on Lin Luo's side still has the last 30% of its HP.

"time is limited!"

Lin Luo looked at the countdown of the game and saw that it was only less than an hour. This was because he still didn't know how long it would take for Azir to be resurrected.

Similarly, Nasus and Renekton can also sense that the passage of time is imminent.

"We're here to help you!"

The two of them formed a flanking attack and attacked the Ascended Eagle King.

The Ascended Eagle King himself is not very powerful. He is about to be killed by Lin Luo's team, let alone two powerful enemies now.

In just a few minutes, the Ascended Eagle King's health plummeted, and finally he was completely ignited by Nasus' soul flame, burning into purple flames. He looked very disgusting and evil.

[Tip: You have completed the first mission of the decisive battle of Narimajie: Occupy the Temple of the Sun!]

[Tip: You defeated "Eagle King Ascended", your output accounted for more than 50%, you gained a huge amount of experience points, and you obtained the corresponding sun gold.]

At this time, the levels of all players participating in the Ascended Battle, including Linluo Tata, soared instantly.

Lin Luo himself has a high level of 65, but this time he only has one level left, reaching level 66.

But Tata directly upgraded from level 60 to level 62, spanning two levels. However, as his level becomes higher, the experience gained from killing the demigod BOSS will also become less.

As for the two relatively low-level cats, Azijun and Cathead, they have broken through to the sixty-level mark.

In addition, everyone received 1,000 sun gold, but this was something that players could not trade before, and it could only be traded once between NPCs.

"Let's stock up first. When the time comes, all of us will add up the sun gold and hand it over to Huina, so that she can create a sun holy object for us."

Currently, Wyna is temporarily in Kenese, as an ally of the Legion of Heroes.

After gradually creating many sacred objects of the sun, her overall level has improved. The growth of this NPC also plays a great role and should not be underestimated.

"Very good, the ascension and resurrection ceremony must be held next."

Nasus took a deep breath and levitated the dead body of the Ascended Eagle King. There was a flickering light in the burning corpse, which was Azir's urn.

"I didn't plan to hold the resurrection ceremony here."

Nasus said in a deep voice:

"Because Xerath will definitely prevent the ceremony from proceeding, but currently there is no other way but to bite the bullet."

He instantly looked at Sivir:

"Now, first of all, you must sacrifice your blood. Use your Shurima royal blood to ignite the sun disk and communicate with the power of the sun's ascension."

"The second step is to donate the sun gold you prepared. This will form the body of His Majesty Azir and provide him with the energy and body to resurrect."

"Third, I will use the desert god of death's reincarnation and ascension summoning ritual to awaken Azir's sleeping ancient soul. This process may not take a short time."

As Nasus spoke, his expression suddenly changed.

He looked towards one place and saw a flash of blue light on the surface of the sun's disk, reflecting the scene far away. He couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

I saw the huge arcane twin towers rising straight into the sky, beginning to emit a terrifying light. They were the existence of ancient magic.

At this time, there was a metallic smell in Nasus' mouth.

At the moment when arcane magic appeared, all his senses became sensitive.

He heard hundreds of chattering voices suddenly appear below the temple

Whispering, he saw clearly every dust and flaw on the copper disc, and felt every grain of sand under his feet begin to become violent and restless.

A pungent smell of blood rushed into his nasal cavity, tearing open the wound he had just stopped, making his whole body tremble.

The smell of arcane magic reminded him vaguely of the old days, and of a distant echo from a long-lost era.

His attention was drawn to the city's east side.

At the very edge, the ruins of the city meet the mountains.

At the top of the Arcane Twin Towers, a terrifying blue arcane magic began to awaken, floating in the sky above the Twin Towers.

Immediately afterwards, the huge blue arcane magic formed an energy spirit body with crackling and surging dark energy!

But the current strength of that energy spirit body is obviously not high. It is obvious that the power of the Twin Towers is not enough to support the appearance of the spirit body, causing it to flicker continuously like a black and white TV with extremely poor signal.

This dark energy body was wrapped with pig iron shackles all over his body, like a five-flowered bundle, binding his hands, feet, neck, waist, and head tightly, and behind him, there was an ancient embassy

, but now it has been shattered into runes all over the sky.

Instead, these runes became his own power, providing him with arcane magic all the time.

Obviously, he was a rebellious person from ancient Shurima, and he was also the one who brought about the collapse of the ancient empire.

"It's Xerath!"

Sivir's expression changed drastically:

"Why would he show up at this time?"

"Don't be afraid, this is just the incarnation of his energy. He cannot launch an attack until the power of the Twin Towers is revived."

Nasus looked up at the demon king-like figure.

Once upon a time, he knew this demon king and saw it personally. He was a weak and humble body, even more humble than an ordinary Shuriman, with almost zero combat power.

Perhaps it was his short and thin stature that gave him a strong sense of inferiority, and Xerath finally stole the ascension ceremony.

"Nasus! Enough is enough!


At this time, Xerath's rumbling voice echoed.

He did not expect that Nasus would dare to break into Narimajie, nor did he expect that he would actually do it.

If you think about it carefully, the biggest reason actually lies in Lin Luo and his legion of heroes.

Especially the latter. If there were not a large number of players to resist the Horde warriors, then Nasus and Renekton would not be able to withstand the siege of five Ascended Ones, let alone survive until now, enough to resurrect Azir. This is impossible.

But now that he has done it, Xerath will never sit idly by.

"It's meaningless for you to resurrect Azir. The ancient Shurima Empire was a terrible slavery system. The resurrection of that emperor will only make the people's disaster more difficult. Do you really want to see this?"

Xerath, unable to activate his power, could only use words to persuade him temporarily.

Renekton immediately became furious and roared angrily:

"Nonsense! His Majesty Azir's last words before completing the ascension ceremony were to abolish the slavery system in Shurima... You were just deceived by ambition. You betrayed the entire Shurima and people. You deserve death!


Nasus' eyes flashed with wisdom, and he said without changing his expression:

"Don't be angry, he is stalling for time."

He calmly did his own thing, arranging Azir's remains neatly one by one, then raised the ashes and used his divine power to condense them in the air.

Nasus knew very well that the time for Xerath's power to be restored was now.

The next time is a race against time, and he will not be swayed by words for even a minute.

"Sivir, the blood sacrifice can now begin."

Nasus spoke quietly and methodically.

Sivir took a deep breath, picked up the Chalikal in her hand, and cut the palm of her hand, only to see spring-like blood spurting out, which was very thrilling.

"Don't worry, I will protect your life no matter what. I swear on the name of the God of Death, please believe me."

Nasus said and waved gently.

At this time, Sivir's expression suddenly turned pale and painful. She felt that the blood in her body was like a flood that burst a dam, spurting out uncontrollably. It seemed that she would bleed to death in an instant.

But she also has firm faith, trust in Nasus, and a little bit of determination to be prepared to sacrifice.

The worst-case scenario is to die on your own.

As a bounty hunter in the desert, he has long regarded death as his closest friend. She will send away those who belong to death, and will one day face death head-on.

"If it was for the rise of Shurima... my sacrifice should be recorded in history..."

Sivir smiled weakly, his whole body floating face up, and his limbs hanging down weakly, as if he was about to ascend to heaven.

"Nasus! You deserve death!

I'm going to peel off your cramps!


At this time, Xerath finally felt fear.

The expression of his fear was in the form of extremely crazy roars, and he activated the last few arcane powers that he had finally accumulated!

In an instant, the sky began to pour downwards with azure flames and arcane magic.

Xerath spread his arms, and from the coffin stone fragments behind him, comets carrying blue and white arcane power flew out, drawing long arcs, like huge boulders thrown by a trebuchet.

The first shot fell into the market and exploded like a meteor falling to the ground, bursting out with fierce flames.

In the fearful expressions of the people, flaming corpses were thrown into the air like charred firewood.

And the burning hurricane is filled with the vicious laughter of Xerath. The madness from ancient times is torturing others as its most intoxicating pleasure.

"Nasus! Do you know what you are doing now? If you don't stop, I will destroy this city! I will kill hundreds of thousands of people here!


At this time, Nasus heard screams coming from the city.

The previous anger towards these people dissipated in the blink of an eye like the morning mist in the oasis. He still cared about these ordinary people. After all, he was not a crazy devil like Xerath.

In the city of Narimajie, the war beasts driven by pain struggled to break open the city wall. Lightly armored warriors stepped on the gravel and poured in like a tide. They saw an unbelievable scene!

Not long ago, they thought Emperor Azir was resurrected, so they impatiently chose to surrender and gave their loyalty.

Today, they received orders from "Azir". The ancient Nasus and Renekton rebelled and planned to kill the former emperor.

But now, they discovered Xerath's true appearance.

They also saw the rising sun disk, which was shining with the light of the gods in ancient times.

They also saw a steady stream of fireballs crashing down like thunder and lightning, and the air was filled with painful cries and the stench of burnt flesh.

The masonry turned into a waterfall of lava under the impact of magical energy.

The market was engulfed in flames, with black smoke plumes rising into the sky.

"What on earth is going on? What happened to His Majesty Azir?"

Puzzled greetings came from those tribes.

They only saw Xerath floating like a devil in the center of the twin towers, destroying the world.

Nasus was resisting with all his strength, and the people of Narimaje also responded and began to shout Nasus's name to pray for help.

Nasus said in a deep voice:

"Chiefs of the tribes, you have been deceived by the traitors! The previous Eagle King Ascended was a naked scam. I am currently holding an ascension ceremony to resurrect the original Azir. You should wake up and destroy that

The twin towers of evil!"

After saying that,

Nasus activated the Soul Flame, and the raging flames burned in the direction of the Twin Towers!

The sun recast his soul, body and mind, and gave him great strength so that he could serve Shurima forever, fight for the people of Shurima, and resist all invading powerful enemies.

This is exactly what he is doing now.

But the disaster happened, and now the residents of Narimaje were left to fend for themselves, but it aroused the familiar guilt deep in his soul.

"I will make Xerath pay the price, but after Azir is resurrected, I will let him personally deliver judgment!"

Nasus controls the ritual. At this time, you can see that a very ethereal soul has begun to emerge.

This is a very powerful soul that is mainly based on Sivir's own blood descendants from the ancient Shurima royal family, and then combined with the power of ascension absorbed by the sun disk and the various body tribes that Azir fell in the past.

This shadow of a soul is very similar to the priest of the Eagle King whom Lin Luo fought before, but his specific appearance cannot be seen clearly.

"No wonder, the previous Ascended Eagle King was probably created by Xerath based on the image of Azir, but there is a big gap in terms of power."

Lin Luo watched carefully from a distance.

Even a very ethereal soul shows extremely terrifying aura and power as it gradually condenses and changes.

The mere appearance of this power directly reaches the level of demigod. Although it is not the peak level, it is still very shocking.

"It's now! Azir's soul has awakened, and we have to take the second step!"

Nasus suddenly shouted loudly, twirled the golden scepter, and said to Lin Luo:

"Where is the sun gold you collected? Take it out quickly!"
This chapter has been completed!
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