Chapter 624: Your emperor is back!

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At this time, Nasus tried hard to hold himself up with his other hand, but white-hot pain came from the fracture of his spine.

Given time, his body could recover, but he didn't have time.

"You have fallen too far, Nasus."

Xerath approached him, liquid fire dripping from his fingertips, his expression a little crazy and sick:

"We are all gods, great gods! Nasus, if it weren't for what you did to me, I would pity you. I would spare your life and make you my most useful assistant.

, but now, I have to kill you, I have given you countless opportunities."

By this time, Xerath had completely recovered all his strength.

The sky in Narimajie was already dark and gloomy, with rolling thunderclouds covering the sky, making the endless distance breathless.

The burning arcane flames could not be seen from a distance before, but when everyone was under the Twin Towers and immersed in the scene, they could even feel the scalding temperature of the arcane flames, which was about to ignite the world.

Xerath's body also completely recovered.

Different from ordinary Ascended Ones, his body possesses the power of Ascending Steel, but it is not the color of golden sun gold, but the color of dark blue arcane magic, which combines Ascension bloodline and dark magic.


Due to the combination of both powers, Xerath is more powerful than ordinary Ascended Ones.

However, due to its relatively complex composition, it is not recognized by the true power of the sun, so it is impossible to re-establish the solar disk.

The most important thing is that his true form cannot make the people of Shurima surrender.

Although the people of Shurima are ignorant, they are also very loyal. They will only surrender to the true Shurima royal bloodline.

"Even if you are destroyed, it is better than betraying your trust."

Nasus coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"Xerath, even if you are now blessed with divine power, you are still a traitor and a slave."

He felt Xerath's anger, which made him extremely happy. This was all he could do.

Danzerath sneered:

"Now, I am no longer a slave, because Azir's last order was to give me my freedom."

"However, Azir is a fool after all, and his grace comes too late."

Nasus howled in pain.

The broken bones in his shoulder began to come together again. He felt the strength begin to return to the muscles of his arm, but he pretended that the arm was still a useless limb.

"What are you going to do if I die?"

Nasus was reminded of how much Xerath loved to talk in front of others.

"What would happen to Shurima if you became emperor?"

He tried hard to suppress the pain in his body, waiting for his body to slowly repair the injury.

Wu Ling shook his head and floated into the distance.

"You actually think I can't see that your body is healing itself?"

"You see? Then get down and fight me!"

Nasus yelled.

"I have imagined your death a thousand times."

As Xerath spoke, he activated the power of arcane magic and ascended out of the Sun Temple again.

"But it was never made by me."

Nasus watched as he gradually rose higher, and the wall that lost its support rumbled, gradually tilted, and was about to collapse at any moment.

"I will bury you under the sand first, just like you trapped me."

Xerath's body emits a light that is more intense than the sun's disk.

Rocks and sand fell from the top, and Xerath raised his arms, sparking a string of white fire and hitting the crumbling temple wall.

He was as dazzling as a newly born star and took the burning chains into his body.

Debris fell like a torrential rain, the ground shook, and deadly fire fell from the sky, covering every inch of Narimajie's land.

The ground seems to be falling apart at any moment

, the rocks under Nasus' feet rotated and turned into a tsunami-like fluid, meeting the waterfall of gravel.

The four walls of the temple finally collapsed, and hundreds of tons of debris buried Nasus.

"Face the never-ending seal, Nasus!"

Xerath sneered. He suddenly raised his hand, and all the boulders and broken walls surged towards Nasus!

Darkness gradually obscured Nasus' eyes.

This desert death god who has survived for thousands of years spent the rest of his life fighting against Xerath. In order to resurrect the Shurima Empire and awaken the former Shurima Emperor, he paid too much.

And now, he has to pay the last of his life.

And at the same time.

Above the Temple of the Sun, Sivir's blood was almost dry.

Her originally plump and snow-white skin has now become shriveled, her eyes are completely lifeless, and her whole body seems to have been drained dry, without even a trace of life left.

And the figure gradually condensing in the void has become closer to reality.

Yes, that's Azir's figure, and it's obvious that he has begun to gain consciousness.

A muttering voice, filled with deep doubts, reached everyone's ears.

"Who am I? What happened to my empire? Where is this place?"

There was a strong tone of majesty in this muttering voice.

He is like a born king, a born emperor, he is invincible!

Renekton's body trembled, and he immediately said excitedly:

"Your Majesty Azir! Are you resurrected? You are finally resurrected!?"

The three words Azir seem to communicate some terrible power in the dark!


The golden figure of the emperor suddenly shook his whole body, and his consciousness began to twine like a thread, and he finally regained consciousness.

"This is... Shurima?"

When these words were spoken, Azir's body gradually fell from the void, came to the Sun Temple, and saw everything around him.

When he looked around, the first thing he saw was that Sivir was about to wither. There was a hideous wound in his palm, and blood continued to spurt out, flowing towards the sun disk.

Azir didn't know him, but he saw that her appearance had the characteristics of his own bloodline.

He suddenly remembered everything. He had grown from a small prince to the last emperor of Shurima. His ascension ceremony was stolen by Xerath. But now the situation has changed. Thousands of years have passed, and even the stars in the sky have changed their positions.


But at this time, all thoughts about empire and power were forgotten by him.

Because he understood very well that he had actually been dead for thousands of years, but the reason why he was resurrected was all because of this dying daughter of Shurima.

"My child, I will never let you die."

Azir made an old and hoarse voice, carrying a terrifying power that communicated between heaven and earth, buzzing and echoing throughout Narimajer.

He picked up the daughter of Shurima and carried her to where the Oasis of Dawn once was.

In this day and age, the Dawn Oasis has long since dried up.

But every time Azir took a step closer, clear water gushed out, filling the basin made of stones.

Azir soaked Sivir's body in the healing water of the oasis. The blood disappeared, leaving only a shallow scar from the fatal stab wound.

"Azir is truly resurrected!


Maotou and Tata watched this scene with bated breath, feeling as if they were witnessing history.

But Renekton shook his head and said:

"It's just the resurrection of the physical body. Azir's true power also requires the power of the sun disk. The ascension ceremony that was stolen by Xerath will now rise again!


At this time, Lin Luo and others all showed surprised expressions.

Ascension ceremony?

The most awesome and grand Shurima ritual in ancient legends.

Anyone who can undergo the ascension ceremony will gain the power of a demigod, which is unimaginably powerful!

[Tip: Desert Emperor Azir is undergoing an ascension ceremony. You will then enter a disarmed state, and any target will be unable to cause damage to Azir!]

At this time, Azir suddenly looked into the distance.

It turned out that Xerath's expression had changed drastically, and he rushed over with a ferocious expression, holding a purple thunderbolt in his hand, as if he was going to smash him into powder.

"This time, I have taken precautions. No one can stop my ascension ceremony."

Azir spoke indifferently, staring at Xerath and said:

"As for you, Azir, I will come to take care of you soon after I complete my ascension."

The next moment, the terrifying power of the sun spurted out from Azir's physical strength, instantly breaking through the dark clouds above Narimajie's head.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the sun formed a sky-high flame, and Azir was lifted into the air by the flame pillar.

The power of Shurima's solar ascension brought Azir back to life again, reshaping his body into what an ascended person should be.

The immortal brilliance of the sun poured into Azir's body, molding him into the magnificent Eagle King Divine Armor. The appearance is exactly the same as that of the previous priests, except that he possesses unimaginable true divine power!

In addition, the entire Shurima desert began to slowly shake, and Azir gained his own ability to control the endless yellow sand.

Azir raised his hands, and the ruined city shook off the dust that had covered it for hundreds of years, rising to the ground again.

The sun disk that collapsed at the beginning is floating in the sky again.

The healing water flowed between the temples, and each temple was re-erected under the emperor's order to welcome the new sunshine with incomparable splendor.

The scariest thing is not what is happening right now.

Instead, unimaginable spectacular scenes appeared all over the continent of Shurima.

In Kenese's player camp, the players of the Legion of Heroes raised their heads one after another and felt the earth shaking incredulously. The entire city-state was undergoing rapid changes. The ground under their feet was obviously starting to rise, and the city walls were springing up like bamboo shoots after rain.

Start to grow and get bigger automatically.

Players found incredibly that these cities and lands seemed to be given life.

They are no longer dead objects, but are guided by some kind of force and begin to become strong and healthy, growing vigorously.

And the most outrageous thing is that this scene is not only noticed by the Kenese City State of the Heroic Legion, but also by the other legions of the Federation Council.

The city they were in seemed to be given life, from a dead thing to a living thing.

Not only were those city-states growing crazily, but various ancient inscriptions began to appear on the city walls, just like tattoos appearing on human skin, they just appeared out of thin air!

"My country has become like this, this decayed Shurima, this barren desert..."

Azir accepted the power of the ascension ceremony and finally returned to his original appearance.

And at the moment of his complete descent, the entire Narimajie received the most profound power of blessing because it was at the center of his resurrection.

Less than an hour ago, this city had been completely destroyed by the battle between Xerath and Nasus, and was almost reduced to ruins.

But when Azir was resurrected, the city was instantly resurrected on the spot.

It was like going back in time, or perhaps the power of the Creator descended on Narimajie, and all the ruins were restored to their original appearance, including Nasus who was buried under the boulder.

When he saw Azir, who was so close to the light, like a god, his whole body trembled with excitement.

at the same time.

Everything in front of Azir was restored, and he walked on the emperor's road paved with gold.

The first rulers of the Shurima Empire

——The giant statues of his ancestors watched his progress.

The sun's rays tore through everything and poured out of the horizon, while the brightest stars still twinkled overhead.

But they will soon be covered by the sun's rays.

This starry sky is indeed different from what Azir remembered. The positions of the stars and the shapes of the constellations are all wrong. Thousands of years have passed.

With each step forward, Azir's scepter struck a lonely note, echoing in the empty streets of the capital.

With his appearance, everything became silent.

Including the entire Narimajie people, they were all like sluggish stone figurines, staring at this huge golden figure in disbelief.

Every time Azir takes a step, his size will increase.

From about three meters at the beginning, it became four meters, eight meters, sixteen meters, thirty-two meters...

In the end, it reached a full sixty-four meters. This was a terrifying size that Lin Luo had never seen before. Even the original dark sword demon Aatrox and the current Xerath could not reach it.

"Zerath, you are so brave. You dare to tamper with the capital and bring everything that belongs to Wekaura to Narimajie. This is your hometown. You were born into a slave family, and I am here.

You are liberated, and now you want to claim the title of king and emperor, and make your hometown the capital of Shurima. How ridiculous!"

Azir's rumbling voice was like the judgment of God.

He slowly turned around, and a bright ray of sunlight hit the sun disk above his head.

The morning light reflected on Azir's flawless golden armor.

At this moment, he knew that the person who betrayed him was still alive, and he felt Xerath's essence in the air he breathed.

"My trust has been unforgivably betrayed, Xerath."

Azir's face was gloomy, and even the golden sun could not conceal his anger.

He slowly raised a hand, and an army of elite soldiers made of yellow sand and belonging to him stood up from the base of the ascension ladder.

These soldiers are all made of yellow sand and were originally lifeless.

But just like the resurrection of Azir, which gave life to Narimajie, Kenese, and all the city-states of the Shurima Empire.

The endless desert of Shurima was also given powerful life by Azir!

In the eyes of others, the yellow sand flying all over the sky is the power of life in Azir's hands.

"For so many years, Shurima has lived through disasters and wars, and my people have suffered unimaginable trauma."

His voice became hoarse with anger.

"But now, no sinner can be forgiven."

Azir raised his arms and suddenly rose into the sky, blooming with endless golden light.

"Shurima! Your emperor is back!

This chapter has been completed!
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