Chapter 13 Zhu Chongba is doing farm work

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 Ye Xiao's expression that was neither salty nor bland made Zhang Yuan almost explode.

However, Zhang Yuan doesn't intend to meet Ye Xiao anymore.

Wait until the National System Investment Stock is settled.

He wanted to see if Ye Xiao could still be so calm.

What is the name of the investment stock that Ye Xiao invested in? It seems to be some kind of eight, yes, Zhu Chongba.

A junk stock!

Soon, Ye Xiao said goodbye to his cousin Ye Tingting.

Not long after, I just arrived home.

Ye Xiao smelled the aroma of food.

Ye Mu is cooking.

Father Ye was watching the news on TV in the clean and tidy living room.

Although this home is very simple, it gives Ye Xiao a very warm feeling.

"Xiao'er is home! You'll be able to eat soon! Just wait!"

A hearty smile appeared on Father Ye's face, even though he had a lot of white hair sprouting on his head.

However, his whole person looks full of energy and motivation.

It seems that Father Ye also understands that he is the backbone of this family and he will never fall. He must support this family!

Ye's father even called Ye Xiao here because he was concerned about Ye Xiao's academic performance and the trend of the investment stock Zhu Chongba in which Ye Xiao invested.

Ye Xiao did not hide anything, and spoke out all the video observations and written observations in class.

"Playing the emperor's game? Killing cows and eating meat? This, this, this!"

For a moment, Ye's father looked stunned and didn't know what to say.

His eyes quickly flashed with disappointment.

It seems that Ye Xiao’s investment stock is destined to fail.

How could it be possible for Zhu Chongba to counterattack in such a troubled time at the end of the Yuan Dynasty?

I have no foundation at all, and I am still working for the landlord named Liu De.

"Hey! It's okay, Xiao'er, it's okay even if your investment fails, it's good to be an ordinary person."

Father Ye seems to want to give Ye Xiao a vaccination in advance.

When the day came when the investment in Freeland failed and the national system disappeared, Ye Xiao could not bear the blow and suffered a mental breakdown.

Similar situations have happened many times.

Investors lose the national system, their lives are in ruins, and they become a useless person from then on.

"No! Investments will not fail!"

Ye Xiao's tone was sonorous and powerful, full of confidence.

"This... ok."

Ye Xiao looks stubborn, but Father Ye is not easy to persuade.

At this time.

Longdu News TV Station also continues to report the news.

The news was reported by a young female anchor with a dignified appearance and fair skin.

"Yesterday, a car accident occurred on Heping Road in Longdu, killing three people. According to relevant investigations, the driver Zhang drove drunk, which caused such a tragedy. Here, this station would like to remind all Longdu citizens to drive improperly.

Drink, drink and don’t drive.”

This female host has a melodious voice and is very spiritual.

"Dad, you really like drinking. If you drive, don't drink."

Ye Xiao warned.

"How could Dad drink and drive? Absolutely not. That is illegal. Dad is a good citizen."

Father Ye pursed his lips and smiled, feeling very excited when his son showed such concern. He even made a promise on the spot.

"However, the frequency of car accidents in Longdu seems to be a bit high recently, with several happening in a day!"

Seemingly thinking of something again, Ye Xiao said.

"This is not normal. Longdu is a big city with a population of more than one million! There is a lot of traffic, especially people who like to drink and drive."

Father Ye said casually.


Ye Mu has prepared the meal.

The entire dining table is filled with plates of food.

The fragrance is tangy.

Especially the fried meat, the meat tastes brown, crispy, tender, fresh and smooth.

Just biting into a piece of fried meat makes Ye Xiao feel very satisfied.

"Mom, your cooking skills are really good!"

Ye Xiao expressed his praise.

A happy smile appeared on Mother Ye's face, as if being praised by her son for her good cooking skills was something worth spending several days and nights happily.

At the dinner table.

Ye Xiao also casually wanted to ask about strange beasts.

As far as he knows, his parents were once extraordinary investors.

It was only because the investment failed that the national system disappeared and became ordinary people.

People who have experienced similar experiences to Father Ye and Mother Ye can be found everywhere in Longdu and the entire Dragon Kingdom.

Investment is risky, so be cautious when investing!

Who else can have smooth sailing in the investment industry?

There is always a time when a horse stumbles.

"Alien beasts? It's nothing special. We humans, the human race, are the primates of all things! Standing at the top of all living things! Standing at the top of the food chain! Don't worry about the alien beasts!"

After Father Ye drank a few glasses of wine, white circles of wine came out of his mouth, and he said with a smile.

As he spoke, his face was filled with pride.

It seems that as a human being, he feels honored and proud!


Ye Xiao was a little skeptical.

Are humans really that powerful?

It seems there is.

Because, throughout Longdu, the people live and work in peace and contentment, without worries.

What strange beast?

Never seen it before.

Even in school, there is no mention of strange beasts at all.

Those teachers who hold the position of subject, when mentioning strange beasts, they often just mention them in passing without saying much.

Various circumstances indicate.

Alien beasts are like clowns and not worth mentioning.


Father Ye took another sip of wine.

His face was slightly red.

"Xiao'er, study hard! Even if your investment fails, if your college entrance examination scores are good and outstanding, you may still be admitted to those third-rate or second-rate universities."

Although he drank some wine, Father Ye's mind was still quite fresh.

He knows very well what his son is capable of.

There is still some hope for third-rate universities.

There is little hope for a second-rate institution.

As for first-class universities, and those top universities.

Father Ye didn’t even dare to think about it.

College entrance examination results?

To be honest, he only knew a little about the knowledge taught by the subject teachers in the class.

The total score of the college entrance examination is 750.

If he could score three or four hundred points in the exam, he would probably burn incense and worship Buddha.

"Yes, yes."

In order not to disappoint Father Ye, Ye Xiao could only bite the bullet and say.

In the next few days.

Many investors throughout Longdu are very restless.

They all invested in Emperor Yuan Shun!

Not only Longdu investors, but also investors from other provinces have also placed bets on Emperor Yuan Shun.

Emperor Yuan Shun's experience was so bizarre and so lucky.

I don’t want to be the emperor, but I became the emperor in a daze.

Just ask anyone else!

Emperor Yuan Shun might be an investment stock that can do miracles.

Therefore, if they miss such an investment stock, they will regret it for the rest of their lives.

Ye Xiao also noticed this situation.

"Aren't these guys afraid of being cut off by the national system?"

Ye Xiao muttered something.

[Text observation Zhu Chongba!]

[Zhu Chongba is doing farm work]

[Zhu Chongba is eating]

【Zhu Chongba is sleeping】


This chapter has been completed!
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