Chapter 246 Lu Lang bets 800 billion red crystals and hides oranges in his arms!

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 Ye Xiao quickly clicked on Cao Cao's avatar.

[Eat Cao Cao's 500 billion red crystals, and if Cao Cao is defeated in the Battle of Chibi, he can make a profit of 1 trillion red crystals]

The appearance of this piece of information also made Ye Xiao's eyes light up.

Sure enough, the Battle of Chibi is still coming!

Sun Liu was still as he expected.


He clicked on the characters of several other investment stocks.

Three pieces of investment information also entered Ye Xiao's field of vision instantly.

[Eat Liu Bei's 500 billion red crystals, and if Liu Bei is defeated in the Battle of Chibi, he can make a profit of 2 trillion red crystals]

[Eat Sun Jian’s 500 billion red crystals, and if Sun Jian is defeated in the Battle of Chibi, he can make a profit of 2 trillion red crystals]

[Eat Zhuge Liang’s 500 billion red crystals, and if Zhuge Liang’s strategy fails in the Battle of Chibi, he can make a profit of 5 trillion red crystals]

Suddenly, Ye Xiao became a little uneasy.

Eat Zhuge Liang's 500 billion. If Zhuge Liang's strategy in the Battle of Chibi fails, he can directly profit 5 trillion red crystals!

Moreover, as a system partner, he also learned something.

This time, system partners have a minimum investment of 500 billion red crystals, and the maximum investment can reach 800 billion red crystals!

If he invested 800 billion red crystals, Zhuge Liang's plan failed.

Then he will take away 8 trillion red crystals in one wave!

This is a wave of heavy investment!

Ye Xiao began to hesitate, and couldn't help but panic in his heart.

This is not 8,000 red crystals, this is 800 billion red crystals!

This time, in the face of huge interests, Ye Xiao could not control himself.

Zhuge Liang is like a god, and he wants to make Zhuge Liang's plan fail!

Without any further hesitation, Ye Xiao directly dropped 800 billion red crystals!

Give it a try and you’ll have everything!

This time, I really just gave it a go, I really put all my money into it!

[Congratulations to the host for successfully eating Zhuge Liang’s 800 billion red crystals. If Zhuge Liang’s strategy in the Battle of Chibi failed, he would have made a profit of 8 trillion red crystals]

After smashing the red crystal, Ye Xiao's hands and feet felt slightly cold.

This is 800 billion red crystals, and they are just gone.

Don't panic, stay steady and you will win!

If it succeeds, this wave will make a profit of 8 trillion red crystals!

After taking a few deep breaths of air, Ye Xiao's mentality began to calm down.

At this moment, the projection of the video screen has appeared.

【Video playback】

The first people to come into view were two figures.

Zhuge Liang is wearing a feather fan and turban, and holding a white feather fan in his hand.

Dongwu Lusu with a solemn expression.

Two people were riding on a small boat.

"Mr. Kong Ming, if you see my lord this time, don't say that Cao Cao has many soldiers and generals."

Suddenly, Lu Su spoke.

"Why is this?"

Zhuge Liang was a little confused.

Logically speaking, Sun Jian should not be afraid of Cao Cao.

Sun Jian was so high-spirited back then that he was said to have received this national jade seal.

But after all these years, will the Jiangdong Tiger become a Jiangdong Sick Tiger?


Lu Su moved his lips, but did not tell the reason.

"I have already remembered Zijing's words in my heart."

Zhuge Liang did not continue to ask, he seemed to gradually understand.

Back then, Sun Jian was a fierce tiger from Jiangdong.

But these years of stable life have made Sun Jian's bloodiness seem to be completely gone.


When the ship arrived, it also came to Jiangdong.

Because it was too late, Zhuge Liang temporarily stayed at the hotel.

Although it was night, Zhuge Liang did not fall asleep. Instead, he raised his head and looked up at the stars, as if observing the celestial phenomena.

"Sun and Liu will definitely make an alliance, and Cao Cao will definitely return with a great defeat! Defeated at Chibi!"

Zhuge Liang's eyes narrowed slightly. His eyes seemed to possess extraordinary wisdom, as if he could see all the future scenes.

"Prophet Zhuge Liang!"

"Red Cliff? Is this going to start a war on Red Cliff?"

"Can Sun and Liu form an alliance? This is a bit suspenseful!"

"Isn't it true that Liu Bei has no place to establish a concubine at all, but Sun Jian's side occupies six counties and eighty-one states in Jiangdong, with strong soldiers and horses. Such Jiangdong will choose to alliance with Liu Bei? Liu Bei is at best a vassal of Jiangdong!"


Students always think Zhuge Liang is so amazing. Can this alliance really be successful?

Liu Bei is on the weak side.

Cao Cao!

Sun Jian!

These are the two major forces in the world today!

But as for Liu Bei, he could only survive in the cracks.

If he hadn't visited the thatched cottage three times to invite Zhuge Liang to come out, maybe Liu Bei would have been in a worse situation, and he wouldn't even be qualified to compete for the world!

The next day, morning.

Lu Su led Zhuge Liang to meet with the civil and military officials in Jiangdong.

It can be seen from the video that there are about twenty civil and military personnel at the scene, all of them are sitting upright, with extraordinary demeanor, and they all seem to show the demeanor of celebrities!

"I've met you all!"

Zhuge Liang greeted everyone one by one and asked their names, showing his polite side.

Then, he took his seat among the guests.

We have just sat down.

Zhang Zhao, a famous scholar from Soochow with white hair and a calm face, had already guessed Zhuge Liang's intention.

Just lobby Sun and Liu to form an alliance.

Can Liu Bei match it?

With Liu Bei's few troops and territory, he is simply not worthy of joining the Soochow alliance.

Moreover, Zhang Zhao is still a master surrender sect!

After Cao Cao was surrendered, everyone was happy!

Why fight to the death with Cao Cao?

"Zhao is a young man from Jiangdong, but I heard that when he was in Longzhong, he compared himself to the sages of ancient times. Is this possible?"

Zhang Zhao spoke, his tone seemed to be very contemptuous, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his words.

Even you, Zhuge Liang, can't compare to the ancient sages!

Ye Xiao was a little surprised.

The ancient sages here were Guan Zhong and Le Yi, but why did they suddenly change?

Could it be that it was harmonized by the system?

Not expose information about other dynasties?

Ye Xiao's expression was startled.

"This is just a comparison of Liang's life that is not worth mentioning!"

Zhuge Liang spoke.

But this answer surprised all Jiangdong celebrities present.

This Zhuge Liang is too arrogant!

Is he even comparable to the ancient sages?

"Liu Yuzhou visited the thatched cottage three times before inviting Mr. Liu to come out. He even thought that Mr. Liu was like a fish in water and wanted to occupy the entire Jingxiang. But now, all the prefectures of Jingxiang and Xiang have been owned by Cao Cao. I wonder what Mr. Wang thinks?"<


This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

Zhang Zhao began to make things difficult for Zhuge Liang.

Sure enough.

This difficulty also caused the surrounding Jiangdong celebrities to show joking expressions.

"What's your opinion? Sir, what's your opinion?"

They also started talking, they all wanted to see Zhuge Liang make a fool of himself!

However, Zhuge Liang shook his white feather fan gently with a calm expression.

"In my opinion, it is easy to seize this Jingxiang land. My lord Liu Yuzhou has unparalleled benevolence and righteousness. He could not bear to seize the inheritance of the same clan, so he tried his best to refuse. It is a pity that Liu Cong was young and listened to the villain's slander and surrendered to Cao Cao. Otherwise, this Jingxiang land would have been surrendered to Cao Cao.

How could the land of Xiang fall into Cao Cao's hands?"

Zhuge Liang asked rhetorically.

"Sir, this is wrong. You think you can compare with the ancient sages. But the two ancient sages mentioned by the sir are both talented in helping the world! But this Liu Yuzhou has not been assisted by the sir.

At that time, he was able to control the world and divide the cities."

"Who knows, after getting the husband, when Cao's soldiers came, he abandoned his armor, abandoned Xinye, fled to Fancheng, was defeated in Dangyang, and rushed to Xiakou. Now, Liu Yuzhou has no place to stay! After getting the husband, instead

Liu Yuzhou is not as good as Zhao Zhao when he spoke directly, and Mr. Wei must not take offense!"

Zhang Zhao pursed his lips and said with a smile.

When he said this, all the students were also surprised.

This is just the work of one night.

Is Liu Bei's situation so bad?

Xinye is gone.

Escape from Fancheng.

Dangyang was defeated.

Escape to Xiakou.


The students looked stunned.

"Zhuge Liang is like a god with his troops, but have you ever thought that the strength of the two sides is extremely high? No matter how clever you are, it will not help!"

Professor Yang explained the reason in one word.

When he said this, the students showed signs of awakening.


Liu Bei's troops are too few.

If it had been any other strategist, I'm afraid he would have been defeated by Cao Cao long ago!

Only Zhuge Liang, even though he had fewer troops, could still cause Cao Cao to suffer a big loss!

"The sparrow knows the ambition of the swan! My lord Liu Yuzhou, initially attached to Liu Biao, had no more than a thousand soldiers. Xinye is also a remote mountainous area, with food shortages and few people. Do we want to stay here forever? But even if the weapons are not complete, the city

If it is not strong, the army will not be able to eat for many days without training and food. But I can still burn Bowang Slope, burn the new fields, and flood the new fields!"

"My plans made Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren and other Cao Ying generals so frightened that their livers and gallbladders burst. I think the ancient sages were just like this! Liu Cong surrendered to Cao, but Yuzhou didn't know about it! Yuzhou couldn't bear to seize the same clan's foundation. This is Daren.

People of righteousness! The defeat of Dangyang was caused by the hundreds of thousands of people who supported the old and took the young with them. Yuzhou couldn't bear to abandon it. Traveling ten miles a day, Yuzhou advanced and retreated together with the people. Isn't this also righteousness?"

"There are not many people under the Yuzhou banner, so it is normal to lose to Cao Cao. Outnumbered, victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists! Unlike some people, in times of crisis, they can only take advantage of words, which is useless. Such people can only

You are being laughed at by everyone in this world!"

Zhuge Liang gently shook his white feather fan and said something that left Zhang Zhao speechless.

Obviously, he was convinced by Zhuge Liang's plan.

Burning Bowangpo and destroying 100,000 Cao Cao troops!

The new fields were burned and heavy rain fell from the sky, but Zhuge Liang found another way and flooded the new fields, destroying nearly 100,000 Cao's troops!

How many people can pull off such a ghost-like plan?

"Now that Cao Cao has millions of troops and more than a thousand tiger generals, he will soon be able to annex Jiangxia. I don't know, sir, what do you think?"

A person in the hall stood up and asked loudly.

This person is Yu Fan.

"Oh, it turns out to be Yu Fan and Yu Zhongxiang! What can Cao Cao do if he has millions of troops? He just surrendered Yuan Shao and the remaining defeated generals like Liu Biao. A million troops are nothing more than a mob!"

Zhuge Liang replied.

As soon as these words came out.

The whole place was silent.

Cao Cao had millions of troops.

This is a teacher of millions!

But in Zhuge Liang's eyes, they have become a mob of millions. Zhuge Liang's tone is too loud!

"What a shameless statement! If Cao Cao is a mob of millions, then why do you come to persuade me to form an alliance between Jiangdong and Liu Yuzhou?"

Yu Fan laughed sarcastically and asked a question.

"Liu Yuzhou only has a few thousand soldiers and horses, so how can he defeat Cao Cao's millions? He retreated to Jiangxia and is just waiting for the opportunity to come. Now Jiangdong has strong soldiers and horses, and there is a natural danger in the Yangtze River. But some people, regardless of the ridicule of the world, actually want to

I urge my lord to bow down and surrender to Cao Cao!"

Zhuge Liang said calmly.

When he said this, Yu Fan's face turned red and he was speechless.

At this time, another Jiangdong celebrity stood up.

This person is Xue Zong.

"Kong Ming, the Han Dynasty has reached the end of its days. Cao Gong has two-thirds of the world, and the people have returned to their hearts. But this Liu Yuzhou is ridiculous. It actually tries to compete with Cao Gong. This is throwing an egg against a stone. How can it be undefeated?"
Xue Zong said with a smile.

"A man is born between heaven and earth, and he should be based on loyalty and filial piety. But Xue Jingwen, you are a Han official. When you see rebellious officials and traitors like Cao Cao, you don't want to kill them, but you still say that the strength of the Han Dynasty is exhausted, and you also say that Cao Cao

Occupying two-thirds of the world, the people will return to their hearts."

"Do you want to be Cao Cao's minister? Do you think that destiny lies with Cao Cao? I don't even bother to talk to you, a fatherless and kingless person!"

Zhuge Liang smiled coldly and did not even look at Xue Zong.

On the spot, Xue Zong was extremely ashamed.

"Although Cao Cao used the emperor to command the princes, Cao Cao was the descendant of Prime Minister Cao Shen. But what about Liu Yuzhou? He said that he was the queen of Zhongshan Prince Jing. Is there any research? According to some people, he is just an ordinary man who makes straw sandals.

Just common people! Why should such a person compete with Cao Cao?"

Another person stood up from his seat.

Zhuge Liang took a closer look, but he smiled and said in a playful tone.

"Aren't you Lu Lang, the man with the orange in Yuan Shu's arms? Don't panic, sit down and listen to me."

On the spot, Lu Ji looked uncomfortable, but he still sat down.

However, the students were a little confused.

Zhuge Liang’s words about Lu Lang hiding oranges in his arms don’t seem to be a good thing!

They could only turn their attention to Professor Yang for help.

Professor Yang knows the investment world "Three Kingdoms" more thoroughly than they do.

"According to the information the teacher learned, when Lu Ji was six years old, Yuan Shu gave him oranges to eat, but he quietly hid three oranges in his arms."

"But before leaving, he accidentally dropped an orange. Yuan Shu asked him why he came to someone else's house as a guest and hid the orange in his arms. But Lu Ji said that the orange was very sweet and he wanted to keep it for his mother."

Professor Yang Lao explained.

"This... Lu Ji is still a filial son!"

"Filial piety comes first among all good deeds. Lu Ji did a great job!"

"No! Zhuge Liang was clearly teasing and mocking Lu Ji. To put it nicely, Lu Ji's behavior was filial piety, but to put it badly, he was clearly stealing!"

"Yes! Now Zhuge Liang is fighting with the Confucian scholars. This is a war of words! In the war of words, it doesn't matter whether you are virtuous or not! Look at the video, all the celebrities from Jiangdong are laughing!"


The students talked non-stop and felt that Lu Ji was pitiful.

Obviously I did a very virtuous thing, but now, I am being laughed at by everyone.

This is a scolding war between literati. Every sentence is murderous and heartbreaking, but every sentence is murderous without blood!

This chapter has been completed!
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