Chapter 462 Research Team

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For Hao Yun and others, finding Bailiwu Country is not the most important thing. The key is to find the ring of the Medical Association. Although this goal cannot be stated clearly, based on the scholars' attention to outsiders, they have drawn a conclusion that

The foreign cultivators who currently come to the outer sea are basically heading towards the central area of ​​the Monster Clan. Regardless of whether they are interested in Bailiwu Country, they will eventually appear in the Monster Clan's territory, such as Fisherman Island, which is at the most fringe.

The island can only be a transit place, not the final destination. Scholars are already very anxious. If they could get the method to move freely on the sea earlier, they might have entered the territory of the demon clan long ago. From the progress of time,

It seems that they have fallen far behind the others.

The group of scholars quickly left the Fisherman Island, but Shishi was still delayed on the island for two more days. Finally, she took Hao Yun and the three of them on a passenger ship to the territory of the demon tribe, and Teng Yun also followed him.

A colleague, dressed as a gold mining businessman, also boarded the same passenger ship.

Since the passenger ship will sail at sea for many days, in order to allow customers to get a full rest, the facilities on the passenger ship are very user-friendly. Not only are there very good rooms, but also various other leisure and entertainment facilities are available. Compared with

The small yacht Hao Yun and the others took when they came to Fisherman Island was much better. It felt like the flying passenger ship they took on Lingdu Continent, except that one was flying in the sky and the other was swimming in the sea. The other differences were not too big.

Hao Yun felt very strange about the rule that no flying was allowed in the demon clan's territory. Not only were cultivators good at flying, there were also countless flying spiritual weapons of various sizes, but there was no room for them to be used in this place. What was even more strange was that

, the overseas alliance still did this. Not only did they agree, they seemed to be very honest, and they really followed this rule and implemented it meticulously. Even Shishi, as the granddaughter of the leader of the overseas alliance, Taoist Spirit Snake,

Strictly follow this rule, so Hao Yun feels that there must be a hidden secret behind this rule.

Shishi looked at the three handsome men and women in front of her with doubtful expressions, and had no choice but to patiently answer their questions. In fact, Shishi didn't know the specific truth, she just said that this rule was formulated many years ago, that

At that time, even her grandfather was not old. This rule has been implemented in this way since it was formulated. Perhaps because of habit, the cultivators in the overseas alliance did not find it strange. Even Shishi felt that it should be

Do it like this instead of asking why. But after all, Shishi's status is somewhat special, so she knows some secret things. Even when she was a child, she had questions and was scolded by her grandfather, who warned her,

There is an unknown and powerful creature in the sky above the demon tribe's territory. Once it enters its airspace, it will be strongly attacked. It is said that even the practitioners of the Mahayana period cannot escape its pursuit. This statement cannot be made by Shi Shi.

Verify the truth and falsehood. In short, the cultivators Shishi knows all implement this rule very seriously.

Regarding Shi Shi's explanation, Hao Yun felt even weirder. Although the power of habit is infinite, it can only be targeted at cultivators from overseas alliances. However, Hao Yun learned from Teng Yun that there was more than one cultivator from Lingdu Continent.

Flying at high speed, they passed through the demon territory and were not attacked. Therefore, Shishi said that no one dared to fly over the demon territory. At most, it can only be said that cultivators from overseas alliances did not dare. Then there was the question about the flying process.

As for the attack, even if there are powerful unknown creatures in the sky, unless there are a lot of such creatures in the sky, it is unlikely that ordinary people will encounter them casually in such a large airspace. Therefore, based on this,

A somewhat bluffing and weird story that wants everyone to give up flying is indeed a bit too childish. Hao Yun immediately put forward this point of view, and Shishi didn't know how to answer, but Huang Li said, maybe this ban is just

Just to prevent accidental killing.

Hao Yun suddenly got excited and asked Huang Li what kind of consideration she had. Huang Li thought for a while and answered that if the sky above the demon clan's territory is the hunting ground of the demon clan, then all this can be explained reasonably.

The purpose of the demon clan is not to use this rule to prevent cultivators from flying, but to use this rule to distinguish cultivators who do not believe in evil. As long as they dare to fly, they will also dare to kill. It is reasonable and reasonable. Wanwan is standing aside

She muttered that this would be too troublesome. If so, it would be better to say that as long as you dare to fly, you will be killed if caught by the demon clan. Wouldn’t it be more effective? Huang Li shook her head and replied, maybe the demon clan

The tribe just deliberately didn't say anything, giving people an ambiguous feeling. Their purpose didn't care at all whether cultivators could fly or not. It might just be a killing field for hunting cultivators.

Because taking a boat is boring, everyone gets together to chat, chatting about all over the world. This not only brings us closer to each other, but also exchanges a lot of information. Especially Huang Li and Wanwan,

They had relatively few exchanges with Shishi before, but this time the exchange lasted a long time, so it was very thorough and formed a good chemical reaction between them. In the end, Hao Yun was left aside, and the three of them were alone.

Looking for a place, they said they wanted to talk about some topics that women talk about. Hao Yun actually wanted to end it quickly. There was no end to the drama between three women. Hao Yun had long been annoyed, and just as soon as the three of them left,

Hao Yun quickly returned to his room, opened the protective circle, and entered the world of fire madness.

The progress of Huo Kuang's interpretation these days is gratifying. So far, nearly half of the encrypted text has been cracked. After careful sorting, he discovered something very strange. This is why Huo Kuang is anxious to ask Hao Yun to come over for an interview.

In his own world, Huo Kuang still looks like a fire frog with long horns and cannot move. Therefore, Hao Yun faced a statue of a fire frog and listened to Huo Kuang's discovery.

It seems that this discovery shocked Huo Kuang's heart. The narrative process was full of confusion. It took Hao Yun a long time to understand the situation. It turned out that during the process of cracking the code, Huo Kuang discovered that there are two completely different characters here.

Although Huo Kuang didn't understand the encryption method at first, he didn't take it seriously. Later, through the cracked content, it was very strange. The content encrypted by the two methods said two completely different things.

One said that I hope a goblin can discover this content, and please find the goblin base where he is hiding as soon as possible and rescue him. The other content said that when a goblin discovers this text, you must not look for this goblin base, otherwise

He will cause a big disaster. The content is completely contrary. Fire Maniac is a little confused. Is it because he has been locked in the goblin base for many years that this guy has gone insane.

After Huo Kuang finished speaking, he wanted to know what Hao Yun was thinking, what was going on, and whether to save him or not. Hao Yun was stunned for a long time and didn't know what to say. In fact, he really hated doing multiple-choice questions, and

It's this kind of confusing multiple-choice question. In this state where there is no preface and follow-up, and there is very little information, it is impossible to make a correct judgment. I don't know what stimulation Huo Kuang received, but he suddenly suggested it to Hao Yun.

, it is said that there is strength in numbers. In his world now, Zhang Yinfan, Li Feng and Song Qingzi are all staying here, each on a small island, each studying their own things. They don't seem to have made much progress, and they are not energetic.

Great, in that case, why not let them do something together. To be honest, Hao Yun had also thought about the three of them very early on, and always staying in the fire-crazed world with nothing to do not only blinded them

They are very capable, and over time, they probably have the desire to die. If they can be put to use, not only can it greatly alleviate the shortage of manpower on Hao Yun's side, but their spirits will also be much better. Hao Yun used to also

He wanted Huo Kuang to try to break the restrictions of the smiley mask. Unfortunately, Huo Kuang was helpless with this hybrid spiritual weapon that combined other systems. In the end, he had to give up. Hao Yun could only accept it. The three of them could only hide in

In the world of Huo Kuang, one has the tragic fate of never seeing the light of day. Therefore, Hao Yun himself is often reluctant to come to the world of Huo Kuang because he is afraid of seeing their lifeless expressions.

Of course Hao Yun was willing to support the suggestion put forward by Huo Kuang, but Hao Yun felt strange that Huo Kuang could have anything that they needed to do. Huo Kuang explained that the last time Hao Yun asked Huo Kuang to learn goblin writing, Huo Kuang

Kuang has already had this idea. So far, although they have built a small team around Hao Yun, everyone is still yours and mine, and there is no real interconnection, whether it is

There is a lack of necessary communication on knowledge systems and cultivation issues. Including the cracking of the smile mask, it is also because Huo Kuang is not familiar with the cultivator system, and Zhang Yinfan and the others are even more ignorant of the goblin system, so they cannot continue.

Go on. Huo Kuang said, if we set up a research team now, as those scholars said, if knowledge has no boundaries, maybe after everyone has integrated all kinds of knowledge, not only can we easily crack the smile mask, but also maybe

There will also be an explosion of knowledge, so that everyone will make greater progress.

Hao Yun didn't expect Huo Kuang to express this opinion at all. Hao Yun has not been very interested in the declining goblin civilization. To be honest, he has never studied the system of cultivators seriously.

So far, Hao Yun's only advantage is that he is not exclusive of various knowledge systems, so there are no preconceived obstacles. In fact, Hao Yun is just like a blank piece of paper, and Hao Yun is not the kind of person who works tirelessly.

He is a good student, and he is not a talent like Dahai who is keen on research, but Hao Yun understands the importance of knowledge very well. If he can set up a research group as Huo Kuang said, maybe more new knowledge will be created.

There is a saying that stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. Perhaps the combined knowledge system will far exceed the system of goblins and cultivators.

Now that he thought about it, Hao Yun decided to start immediately. Huo Kuang used his world power to move Li Feng, Zhang Yinfan and Song Qingzi from their small island to the central island. The three of them saw Hao Yun also

When they arrived, their sluggish spirits suddenly improved a lot. Indeed, they hadn't seen Hao Yun come to them for a long time. This time there was such a big movement that all three of them were called over. It seemed that Hao Yun must have something urgent.

Needing their help. Hao Yun was very excited and told them the suggestions. Originally, these three people were still a little energetic, but the more Hao Yun talked, the more depressed they became.

Hao Yun looked at their expressions and was very disappointed, so he shouted loudly: "You guys are waiting to die if you stay here. Isn't it a way out if we all study together?"

Zhang Yinfan sighed and said: "You think we are stupid, we have studied it together a long time ago, but with our current knowledge and ability, we can't even study it. There are some things that just shouting slogans are useless."

Only then did Hao Yun remember that due to his own reasons, he had always said that this was his space and did not reveal the existence of Huo Kuang. After all, a living goblin was too shocking, so they thought it was just the three of them doing this together.

Of course, he has no interest in research. Hao Yun quickly sent a message to Huo Kuang, asking him if he was willing to expose himself, and told him that once exposed, if these guys have bad intentions, report it to the senior management of Smiley Goblin, you

safety will be greatly threatened.

As soon as Huo Kuang heard that safety was not guaranteed, he immediately stopped playing. Hao Yun quickly said: "Actually, you can create an avatar in the world and let this avatar come to conduct research and discussions with them. Wouldn't that be enough?"

"That's so easy. Although I can control the creatures in my world, it's actually very laborious." Huo Kuang sighed.

"Don't you think you are very simple? You can even command thousands of troops." Hao Yun was puzzled.

"As you said, it was the command, not my personal control." Huo Kuang said.

"What's the difference?" Hao Yun became increasingly confused.
This chapter has been completed!
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