Chapter 459: Start decryption work

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Taking advantage of this period of time, Hao Yun specially called Dr. Sun and asked him to buy all the fairy products with encrypted words for him. Dr. Sun quickly smiled and said: "Master Hao, there is no need to spend these expenses anymore.

Well, we have been here for decades and have already collected all these items, including the patterns of the encrypted text on these items. We have made a topology, and I will present it right away for your adults to review."

When Hao Yun heard this, it was good. If there were ready-made patterns, there would be no need to collect so many items. Not only would it save money, but it would also save worry and effort. Most of the items were incomplete and the patterns were incomplete, so they had to find the same type of utensils to piece them together. Indeed,

It's also a laborious task, but I don't know whether the pattern they drew will work for the fire maniac. After all, the fairy characters are multi-dimensional and superimposed, and the pattern they drew is flat. Hao Yun thought to himself, even if it doesn't work, let Sun

The doctor took out all the products. They had collected them all anyway, so there was absolutely no need for him to spend more money.

Dr. Sun took out a jade slip with a photo taken from the ring, unfolded it on the table, and activated it. A three-dimensional light screen appeared above the jade slip, and a lifelike fairy product appeared in front of Hao Yun. Hao Yun shouted in surprise.

He made a sound, and then said with great surprise: "You actually used images to topology it!"

Dr. Sun quickly explained: "I will take out the topological pattern immediately and record it with images. This is also because many products are seriously damaged, and many of them cannot be carried out until we repair them carefully before we can topology them. The topological process

often cause secondary damage to the repaired items, which will affect the multiple comparisons based on the actual objects during the cracking process. Therefore, after we repair the items, we will use photographic jade slips to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the items.

Scan, so that even if the physical object is damaged, our interpretation process will not be delayed."

Hao Yun was elated. These people were indeed smart enough and knew how to do this, which greatly saved Huo Kuang's interpretation time. These days, Hao Yun threw all the items he bought last time into Huo Kuang's

In the space, Huo Kuang is now focusing entirely on cracking the encrypted text, and has temporarily given up using space energy to evolve his own space. In this way, Huo Kuang's progress is still relatively slow, because many complex items have been damaged.

Seriously, Huo Kuang still needs to find a way to repair it. And these repairs are far more complicated than Hao Yun imagined. After all, Huo Kuang's goal is not the integrity of the item, but the integrity of the encrypted text of the item, so he must find a partner.

The artifacts of different styles are then carefully compared and then restored to relatively complete artifacts. In the words of Huo Kuang, it is originally a multi-dimensional text, coupled with encryption, if you make a mistake, the meaning will be completely different.

, therefore, the repair work must not be careless.

Hao Yun carefully checked the jade slips and found that there were a total of 188 types of fairy products with encrypted words inside, which meant that there were a total of 188 encrypted words. Hao Yun quickly used his spiritual consciousness to call the fire

Huo Kuang, let him see if the content in this jade slip can be used. Originally, Huo Kuang’s repair work was very unsatisfactory. Since Huo Kuang cannot act at will in his own world, he can only use his spiritual consciousness to control his world.

After all, the sensitivity of manipulating creatures is not that strong. If you are not careful, you may destroy those fairy products. You can imagine how painful the repair process is. When Huo Kuang saw the lifelike three-dimensional image,

He was so excited that he couldn't speak. Although he did not observe each one carefully, he knew that as long as he had these images, he could directly use the incomplete products to start interpretation immediately, and this fortunate restoration process

, you can jump directly to it.

In this way, Hao Yun received the photo slips given by Dr. Sun and a large stack of topological patterns. These patterns were recorded on pieces of leather. According to Dr. Sun, this kind of leather is waterproof and fireproof, not easily damaged, and

Another advantage is that the leather has a certain thickness, so the topological effect also has a certain thickness. When Hao Yun heard this, he knew that there was something in Dr. Sun's words. In other words, they also discovered that the goblin's writing was not a two-dimensional plane.

The above is actually quite in-depth. Hao Yun did not continue to discuss this topic with Dr. Sun, but asked Dr. Sun not to disturb him during this period. After he has achieved results, he can discuss it with Dr. Sun.

This group of scholars came for a face-to-face and sincere academic exchange.

Huang Li and Wanwan were a little surprised by Hao Yun's sudden retreat. However, before Hao Yun retreated, he still explained that he planned to study the goblin civilization and sort out his experiences. If he really wanted to go to Bailiwu Country,

If you don’t have enough knowledge, it will be in vain. The reason why Hao Yun suddenly had this idea was actually requested by Xiaohong. When she was in the pedestrian street, Xiaohong copied all the items in the pedestrian street. Unfortunately,

Xiao Hong didn't know much about fairy writing, and couldn't understand it even after turning over it. Although Huo Kuang could project into Xiao Hong's space, Huo Kuang couldn't move in Xiao Hong's space. Therefore, those copied

Items that Huo Kuang couldn’t use at all. Xiaohong actually really wanted to get Huo Kuang’s knowledge about fairies, but due to face issues, she was unwilling to talk to Huo Kuang about it. Therefore, this learning task could only be handed over to Hao Yun.

Hao Yun also readily agreed, because he also discovered that the first two times he entered the goblin ruins, he didn’t understand anything and ran out in a daze, and then he never had the chance to enter the ruins again. Therefore, Hao Yun himself

I also feel that if I can master more knowledge, I will not come back empty-handed after entering Baoshan. Even if there is a fire maniac around me now, I still have to be careful about what to do if we are separated, so this retreat study is very important to Hao Yun.

, is also very important.

Hao Yun took the photo jade slips and a large pile of leather and directly entered Huo Kuang's world. While watching Huo Kuang's interpretation process, he acted as Huo Kuang's assistant. Based on Huo Kuang's needs, he selected from a large number of goblin products.

Select the desired product and compare it. In this way, step by step, first get the correct three-dimensional pattern, then break down the encryption process, and finally get a series of two-dimensional text. After Hao Yun went through this process, he was very interested in the fairy text.

The system is becoming more and more familiar. With Huo Kuang's step-by-step guidance, Hao Yun's learning process is also very smooth. In Huo Kuang's words, the most important thing is to go on the right path at the beginning. Otherwise, the greater your ability, the more you get.

The knowledge is also more outrageous, because not only is that knowledge wrong, but because it is interpreted in the wrong way, the knowledge obtained can even wipe out the entire civilization.

Hao Yun initially thought that Huo Kuang was an alarmist, but soon Huo Kuang gave him an example. If these people misinterpret the goblin civilization and think that the goblin practice system is the correct path, then once human beings practice cultivation

If civilization changes to the goblin system, the final result will inevitably be destruction. Hao Yun is unable to refute this example. Perhaps just like what Huo Kuang said, human civilization may have died long ago because of the influence of goblin civilization.

It's off. Perhaps, the higher-ups in the spiritual world should set a taboo on goblin civilization, which is the right approach. If they can't interpret it correctly, it's better to let this civilization sink.

Shishi finally arrived at Fisherman's City. When she saw Huang Li and Wanwan, they were very curious because Shishi looked very tired. Shishi explained that because the overseas alliance overlapped with the demon tribe's territory, the two families were

It was agreed that flying would not be allowed in overlapping areas, and anyone who violated it would be killed without mercy. Therefore, when she rushed from Spirit Snake Island to Fisherman Island, she had to take a passenger ship first, and did not fly until she was completely out of the Monster Clan's territory.

When they arrived at Fisherman Island, they didn't rest all the way, so they looked quite tired. Wanwan felt a little confused, so she asked Shishi why cultivators have to build a living place on an island in the territory of the demon clan. Isn't this very unsafe? Shishi

Shi lamented that this was completely a problem left over from history. In fact, the demon clan has always existed in the spiritual world. Originally, everyone lived together and were not so clearly distinguished. However, later, due to conflicts between the cultivators and the demon clan, the cultivators began to

Suppressing the Monster Clan, the Monster Clan began to retreat on a large scale from the Lingdu Continent, and finally settled in the outer sea area. As for the Spirit Snake Island where Shishi is located, cultivators actually lived here very early on.

At that time, there was no distinction between who belonged to whom in the outer sea area. It was not until a large number of demon tribes gathered in the outer sea that they began to have many conflicts with overseas cultivators. In the end, both sides took a step back, and the islands where overseas cultivators lived were still owned by cultivators.

It is owned by the demon clan, but the ocean part belongs to the territory of the demon clan.

Huang Li saw Shishi's tired expression and suggested that she take a rest quickly. Hao Yun was still in retreat anyway, and it wouldn't be too late for everyone to chat after she had rested. In this way, Shishi followed Miss Yun Er to make arrangements for her.

In the room, Shishi looked at Miss Yun Er very seriously. After the two quickly exchanged information with their spiritual consciousness, Miss Yun Er left the room, leaving Shishi alone in the room in a daze. Shishi did not immediately

Seeing Hao Yun, she was actually relieved. She was a little afraid to see her former leader. She was afraid that Hao Yun would notice something was wrong. Fortunately, after seeing Huang Li and Wanwan's performance today, she felt that Hao Yun should

I haven’t thought about it yet; Shishi was able to confirm this in her special communication with Miss Yun Er just now. What Shishi hesitates about is whether she needs to tell the whole truth when she sees Hao Yun tomorrow. After all, Hao Yun is her own.

A lifesaver.

When Shishi arrived, Hao Yun quickly got the information, so he was ready to end the retreat. Now he basically knows the fairy writing, but he still needs long-term practice before becoming proficient. Huo Kuang's interpretation process is still going on, after all, the decryption

The process is very complicated, each pattern takes a lot of time, not to mention that in the past few days, Huo Kuang basically focused on teaching Hao Yun, so the progress of cracking is very unsatisfactory. According to Huo Kuang's plan, it will take at least ten days

Half a month. So before Hao Yun left, Huo Kuang told him not to bother him again if there was nothing important. Hao Yun agreed. For Hao Yun, having a partner like Huo Kuang who loves work is his blessing.

, must be given full respect and care, is this request still a request? After all, Hao Yun also wants to understand this encrypted content as soon as possible, maybe it really hides a huge secret.

After some rest, Shishi finally met Hao Yun. Hao Yun specifically said that he wanted to talk to Shishi alone, so the two of them were a little embarrassed when they met. But Hao Yun soon showed that he was very

Hao Yun praised Shishi greatly and said that she was very capable. This made Shishi feel very embarrassed. Then Hao Yun asked, "Have you brought the money? Can you deliver the goods?"

Shishi was a little at a loss and was stunned for a moment. Hao Yun saw Shishi's expression and his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Feifei didn't make it clear? That's not right. It was agreed that he would deliver the goods.

The money was delivered in one hand, wouldn't Shishi have forgotten this incident? Hao Yun's face was also ugly. If he didn't get the money quickly and send it to Feifei, Feifei's efforts would be wasted.

"Oh, I understand. What you are talking about is, Sister Feifei's matter about bootlegging. I have already arranged it. I was rushing here in a hurry and the money on hand has not been raised yet, so in two days, other

People will come here, I asked them to bring them here." Shishi patted her head and thought about it.

"Oh, you scared me to death. I thought you had forgotten that I came all the way here to deliver goods and collect money. This is the main job that your sister Feifei asked me to complete. If I can't handle it, I will die when I get back." Hao

The athlete patted his chest, looking relieved.

Seeing Hao Yuntian's expression, Shishi felt very guilty, so she said, "Team Leader Hao, you won't blame me!"

"It only took two days, how can I blame you? In fact, it was much faster than I thought. I thought I would go to Spirit Snake Island." Hao Yun replied.
This chapter has been completed!
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