Chapter six hundred and eighty seventh very risky plan

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No one could have imagined that the attack of the divine machine would change like this. You must know that the battle has been going on for a long time, and the divine machine is still at a disadvantage. Logically speaking, it should have changed long ago. Because of this

, this change came so unexpectedly, the burst of electric shock directly caused Brother Orange to lose control of his body. If Brother Orange lost his ability to resist, if he was hit by the big sword, he would lose his fighting power even if he did not die.

When the second brother Lu saw this, he roared and threw the big sword in his hand. At this time, he did not dare to use the knife to hold the big sword directly. If it happened, the big sword sent out another electric shock, he would also be in crisis.

During the process, the big sword moved fast enough, and hit the sword body hard, causing the position of the big sword to shift. I heard a scream from Brother Orange, and Brother Orange's left shoulder was almost split open in two parts.


The second green brother accelerated, pushing against the orange brother's body, and wanted to escape from the fighting circle. But at this time, it was too late, and the big sword burst out with blue electric light, directly electrocuting the injured orange brother into a

The second brother Heitan and Green were also affected by this. Fortunately, he was extremely vigilant and let go of Brother Orange in time, and then he crawled out and escaped.

Thunderous applause and cheers erupted in the hall of the Metal Society. Due to the successful memory transmission at the critical moment, the divine machine immediately burst out with its powerful strength, changed the world in one fell swoop, and successfully made one of the cultivators lose their fighting ability.

"Wow, this electric shock is so powerful, it defeated them so easily." Xiaowei sighed.

"Don't underestimate this electric shock device. This blow consumes a huge amount of energy. The energy reserve of the divine machine can only support three times. You can imagine how powerful this electric shock will be." Shen Zao said at the side.

Xiaowei pushed up her glasses out of habit and said to herself: "So that's it. It seems that if you want to erupt such a powerful electric shock, you need to specially design energy storage equipment for the armor."

"Of course, the armor's energy supply system cannot emit such a powerful current. Do you know? The best way to deal with cultivators is electric shock. We have also done a lot of research and improvements on this electric shock device.

Otherwise, cultivators rely on their strong bodies and ordinary electric shocks will not be able to harm them." Shen Zao explained at the side.

The second green brother who escaped saw the divine machine armor standing still with a big sword in his hand, but did not pursue it. Feifei, like a bystander, found it very strange. Logically speaking, this was very strange.

A good time to counterattack is, after all, one person has been defeated and the remaining person has lost his weapon. All he has to do is go forward and chase him. Once the big sword reaches his body, he can be easily defeated with another electric shock.

Just when Feifei felt very strange, Shenji shook a sword flower in his hand and put the big sword back behind his back. Shenji bent down and grabbed the unconscious Brother Cheng in his hand.

The younger brother reacted and flew up into the sky.

"Hey, why don't you fight?" Xiaowei looked at the light curtain and asked.

"The energy of the electric shock is not enough. If we continue to hit him, our weaknesses will be exposed." Shen Zao replied.

"No, doesn't it mean it can be used three times?" Xiaowei asked.

"Theoretically, it can be used three times, but unfortunately, No. 58 is not very familiar with the operation, and the last one just used up the reserve energy." Shen Zao replied regretfully.

Without the electric shock, it would not be so easy for Shenji to kill the cultivators, so Shen Zao asked the staff to summon No. 58 back through the mind control system. Anyway, these cultivators couldn't escape even if they wanted to. , the spaceship in the sky has been following them, just wait for No. 58 to charge up the electric shock energy, and then continue to attack them. No one can escape.

The second brother Lu picked up the fallen sword and dragged his exhausted body back to Hao Yun and Huang Li. He saw the two of them looking at the sky with strange eyes. At this time, the divine machine armor had already It turned into a black spot.

"What should we do, team leader, there are only three of us left now." Brother Green asked. He felt extremely frustrated. He didn't expect that a mortal's armor would burst out with such a powerful attack power, and it would also be an electric shock. This is cultivation. It is the kind of energy that people hate the most. You must know that every time they go through a catastrophe, they are fighting against lightning. If this were in the Lingdu Continent, they could still use protective space to resist it. However, the current environment is the West Wind Continent, even if they You can barely use your own spiritual power to create space. But how many times can a thin layer of space withstand such attacks?

In the battle just now, Huang Li stepped forward to help, but Hao Yun never took action and just observed from the side. Not to mention, as a bystander, Hao Yun really discovered some problems. Now Feifei, Whether alone or in armor, they are not opponents that they can easily defeat. The only way is to get Feifei out of control. Wanting to help Feifei out of control, Hao Yun also came up with a way to get close to Feifei. Unfortunately, , During the battle, Hao Yun's chance of finding such a thing was very slim.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he chose to go to the tiger mountain. When the second brother Green and the orange brother were fighting Feifei, Hao Yun said to Huang Li: "We have to find a way to get close to Feifei. I think the person controlling Feifei behind the scenes doesn't want to kill us. Even such a cruel person was left alive. Otherwise, we might as well be captured, so that I would have a chance to get close to Feifei."

"Your idea is very dangerous. Once captured, if we are unable to escape, there will be nothing we can do." The expression on Huang Li's face was very serious. She knew that Hao Yun cared about Feifei very much, but , in order to save Feifei, choosing such a bold method is already quite irrational.

"I understand, so I leave Huo Kuang to you. If something goes wrong with me, I'll be counting on you for the rest." Hao Yun revealed his true intention.

"Don't be joking, okay? If something happens to you, I don't have the ability to rescue you. I don't know the time technique, so I can't hide my whereabouts. You'd better not take such a risk, hurry up Calm down, now we know where Feifei is. As long as we are careful, there will be a chance to get close to Feifei." Huang Li felt panicked. She was very afraid that Hao Yunhui would be stubborn and end up putting the heavy responsibility on herself. Huang Li It's not that she's unwilling to take on heavy responsibilities, the actual reason is that she really doesn't have much confidence in herself.

"The chance is very slim. We are in the West Wind Continent and cannot fly. With our legs alone, it is difficult to get close to Feifei." Hao Yun has already thought about it. Their biggest disadvantage is that they cannot fly quickly. It was not easy to get into the sky. The boat was also shot down by others. If this continues, they will always be in a state of exhaustion. Moreover, there is another key problem, that is, the pills in their hands cannot support them to stay in the West Wind Continent for a long time. Therefore, , they can't afford to waste time.

"Can't you use the Time Technique? During the battle, wouldn't it be enough if you use the Time Technique and stay close to Feifei?" Huang Li asked urgently.

"No, Feifei has been wearing tight clothes. Even if I come into contact with her, I can't use the hypnotic space." Hao Yun was very helpless. His own hypnotic space mainly relied on the mind magic pill. Unfortunately, the mind magic pill was very powerful against the blood-sucking vine.

In other words, if Feifei always wears tight clothes, his hypnotic space will be completely ineffective for Feifei.

"If this doesn't work, then if you are captured, will you have a chance to come into contact with Feifei?" Huang Li asked.

"Yes, there won't be many opportunities, but at least I can know who is controlling Feifei. As long as I deal with these people, Feifei can get rid of control." Hao Yun was finally exposed under Huang Li's constant questioning.

express your true intentions.

After a conversation, Huang Li was speechless. After thinking about it carefully, she felt helpless. Although she didn't want to admit it, in fact, Hao Yun's method was probably the closest to success. So, when the Shenji Armor issued

After using a powerful electric shock to kill Brother Orange in one fell swoop, Hao Yun was about to look for an opportunity to be captured, but Feifei flew away without giving Hao Yun this chance.

Originally, Hao Yun and Huang Li thought that after a while, Feifei would come back and continue attacking them after sending Brother Cheng up. As a result, the three of them waited for a long time and did not wait for Feifei to appear again.

"What's going on? Has he left already?" Second brother Lu asked. Now he also knew Hao Yun's plan.

"Forget it, don't worry about it. You should run away and find a safe place to hide." Hao Yun urged Huang Li and Lu Erdi, not wanting them to stay here forever.

Hao Yun has handed over Huo Kuang to Huang Li. As long as there is a positioning device, Huang Li can find Feifei. Hao Yun is very aware of Huang Li's strength. As long as Huang Li makes no mistakes, no one in the West Wind Continent can catch her.

Even Feifei can't do it. Although the electric shocks emitted by the divine machine are indeed very powerful, for cultivators in Huang Li's Mahayana stage, the energy level is still a bit low.

At Hao Yun's urging, Huang Li and Lu's second brother finally left Hao Yun. They each found a direction and ran away, leaving Hao Yun alone in the same place.

Hao Yun started to toss on the sand. He suddenly had an idea and remembered that he had always been in Mr. Zhu's face. Maybe he could use this identity to achieve his own goals.

So, Hao Yun started writing on the sand, and what he wrote was, "Save me." At first, after Hao Yun finished writing, he felt that the words were not big enough, and he was afraid that the surveillance cameras in the sky could not see clearly, so he found another one.

place, I wrote it again.

In fact, every move Hao Yun made on the ground was watched by them in the hall, and they felt that Hao Yun was very weird.

"This person is quite interesting. He actually asked for help. Isn't this person the same as those cultivators?" Dayang asked after seeing the help message on the light screen.

"There is a possibility. When we received the delivery people, there were only three of them. Except for one who was not caught, the other two had been caught." Xiaowei had also been guessing Hao Yun's identity, and happened to hear Dayang's words.

When asked, Dayang answered.

"Oh, then who is this person?" Dayang found things interesting.

"We guess that this guy may be an internal agent arranged by the cultivators in our West Wind Continent." Xiaowei said.

"Oh, interesting, it turns out to be a big fish! If this guy is an internal agent of West Wind, he should be a person with status in West Wind. I will ask the staff to take a close-up of him, just to check this person. As long as you know

Knowing his identity, I believe you will be able to take down the entire internal response system." Dayang's eyes lit up, and he immediately ran to other staff members and muttered a few words in a low voice.

With Dayang's help, the picture of Hao Yun looking up at the sky was soon intercepted. It didn't take long for them to find out the information about Mr. Zhu. When they saw Mr. Zhu's registered city,

After it turned out to be a seaside city close to the eastern area of ​​Lingdu continent, Xiaowei couldn't help but feel happy. This person suddenly appeared in the western desert. If there were no ghosts, this would be a truly strange thing.
This chapter has been completed!
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