Chapter 690: Battle for the Sea

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During this period of time, Dahai stayed at the Medical Association and did experiments with Yue Rong. In fact, such days were very comfortable for Dahai. Unfortunately, just when their experiment was getting closer to success, suddenly

, someone came to visit, breaking this rare peace.

Since Dahai left, Director Xu felt very bad. After all, it was not easy for him to find such an outstanding young man. Moreover, the head of the Xu family had already initially recognized Dahai. If something went wrong, he would not be able to explain it.

.However, it is impossible to hide this kind of thing from Xu Dachun. After all, Dahai is also a member of the Medical Doctors Association. If the Medical Doctors Association robs people, it will definitely be useless to rely on Director Xu to come forward. Although Director Xu is a member of the Evidence Research Institute

The leader of

Under such a premise, even if he came forward to invite Dahai, he would not be convincing enough.

After thinking about it, Director Xu decided to inform Xu Dachun of the matter, which meant that Dahai was now valued by the Medical Doctors Association and was likely to hold an important position in the Medical Doctors Association, thus possibly missing the perfect opportunity to join the Xu family. Xu Dachun received the request

After hearing the information from Director Xu, they immediately paid attention to it. As an enduring family, the Xu family would always be the best way to strengthen their family by introducing talents from outside.

If there is no force to fight for the sea, the Xu family, as a big family, will definitely make a show. However, under the current situation, if the Xu family does not take the initiative, there may be no chance. Xu Dachun quickly made the right decision

He decided that he was going to take action in person and go to the Medical Association to meet this classmate Dahai.

After President Ouyang's accident, Yue Rong is currently in charge of the Medical Doctors Association. As a large force, the Medical Doctors Association has a reasonable allocation of departments and very neat rules and regulations. Therefore, the Association has maintained normal operations.

As the person in charge, Vice Chairman Yue Rong did not have many more things to do because of this.

Yue Rong devoted his whole body and mind to the experiment with Dahai. Just when the experiment made a major breakthrough, the manager of the association secretariat came to Yue Rong's research room.

"What? Xu Dachun, the head of the Xu family, is coming to our Cyanwood Mountain." Yue Rong said in shock.

"Yes, we also received the notice suddenly and didn't know what to do, so we came to disturb you." The head of the Secretariat replied with a little panic.

"It's strange that the clan heads of the Seven Families have never been to Cyanwood Mountain in so many years. How could Duan Duan suddenly come to visit in person? Is it because of President Ouyang?" Yue Rong felt very annoyed. These things had happened before.

President Ouyang was now the one to worry about, which not only made him feel troublesome, but also made him feel a little panicked. After all, the status of the head of the Xu family was high enough.

The patriarch of the Seven Families has the highest combat power in the spiritual world, and is more noble than the members of the Presbyterian Council who patrol the organization. The reception standards for his visit are very different from those of other people. In fact, these are still small things, the key is,

We need to find out what the purpose of his visit is.

"Have you figured out the purpose of the visit of the head of the Xu family?" Yue Rong asked.

"The Xu family didn't say anything, they just said that they wanted to have a symposium with the association's senior management," the manager replied.

After Yue Rong asked some more questions, he found that the Secretariat basically knew nothing about Xu Dachun's visit, mainly because they didn't say anything. However, there was one thing that caught Yue Rong's attention, which was the notice from the Xu family.

In the article, it is said that Xu Dachun's visit was a secret visit, so the Medical Association is requested to keep a low profile.

Xu Dachun arrived quickly. After Yue Rong received the notification, Xu Dachun appeared in the teleportation array at the foot of Cyanwood Mountain not long after.

Yue Rong came to the foot of the mountain in person to welcome Xu Dachun. He respectfully brought Xu Dachun to the conference room of the main building of the Medical Association. After introducing each other, the symposium officially began.

Xu Dachun did not come alone. Director Xu from the Evidence Research Institute also came with the clan leader. At the Medical Association, in addition to Yue Rong and Professor Jiang, the people participating in the symposium were also accompanied by the head manager of the secretariat.

After a few people exchanged pleasantries, they began to get down to business. Xu Dachun spoke straightforwardly about what he encountered last time outside the Monster Clan.

"Do you think it's strange that the wife of the leader of the demon tribe actually has a shadow magic elixir made into a shadow cloak?" Xu Dachun said.

"Oh, there is such a thing. I just don't know what Patriarch Xu has to say about it?" Yue Rong asked.

"I remember that the Shadow Magic Pill used to belong to the Fang family. Later, at the auction, your Medical Association used the Time Magic Pill to exchange for the Shadow Magic Pill. However, how did the Shadow Cloak appear in the hands of the demon clan in the end?

, Don’t your association need to give an explanation?” Xu Dachun directly pointed out the strangeness. At their level, there is no need to play riddles at all, it is faster to just talk about things.

"I really don't know about this matter." Yue Rong also told the truth. After all, he was not in charge of things before.

"Then let President Ouyang come out and explain." Director Xu said from the side.

"Ahem, it's not very convenient for President Ouyang now." Yue Rong sighed.

"No need, I didn't come here to ask questions. Since Vice President Yue doesn't know, there is no need to explain. Here, I just want to remind you that your Medical Association is a force of cultivators. You must not

If you get too close to the monsters, you won't get burned!" Xu Dachun naturally knew about the attack on President Ouyang. The purpose of his coming here was not for the Shadow Demon Pill, but if he came up, he would drag it to the sea.

Really inferior.

"Thank you very much for the reminder from Patriarch Xu. Our association will definitely investigate the truth, cut off the connection with the demon clan, and give you an explanation." Yue Rong immediately made a statement.

The matter of the Shadow Magic Pill is not a trivial matter. After all, the battle between the cultivators and the demon clan is not over yet. The shadow cloak is also a well-known killer weapon in the spiritual world. Now that it has fallen into the hands of the demon clan, it will be a big blow to the cultivators.

That's not good news. The Shadow Magic Pill escaped from the Doctors Association. If we really want to hold him accountable, the Doctors Association will definitely be very passive.

Yue Rong understood this truth, so he took the initiative to ask about the situation of the wife of the leader of the demon clan. If possible, they had better find a way to get the shadow cloak back from the wife.

"This lady, known as the Prisoner Dragon Fairy, is very powerful. Even I dare not say that I can easily defeat this woman." Xu Dachun said.

"What? This woman has such strength, could it be said that her realm is in the late Mahayana stage?" Yue Rong became moved.

"Yes, she is in the late Mahayana period, and she is very young. In time, Long Qi, the leader of the demon clan, will definitely not be her opponent." Xu Dachun nodded, with a playful expression on his face.

"If this is the case, it is almost impossible for our Medical Association to retrieve the cloak of shadow from that woman." Professor Jiang on the side said. Although he is a mortal, he is still very familiar with the cultivation system in Lingdu Continent these years.


A serious expression finally appeared on Yue Rong's face. Although the Medical Association was powerful, it lacked powerful high-level cultivators. Mainly, their force was a neutral organization, and it was also a logistical organization. If the organization's combat effectiveness was really strong,

Being powerful will attract the attention and hostility of other major forces.

"Since Patriarch Xu is here in person, you must not only inform us of the problem. If you have a way to solve it, please also let Patriarch Xu tell me." Yue Rong is also smart enough, and he somewhat figured out why Xu Dachun came to visit in person, and what's more,

A secret visit.

"Of course there are ways. For example, you can find foreign aid." Xu Dachun said.

Yue Rong understood, so it turned out that this was the only way to go. Since Xu Dachun reminded him like this, it was obvious that the most suitable foreign aid at present was the Xu family.

"If our association asks the Xu family to help us retrieve the Shadow Cloak, what price will our association have to pay?" Yue Rong asked directly.

"It's too early to say the cost now. To be honest, even if I help, it will be very difficult to get the shadow cloak from the Dragon Prisoner Fairy. Unless there is someone who knows the space magic to help, the success rate will be

Bigger." Xu Dachun thought for a moment before expressing that it was more difficult.

"Space Technique?" Yue Rong was confused. Space Technique was indeed relatively rare in the spiritual world. He had never encountered it before, but during this period, he happened to encounter Dahai who knew Space Technique.

We also did a lot of experiments using space magic techniques together.

"Yes, space magic. If I take action, it shouldn't be a big problem to defeat Dragon Prison Fairy. The problem is that once she wants to escape, I can't stop her. After all, she has a cloak of shadow in her hand. But,

If she wants to escape, she must take out the shadow cloak to cast the concealment spell. I can delay her casting time. At this time, if there is someone who knows the space spell, they can use the space spell to take away the shadow cloak from a long distance.

." Xu Dachun explained.

Director Xu saw Yue Rong's hesitation and knew that he valued Dahai, so he took the initiative to persuade him: "I know that Dahai from our institute is also a member of your medical association and is helping you these days.

It just so happened that the head of my family told me about the Prisoner Dragon Fairy and wanted Dahai to come and help. No, because Dahai had been borrowed by you for many days and had no intention of coming back. So, the head of my family suggested that we come over in person to help.

The purpose of this trip is to get back the Shadow Cloak as soon as possible. Otherwise, once there is a battle between the demon clan and the cultivators, I don’t know how many people will die tragically at the hands of Fairy Dragon Prisoner because of this big killer weapon."

Yue Rong heard that Director Xu had talked about this person, and understood that Dahai's situation could not be hidden even if he wanted to. To put it bluntly, Dahai was still nominally Director Xu's person, and the Medical Association was only his.

My natal family is in trouble now, so Dahai should help.

So, Yue Rong found Dahai and asked him to come and pay homage to Xu Dachun and Director Xu. Dahai was also very surprised when he saw Director Xu, because before that, he had no idea that Director Xu would come to Cyanwood Mountain.

.And when he found out that the old man sitting in the top position of Director Xu was actually Xu Dachun, the head of the Xu family, he was even more surprised. He did not expect to see the top master that Hao Yun said in Qingmu Mountain.

After Dahai bowed politely to Director Xu and Xu Dachun, he sat down at the bottom. Xu Dachun's spiritual consciousness was of course very powerful. He could see the sea clearly as soon as he touched it, and found that the sea was indeed as Xu Dachun said.

What Chang said was a peerless genius. At a young age, he was already a cultivator in the middle of the Tribulation. The key is that he was also a research genius. This made Xu Dachun happy when he saw his hunting heart. He immediately made a decision in his heart, and he must receive Dahai.

In the Xu family.

After Xu Dachun asked Dahai to perform a space magic trick, he showed a surprised expression on his face and asked Dahai: "It's really powerful. I wonder, who taught you this space magic trick?"

"For the record, Patriarch, this method of mine is passed down from family. Only people with family blood can perform it." Dahai replied respectfully.

"Oh, that's it! It's a pity. I see that you are very capable at a young age. If you continue to train well, you will have a bright future! It won't take a few years. Maybe you can get the shadow back by yourself without me taking any action.

My cloak is gone." Xu Dachun sighed.
This chapter has been completed!
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