Chapter 874: A Forgotten Person

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Hao Yun grabbed the report form from Jiang Wei's hand and studied it carefully. Most of the parameters were completely incomprehensible to him. Some data had a plus sign at the end, and some data had a minus sign. Jiang Wei did not

He didn't feel angry because of Hao Yun's rude actions. Instead, he looked at Hao Yun with helpless eyes. Sure enough, before long, Hao Yun pointed at a data with a plus sign behind it and asked: "What does this data refer to?"

Is it just the brain development rate?”

"Haha, brain development is a very magical thing. How can there be such direct data? Let me tell you, only by adding the parameters of this data table together can we judge. Miss Feifei's brain development has

There has been some progress, but it is still unstable and needs to continue to be followed and monitored." Jiang Wei's explanation made Hao Yun helpless. The field of science and technology was no longer within the scope of his understanding. Although he felt familiar with it, after all, these were the same as those in his previous life.

They are similar, but trying to figure out the facts based on some parameters is a fantasy.

"So what should we do next?" Hao Yun asked with a grimace.

"I think we can increase the dose and try again." Jiang Wei replied.

"If I use this thing too much, will Feifei have side effects?" Hao Yun remembered an old saying from his previous life that medicine is three parts poison, so he asked.

"Normally, there will indeed be certain side effects. However, Miss Feifei's current condition is very special. I feel that the side effects will be relatively small." Jiang Wei responded, maybe she felt that this explanation would be relatively pale, so she pointed

Referring to himself, he continued, "You may not know, but I am actually the experimenter of the brain development reagent. After I was injected with the drug, the brain development process was a nightmare for me.

The whole process is worse than death. Not only will it cause severe headaches, but also some inexplicable hallucinations. In fact, this feeling still exists until now. However, I can now distinguish the difference between the two. However, before I

There is no way to perceive it, so I will become suspicious and almost have a nervous breakdown."

Hao Yun thought to himself, what you said is not an illusion. It should be something similar to the intuition of a cultivator produced after the development of the brain. However, this kind of perception is more powerful than the intuition of a cultivator. Unfortunately, for

For Xifeng Technology, what matters is observation and data. If various instruments cannot observe the situation, there will naturally be no way to confirm whether what Jiang Wei perceives is real or an illusion.

"Why are there less side effects for Feifei?" Yao Li saw Hao Yun deep in thought, so she asked on Hao Yun's behalf.

"Because Feifei is almost unconscious right now, so naturally she can't feel pain. If she really feels it, it would be a good thing. After all, our purpose is to wake her up." Jiang Wei's answer was very convincing.

So I waited for a few days, and after Feifei's indicators were stable, the experiment started again. This time the dose was much more abundant than the last time. However, the effect of the experiment was almost exactly the same as last time. Feifei's brain development was once again successful.

Although her brain waves had improved, her brain wave response was still a flat straight line. It felt like she didn't have any waves during the whole process.

After several consecutive experiments, Jiang Wei finally felt something was wrong. She called Hao Yun and the others together and held a very serious meeting. At the meeting, Jiang Wei gave her own opinion. She felt that Miss Feifei was probably We no longer have our own consciousness, and everything we do now is in vain.

Now Hao Yun panicked and shouted loudly: "Impossible, Feifei must have her own consciousness."

Jiang Wei frowned and said: "How are you going to prove it? You should know that this girl Feifei did not show any consciousness of her own when she was sent to West Wind Continent. If it weren't for the mind control device developed by Shen Zao, this would be impossible. This girl is probably just a vegetable."

"This," Hao Yun was stunned.

In fact, Hao Yun has never confirmed Feifei's state. The hypnotic space has no effect on Feifei, otherwise he would have directly awakened Feifei. Due to the existence of blood-sucking vines, Hao Yun has not contacted Feifei at all so far. Now that Jiang Wei said this, he was speechless, and the others were even more speechless. Could it be that Feifei had lost her consciousness long after she was captured?

At the meeting, Jiang Wei meant that the experiment was temporarily

After Hao Yun and the others had new evidence, everyone would discuss it together to see if there were any other ways to save Feifei. Before leaving, Jiang Wei said to Hao Yun in an apologetic tone: "Now the reagent can no longer be used. After using it, Feifei's brain development has reached its limit. I'm afraid that if I continue, Feifei's head will explode."

Hao Yun has been frowning all day these days. He is in great pain because he has no means to save Feifei. He can't even confirm that Feifei is still conscious. Wanwan and Yao Li see Hao Yun's unkempt appearance. They looked very distressed, but there was nothing they could do. They wanted to step forward to persuade him, but they were afraid of being scolded, so they could only watch from a distance.

Hao Yun felt uncomfortable, and Wanwan seemed even more uncomfortable. Yao Li comforted Wanwan and told her to cheer up and think carefully to see if there were any blind spots that they had overlooked.

"Hey, it would be great if nothing happened to Feifei. She is much smarter than me. She observes carefully and has a comprehensive view of the overall situation. I estimate that if she encounters this problem, she will definitely be able to find an entry point. "Wanwan said with emotion.

Yao Li thought for a moment and agreed. Feifei's intelligence was recognized by everyone among their group of friends. Although Yao Li claimed to be very smart, compared to Feifei, she still knew herself. It's self-evident. It's a pity that Feifei's strength is much inferior to Yao Li, otherwise she wouldn't have been captured, which led to the current situation.

Wanwan and Yao Li talked a lot about Feifei. As they chatted, Wanwan mentioned that when Feifei and Hao Yun were trapped in the core of the magical battlefield, they relied on Feifei's catastrophe to successfully escape from the magical battlefield. He escaped from the battlefield. At that time, although Yao Li was also in the Fire Cloud Cave, due to Yao Li's status as a member of the Huang family, Hao Yun's secret had not yet been fully disclosed to her. Therefore, Yao Li did not know that they had ever returned. Have such an experience.

Speaking of which, that encounter was quite a crisis. If Feifei hadn't been able to overcome the catastrophe in time, they would have probably died in the magical battlefield. Yao Li said thoughtfully: "It was indeed quite a crisis. It seems that Hao Yun is really good. In times of crisis, there are always people around you who can stand up."

Wanwan nodded and responded: "Yes, Brother Zhang also played a big role that time."

Since Yao Li also stayed in the Huo Kuang space during this period of time in order to deceive others, her relationship with Zhang Yinfan was also very good. However, Zhang Yinfan was not like Wanwan, who talked to Yao about everything.

Li said, therefore, Yao Li did not know that Zhang Yinfan also played a lot of role in this matter.

Prisoner Dragon Fairy and Xing Yun, they had never come into contact with Feifei, but when they learned about the magic of blood-sucking vine, they were shocked. Unexpectedly, there is such a divine object in the spirit world. The blood-sucking vine is in the spirit world.

The world is not a rare thing. The problem is that most vampire vines are failed creations. They are completely different from Feifei. Therefore, neither Fairy Dragon Prison nor Xingyun thinks that the tights on Feifei are

Transformed from vampire vine.

Hao Yun sealed himself off by himself. Not to mention Yao Li and Wan Wan, even Fairy Prisoner Dragon ran to him and scolded him. Everyone saw that there was nothing they could do, so they decided to get together.

Let's discuss it and see if we can use everyone's intelligence to find a solution.

In this discussion, Shi Yingjian and Zhang Yinfan also participated. At the meeting, everyone focused on how to break through the protection of the blood-sucking vine. You can imagine how silent this meeting was. Everyone

While they were all thinking, Yao Li saw Zhang Yinfan opposite, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration and asked: "Brother Zhang, when you were on the magical battlefield, you used a spiritual weapon to break through the space. I don't know,

Can you do this now, bypass the blood-sucking vines, open a space door and find Feifei's body?"

Even though Xing Yun and Lei Lord are both great powers in space, they are powerless when encountering the blood-sucking vines that even spiritual consciousness cannot pass through. Zhang Yinfan's method does not rely on spiritual consciousness and personal strength, but

It uses audio resonance for positioning. Therefore, it is possible to bypass the tights outside Feifei's body and open a space door so that they can contact Feifei's body.

After Zhang Yinfan thought about it carefully, he replied: "Theoretically it is possible, but the problem is that Feifei must have a spiritual weapon in her body!".

When Zhang Yinfan said this, the energy that everyone had raised suddenly dropped.

Qi. Feifei's body is only so big, and the tights are tightly tied to her body. There is no space to place the spiritual weapon that uses audio resonance. Moreover, how should the spiritual weapon be sent? If it can be sent

In the past, there was no need to go to such trouble, it was completely unnecessary.

Just when everyone fell silent again, Hao Yun suddenly ran over and said to them: "This is a good idea. Just now I suddenly remembered a very important thing."

Although Hao Yun was very worried, he didn't just work behind closed doors, so when everyone got together to think about problems, he ran to the next room and secretly listened to their thoughts. When Yao Li proposed her idea to Zhang Yinfan

While thinking, Hao Yun suddenly remembered something very important. In fact, Feifei has never been a person. There has always been a person hidden in Feifei's storage space, or an intelligent machine with self-awareness, that is,

The administrator of the magical battlefield world is Zhe Tian.

However, the Zhetian in Feifei's space is just a clone. However, this clone can share information with the real body in the core of the magical battlefield small world. In other words, as long as the real body of Zhetian is contacted, it will naturally

Can contact the clone.

Fortunately, Zhang Yinfan still remembered the spatial frequency at the core of the magical battlefield. Therefore, after several efforts, Zhang Yinfan finally used the principle of spatial resonance to open a bowl-sized hole on the mountaintop battlefield full of thunder and lightning.

The space gate came. Hao Yun was on the side and quickly sent his consciousness into the space gate, and then he sensed Zhe Tian's thoughts full of surprise and anger: "Damn, where have you all died in so many years?

Why didn’t you contact me until now?”
This chapter has been completed!
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