Chapter 158: It’s Difficult to Return to One’s Original Nature

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Although the Tang Dynasty in the history books was in chaos, with various killing incidents occurring one after another, various times of death filling the history books, and various joys and sorrows that made people miserable, but so what?

Sad people are destined to be in the minority.

The public is like a wooden person without emotions, continuing to live in a fixed direction.

Stability and peace are the mainstream of history, life is the mainstream of history, and making a living is the mainstream of life. The turmoil that can be written in history books is actually non-mainstream.

It’s not that the public has no emotions, it’s just that many people want to think that they don’t have any emotions.

Seriously, if someone in your family dies, what does it have to do with me?

The person who died in your family died so that your family could live a richer, more convenient, and more powerful life. His death was earth-shattering to your family.

But what does it have to do with me?

The dead man in your family even wanted to take advantage of me to benefit your family, so he deserved to die.

My parents are still sitting on the kang waiting for me to come back safely. My wife and children are still staring at the door with their eyes wide open, waiting for me to bring food back. How can I care about whether you die or not?

Therefore, the death of more than 8,100 people in Chang'an does not affect the rest of the people in Chang'an to continue to pursue their own better lives.

Yunchu tried a restaurant specializing in braised pork.

After the bowl was opened, a burst of white air rose and disappeared, and the strong aroma of pork filled the mouth and nose.

The lean meat is reddish, and the white meat is crystal clear. The fried pork skin is full of wrinkles and is an appetizing maroon red. Even the dried vegetables underneath have been neatly trimmed and the color

Not to mention the green color, it is also very chewy.

Yunchu ate slices of pork belly, and the glutinous aroma filled his mouth. After eating it with a spoonful of rice, he took a sip of the fake anti-toxic medicine, and a line of fire fell from his throat into his stomach. He felt that the white snow that was still falling outside was worth it.

"The meat is carefully prepared, and a lot of effort has been put into the side dishes. Even the poison-killing medicine has a slight aftertaste. To be honest, after eating such good food, you should feed the pigs something from the big cafeteria."

After listening to the words of the owner, Yin Erhu's forehead was covered with wrinkles like meat skin. He lowered his voice and pointed at the cook who almost had his head stuck in his crotch and said: "Can you do it? You have been practicing hard for ten years with our materials."

For a long time, the most shameless thing is that this guy actually opened a restaurant opposite the big cafeteria, and now he is bullying the head of the family so that he can talk easily."

Yun Chu said angrily: "This can't be done..."

After saying this, he continued to eat fiercely. To be honest, he had never tasted such delicious braised pork even in Chang'an more than 1,300 years later.

After Yunchu quietly finished his bowl of pork belly and drank a pot of fake anti-toxic medicine, the owner and cook knelt at Yunchu's feet, pleading.

Yun Chu planned to beat this guy up, so he raised his foot and kicked him. He saw Yin Erhu looking behind him in horror, thinking that a terrible enemy was coming. Yun Chu quickly turned around and saw clearly who was coming.

After that, my waist immediately collapsed.

"I have long heard that your Yun family is used to being arrogant and domineering in Chang'an. I have never believed it. I think you have a compassionate heart. Only when I saw it with my own eyes today did I know that the rumors in the public are true..."

The old god was so angry that he raised his legs and kicked him. Yun Chu didn't dare to dodge or resist. He even put his left leg in front of him so that the old god could kick him easily, so that he wouldn't trip the old god.


The old immortal was getting stronger and stronger, and he kicked Yun Chu seven or eight times in one breath, and then shouted: "It is true that the secret recipe comes from your Yun family, how can you block the sky with one hand and prevent others from doing this business?

People also work hard to learn it. Once you learn it, you can support your family and support dozens of people with one craft. What a great thing. Is your family short of money?

The Liushui brand contains your family's gold and silver, so you have to argue with a cook who supports your family over a bowl of meat, right?"

This is very unreasonable. If it came from the emperor, Yunchu would definitely discuss the patent issue with the emperor. Now, the person who said this was Sun Simiao, so Yunchu had to respond and retort.

I dare not say anything.

When it comes to the issue of patents, Sun Simiao is the one who has suffered the most losses.

After kicking and teaching Yun Chu, the old god helped the fat cook up, wiped away the footprints that Yun Chu had just left on the cook's shoulders, and comforted him: "In the future, if I want to sell your braised pork well, it's best to sell the one across from you."

The whole family has been squeezed to death. If he comes to trouble you again, just tell the old man and he will be dealt with."

Yun Chu swore that he had no strength in that kick, but the fat cook cried like a baby in front of the old god. It seemed that the Yun family really did something to him, and he soon attracted

There was a big crowd watching.

The old fairy looked around and found that the crowds were all cooks wearing aprons, so he said loudly: "From now on, if anyone feels that he has learned his craft and wants to open a shop, he can open a shop, regardless of whose secret recipe it is.

Now that you have learned it, it is your family's secret recipe. Watch it carefully, don't let those rich people take it away.

Making money to support the family is the right thing to do.

General Zhenjun, don’t you think so?”

Yun Chu felt that the old immortal should not bring up his official position at this time. Li Ji, the only hussar general above the general of the Zhenjun army, was dead. The general of the auxiliary country was also almost dead. Cheng was not dead.

Yao Jin and Su Dingfang were also deprived of their military positions. Now, he, the general of the army, is the holder of the highest military position in the Tang Dynasty.

Judging from the current scene, he was trained like the third grandson by Sun Simiao. Not to mention suppressing the army, he couldn't even suppress the group of happy cooks in front of him, and he was even picked off by others.

"What the old immortal said is, what the old immortal said is, just open it, just open it... the more the merrier..."

Sun Simiao took a look at Yun Chu and said to the crowd: "Don't always think about some evil ways. If you cook well, the guests will come naturally and the money will come naturally. As a human being, conscience is the most important thing."

As Yun Chuer listened to a group of cooks saying "How could it be possible" and "Definitely, definitely", he knew that the hard days of his big canteen were coming, and the Chang'an Food Market would definitely usher in a huge brainstorm.

Not to mention, we will also enter the competition like the Warring States Period.

As everyone knelt down and worshiped, Sun Simiao left the restaurant. Yun Chu quickly followed, but he heard the old god say: "Give me money for wine and food."

Yun Chu took out a golden bean from his sleeve and threw it to the fat cook with a smug look on his face and said, "I'm giving you an advantage."

Before the fat cook could continue to show off, the old god frowned and said to the fat cook: "Get change."

Yin Erhu, who was about to explode with anger, took the golden beans from the fat cook's hand and gave him a handful of copper coins...

The old immortal walked in front, and Yun Chu followed closely. As he walked, he complained: "The braised pork is all creamy. You are not suitable to eat this food. If you add too much, it will affect your blood vessels."

Sun Simiao stopped in the snow and looked back at Yun Chu and said, "The old Taoist is about to turn a hundred years old."

Yun Chu was stunned for a moment and then said flatteringly: "You are still young."

Sun Simiao said: "Isn't it difficult to treat someone below one person and above tens of thousands of people?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "Disciples haven't reached this level yet."

Sun Simiao had no reaction to Yun Chu's nonsense, and sighed: "People have to be afraid of something, especially in your position. The more fear you have, the more thoughtful you will be."

Yun Chu nodded repeatedly and said: "From now on, this disciple will definitely treat himself as someone who everyone in Chang'an will bully."

Sun Simiao said: "The people of Chang'an fear and respect you too much."

Yun Chu said: "This shouldn't be any of my business."

Sun Simiao smiled and said: "The old Taoist knows what your goal is. Since you want to achieve your goal, you should learn how to return to your original nature, leave your lofty position more, care less about the things of those people in the cloud, and come to the human world more

Go, after all, the Chang'an you want is in this world."

Neither of Yunchu's two generations had achieved the current achievements and status, and there were almost no reference points. Fortunately, Sun Simiao had been an immortal for a long time and had his own opinions on the issue of excessive status. Yunchu was prepared to follow it happily.

"If your status reaches a certain level, you can't do anything... The Art of War says, 'Those who don't plan for the overall situation are not good enough to plan a territory,' but this is not the case when it comes to work. Those who plan for the overall situation will not be able to do anything practical until their death...


Yunchu felt that this was a good word.

The old god was a glutton. Yun Chu followed him throughout the restaurant street and ate seven or eight kinds of things. When the old god lifted his beard and ate the last sesame ball, he said to Yun Chu with a smile.

: "The smoke and fire in the world is the most heart-warming thing."

When passing by a restaurant specializing in pig offal, Yunchu pointed to the gourd sign on it and said, "Did you really make this?"

Sun Simiao nodded and said: "No, that's right. The process of obtaining food is quite difficult for people. As long as it is non-toxic and can fill the stomach, you should try to incorporate it into the recipe. Speaking of which, it is still the old Taoist who has earned a lot of merit.


Yun Chu felt that what the old god said was right. The process of obtaining food for the Chinese nation has always been difficult, so they cherished food as life, and through various cooking attempts, finally created the huge recipes of China's water and land.

Sun Simiao had always been a free and easy man. After he had a full stomach and sold Yun's family, he walked away in the snow, rubbing his bulging belly, and scorned Yun Chu's suggestion of preparing a carriage and horses for him.

If you want to succeed in Chang'an, you must first integrate into Chang'an and let the two be harmonious. Just like the relationship between fish and water, they can achieve each other. However, Yun Chu is ready to go one step further. He plans to turn himself into a drop of water and merge into the big lake of Chang'an.


Therefore, when Yun Chu came back from the end of the restaurant street, he looked at the chefs who had robbed his family's secret recipe, and he seemed very, very sad and angry. Although people are sad and angry, their behavior is helpless.

"Make your braised pork better. If something goes wrong next time, I will smash your shop with my own hands."

"You should put more mutton in your water basin mutton, so who can eat enough mutton..."

"You should add more soy sauce to your steamed noodles and meat, and make the egg skin more tender..."

Listening to Yun Chu's incompetent rage, all the shopkeepers behaved very respectfully, unable to hide the mockery in their eyes. It is estimated that the news that Yun Chu was kicked by the old god will spread throughout the world without waiting until tomorrow.


The people of Chang'an originally hated nobles, officials and rich people, but Yunchu is now the top official in Chang'an, the top nobleman, and the richest rich man. Such people can only bow their heads in front of the old gods.

This makes their view of nobles, officials, and rich people drop to another level.

Since the old immortal doesn't take the Yunchu family's secret recipe seriously and allows the common people to use it, then there must be no serious consequences for using the secret recipe of other nobles, rich people, and officials.

After all, this is what the old god said, and people in Chang'an love to listen to what the old god says.

Back home, Yun Chu also stroked his bulging belly and leaned on the chair to drink hawthorn water to eliminate food.

Yu Xiurong said angrily: "How can the old god do this?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "The old immortal eats very well, so it's not a big problem to live for a few more decades."

Yu Xiurong said: "Old gods will naturally live a hundred years. What I'm talking about is if all the cooks in our family run away, how can we continue to run the big canteen?"

Yun Chu waved his hands and said: "Be careful, saying that others live a hundred years is a compliment. The old god will be a hundred years old next year, so you are using it as a curse."

Yu Xiurong said: "I'm talking about the big dining hall."

Yun Chu rolled his eyes at Yu Xiurong and said, "If you don't improve the recipe for more than ten or twenty years, you deserve to be closed down."

Yu Xiurong said: "Those are all secret recipes drawn up by my husband."

"When did I say that the secret recipe I formulated cannot be modified? As long as something better appears, the old one should be abandoned immediately. Haven't you heard the saying that the waves behind push the waves ahead in the Yangtze River, and the waves in front die on the beach?"


"Now there is."

"Yeah, yeah, why doesn't the old god help us?"

"The old god has been speaking kind words to me all day today."

"The two tigers have already said it. They are all lies to deceive our family."

"That idiot Erhu knows nothing. The old god has been saying all day today that Yun Chu can't cover the sky with one hand in Chang'an City. This is not a good thing. What kind of words are good words?"

"Hey, it's true. How about I go to Da Ci'en Temple tomorrow to try my luck?"

This chapter has been completed!
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