Chapter 1975 Palace of the Seventh Son of the Emperor of Heaven

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The Holy Mountain withstood all the power, and Wu Bei took the opportunity to look for the flaws in the formations and restrictions and crack them one by one.

Soon, he broke through one killing formation, then the second, and then the third.

Half an hour later, the murderous aura over the Tiansha District became smaller and smaller, and the restrictions were gradually lifted. After another half an hour, all the murderous aura disappeared, the clouds and smoke dispersed, and everyone watching the excitement saw what was happening in this area.


In the sky, thirty-six spiritual vortices continuously release high-dimensional spiritual energy. There is a majestic palace suspended in the air. It is surrounded by twenty-eight suspended peaks. On the peaks grow strange flowers, rare herbs, and magical medicines.

Holy tree.

What's even more amazing is that there is a Milky Way flowing through one side of the palace.

There are also some ancient buildings and caves on the ground. Inside the caves of these buildings, there are caves and heavens, which contain the universe.

The entire area is three thousand miles long from east to west and about two thousand five hundred miles wide from north to south. There is a medicine garden, twelve caves, 105 large and small buildings, and a huge palace suspended in the air.

When all this was revealed, everyone watching the excitement was stunned. Is this the God-killing Zone?

Suddenly, countless people poured out from all directions, wanting to go inside and observe.

Wu Bei had no time to deal with these people, so he released the golden monkey.

The golden monkey roared and stood guard at the mountain gate, blocking the monks from the door.

Wu Bei was currently communicating with the formation here and controlling the mountain gate. He discovered that the formation here had not been opened, and the hub of the formation was located in the Sky Palace.

He flew to the square in front of the palace and saw that the palace door was closed, with the words "Zixu Palace" written on the top. At the door were four golden-armored puppets holding swords, hundreds of feet tall, exuding a terrifying murderous aura.

He pressed his hand on the door, and the four puppets raised their swords high, targeting Wu Bei with murderous intent.

Wu Bei was not afraid at all. He felt an energy penetrate into Wu Bei's body through his arm. At this time, the power of the Heavenly Saint bloodline in Wu Bei's body vibrated slightly and came into contact with this power.


The door shook and opened slowly. Behind the door was a rich purple aura. At the same time, the golden-armored puppet also put away its giant sword.

Wu Bei smiled and walked into the palace. As soon as he stepped in, a woman walked out of the purple air. She was wearing red armor and had cold eyes. It seemed that she should be part of the palace's defense mechanism.

The red-armored woman glanced at Wu Bei, then knelt down on one knee and said, "I have met the young master!"

Wu Bei listened to her voice, and she spoke complex language, similar to what Taigu Zhenren said, but with some improvements. Fortunately, he could understand it and asked: "What is this place?"

Red-armored woman: "Back to you, young master, this place is the residence of the seventh son of the Emperor of Heaven."

Wu Bei: "Why do you call me Young Master?"

Woman in red armor: "Because you have the blood of the Son of the Emperor of Heaven in your body, it means that you are the direct descendant of the Emperor's Son."

Wu Bei knew that this was all due to Emperor Ying's bloodline. He nodded: "What's your name?"

"Back to my young master, I am Jin Min, the commander of the Red Armored Guards. I am responsible for guarding this palace and waiting for the emperor's descendants to come."

Wu Bei: "Has anyone else been here before me?"


Wu Bei was very happy: "So, I will be the master of Zixu Palace from now on?"

"Yes, young master, the master is no longer here, and you will be the new master from now on." Jin Min, the red-armored commander, said.

Wu Bei looked at her: "Jin Min, are you a puppet?"

Jin Min: "Yes, the villain is a puppet of the Heavenly Saint, and his responsibility is to carry out the orders of the young master."

Wu Bei's eyes lit up and he said, "Are you a puppet created by the Heavenly Saint himself?"

Jin Min: "Yes."

"How many people are there in your Golden Armor Guard?"

Jin Min: "There are one hundred and twenty Jinjia Guards here."

Wu Bei: "From now on, the Jinjia Guard will obey my orders?"

"Yes." Jin Min said.

Wu Bei smiled and nodded: "Can you let them come out?"

Jin Min made a sound, and one hundred and twenty guards wearing golden armor and long swords immediately appeared around him. These guards were no different from living people, but their faces had no expressions.

Wu Bei observed that these Jinjiawei (this chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 1975 The Palace of the Seventh Son of the Emperor of Heaven

Their strength is at least at the level of a true king. Jin Min's strength has even reached the level of a holy emperor!

He sighed with emotion: "As expected of a puppet created by Heavenly Saint, it is very powerful!"

Jin Min: "Young Master, is he in the Holy Emperor realm now?"

Wu Bei: "Well, it hasn't been long since I became the Holy Emperor."

Jin Min: "If the young master is already the Holy Emperor, he can inherit all the wealth of the seventh emperor."

Wu Bei's heart moved: "The emperor's wealth? Apart from these palaces and things outside, is there anything else?"

Jin Min: "In the back, there are three treasure houses, which contain different types of treasures belonging to the emperor. Now they all belong to the young master."

Wu Bei laughed and nodded: "Jin Min, please activate the defensive formation first."

Jin Min: "Yes."

After saying that, the entire area where Zixu Palace was located instantly rose into purple-red smoke, covering all the scenes.

Although the current Zixu Palace does not reveal murderous intent, its power is several times more powerful than before Wu Bei's exploration. No one can enter here without Wu Bei's permission.

When the golden monkey saw the mountain gate closed and the formation rising, he stopped blocking these people. A group of people came to the mountain gate and talked about it while looking at the billowing smoke.

"Who would have thought that there would be such an amazing place in the Tiansha District. Judging from its scale, it is at least the residence of the true descendants of the Emperor of Heaven, possibly the prince."

Another one who was more discerning and knowledgeable said: "This is not the prince's palace, I think it looks like the palace of the son of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"What? The emperor's palace? This is a major discovery. It should be the highest-level place explored in the Celestial Palace so far, right?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that such a treasured place would be taken over by an outsider." Someone sighed.

Meng Wei and the man in blue robe also arrived, and they were both extremely surprised.

Meng Wei rolled his eyes and shouted towards the mountain gate: "Brother, I'm Meng Wei. I have something to tell you."

Hearing the shout, Wu Bei walked out of Zixu Palace and arrived outside the mountain gate in an instant. Ye Bingxi came over immediately, her face full of joy, knowing that this exploration would make a lot of money.

Wu Bei let Ye Bingxi and Jin Hou go in first, then looked at Meng Wei and asked, "What do you want from me?"

Meng Wei's face darkened and he said: "You are so brave, you actually stole my permit and came here to explore!"

Wu Bei looked at Meng Wei, with a hint of coldness on his face. He said calmly: "I bought the license with one trillion super clear coins, and the contract we signed is still in my hand."

Meng Wei sneered: "You are lying! I advise you to give me this place immediately and get out of the Heavenly Palace. Otherwise, I will make you regret it!"

Wu Bei looked at him: "Meng Wei, are you sure you want to do this?"

Meng Wei sneered: "Let me tell you, my Meng family is one of the most powerful families in the Heavenly Palace. If you don't want to die, just give up your place!"

Chapter 1975 The Palace of the Seventh Son of the Emperor of Heaven
This chapter has been completed!
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