Chapter 2823 Tiger Head Clan

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The academy has a long history and contains a lot of knowledge and resources. Many human kings and masters come from the academy. For example, the master of Jindu was born in the Golden Dragon Academy.

The people who participated in the talent selection meeting came from all over the Holy Ancient Continent. Only those who get the top 100 results in the talent selection meeting can continue to take the college exams. The college exams are more difficult. The number of students enrolled in the college each time

There are only a dozen students. And they only enroll students every five years. On average, only three or four students are enrolled every year.

After listening, Wu Bei asked: "When will the talent selection meeting start?"

"You can go to the talent selection conference at any time. The talent selection conference lasts for half a year and will end in two months."

Wu Bei asked again about the process of the talent selection meeting, and Elder Heishan answered truthfully.

It turns out that, strictly speaking, this talent selection meeting is a series of tests. Each test can get a score, and the scores of all test items are added up to get the total score. After the talent selection meeting, the person with the highest total score will be

One hundred people will be qualified to enter the Golden Dragon Academy exam. As for the Golden Dragon Academy exam, it is different every time, and the Black Mountain elder cannot tell much.

After asking clearly, Wu Bei said to Niu Qing: "Brother Niu, I won't kill this man for now. You lock him up and let him out after I enter the academy."

Niu Qing nodded and grabbed his hand. The Black Mountain elder disappeared and no one knew where he was being held.

"Young Master, participating in the talent selection meeting is an opportunity. You have extraordinary qualifications. It shouldn't be difficult to win the top 100 positions."

When Wu Bei saw that he didn't mention the academy, he smiled and asked, "Do you have no confidence in me joining the academy?"

Niu Qing: "Young master does have a chance, but I can't judge whether it will succeed in the end."

Wu Bei nodded: "It seems that it is indeed difficult to become a student of the academy. Let's put it aside for now. After I sell the goods on hand, I will go to Jindu."

In the next few days, Wu Bei made alchemy every day, while Zhao Yunji and Liu Mei helped him make alchemy.

Li Shen Dan Pavilion. In his spare time, Wu Bei helped the two girls improve their cultivation.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and Wu Bei had sold most of the elixirs he had on hand. He decided to go to Jindu to participate in the talent selection meeting.

After discussion, he planned to take Niu Qing and Liu Mei with him, while Fang Li and Zhao Yunji stayed to look after the Shendan Pavilion.

Jindu was quite far away from here, so the three of them walked and rested. At this time, Wu Bei felt the vastness of the Holy Ancient Continent. In the world, or even in the fairy world, it would not take long for him to go somewhere. However, this time he went

Jindu, I have rested three times on the way, but I still can't see the shadow of Jindu.

At this time, the three of them arrived at a small market town. As soon as they landed, Wu Bei smelled the aroma of meat. When he took a closer look, he saw a restaurant.

There were several sheds set up outside the restaurant, with seven or eight tables placed underneath. There were also a few tables inside, and it looked like business was good, with almost all of them occupied.

A few people found a table and sat down. The waiter came over and asked nonchalantly: "What do you want to eat?"

Wu Bei asked: "What's delicious?"

"What delicious food can be found in such a shabby place?" The waiter's answer made Wu Bei frown. Who else does this kind of business?

He didn't care and said, "Then it's all the same."

The waiter was stunned for a moment. Can you give me all of them? He glanced at Wu Bei and said, "Sir, it won't be cheap if you want them all."

Wu Bei was not polite: "Stop talking nonsense and come on if I ask you to."

The waiter turned around and ran to the kitchen. After a while, he brought out chopped animal meat, bear claws, whole chickens, and roasted lambs.

Wu Bei tore up a chicken leg and ate a taste of it

The food was actually quite good. Soon, the table was already full. Fortunately, this kind of small shop does not have many dishes, otherwise Wu Bei would have to share a table, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate so many dishes.

When the diners at other tables saw Wu Bei ordering so many, they all shook their heads, as if they were looking at a fool.

Liu Mei reminded Wu Bei: "Master, I feel something is wrong."

Wu Bei: "I can see it. These people order very little and eat very little. It's strange, it tastes good, why don't they eat it? And practitioners like them have an amazing amount of food. What they order is simply not enough."


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a roar on the ground, and four monsters with tiger heads and human bodies walked along the street. They were more than three meters tall and huge, and the ground shook violently when they stepped on them.

This group of tiger-headed men came to the restaurant, glanced at it, and walked over.

Niu Qing saw these tiger-headed men and secretly sent a message: "Sir, these are the tiger-headed tribe among the half-orcs. They like to capture people as slaves and food. These cruel-headed tribes like slaves with big appetites and strong strength.

.No wonder these people don’t eat much, they must be worried about being targeted by the Tiger Head Clan.”

Wu Bei frowned. Only then did he realize that the human race did not have a high status in the Holy Ancient Continent. Even a tiger-headed tribe dared to attack the human race!

Seeing the tiger head tribe, the waiter had already hid, and the diners on the other tables also lowered their heads.

At this time, a tiger head tribe member walked to Wu Bei's table, reached out and grabbed Liu Mei, and smiled strangely: "This human woman is white and tender, she must taste very good."


The big hand failed to fall and was opened by Wu Bei's palm.

The tiger-headed man felt severe pain in his palm. He became furious, let out a tiger roar, opened his mouth and bit Wu Bei.

"Run away!"

Others watch

When Wu Bei dared to fight against the Hutou tribe, they all fled. Only Wu Bei and his party and four Hutou tribe were left at the scene.

Seeing that the tiger-head tribe wanted to eat him, Wu Bei drew out the White Tiger Fairy Sword. With a flash of sword light, the head of the tiger-head tribe was chopped off.

The remaining three tiger-headed tribesmen were shocked. Seeing how powerful Wu Bei was, they turned around and ran away. The sword light in Wu Bei's hand was flying, and the three tiger heads fell to the ground before they could run a few steps, and they died tragically in the street.

After killing several Hutou tribe members, Wu Bei called out to the waiter: "Come out!"

The waiter walked over tremblingly and asked in a trembling voice: "Sir, what can I do for you?"

Wu Bei asked: "Where do these tiger-head tribesmen come from, and why do they come to the town to arrest them?"

The waiter said: "More than a thousand miles to the west, a group of tiger-head tribes settled down a few years ago. Since then, the people around them have lived a miserable life. Some people are often captured as slaves and even eaten.


"Is there no human king here?" he asked.

Xiao Er smiled bitterly: "There was originally a human king, but he was later killed by a foreign race. Since then, we have no guardian. Otherwise, the Tiger Head Clan would not have moved here."

Wu Bei: "How many human races are there around the Hutou clan?"

Waiter: "I don't know, I don't know. I did statistics when the King of Humans was here. At that time, there were still more than a billion people."

Speaking of this, the waiter quickly said: "Sir, you run away quickly. More Hutou tribe will arrive soon, and you won't be able to escape by then."

Wu Bei felt angry in his heart and said coldly: "If one comes, I will kill one!"

He sat down and asked the waiter to prepare wine.

The waiter had no choice. He originally wanted to escape, but now he could only go back and prepare wine for Wu Bei.

Liu Mei sighed softly: "This Holy Ancient Continent is so cruel that human beings will become food for aliens!"

This chapter has been completed!
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