Chapter 291 The Peninsula

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Wu Bei and Huang Ziqiang followed from a distance. When the play was over, he sent a message saying "Strike while the iron is hot."

Huang Ziqiang saw his message and said, "Boss, is it too soon to go to bed on the day of the blind date?"

"You know nothing! You can rest assured when the raw rice is cooked." Wu Bei said.

After all, Gangzi was Gangzi and he was a straight man. After all, he sent Xinyue to the car and watched him leave.

When Gangzi came to Wu Bei, Wu Bei kicked him: "I asked you to strike while the iron is hot, what did you do?"

Gangzi scratched his head and said, "Her mother called and said she couldn't go back too late."

"Silly beep!" Wu Bei cursed and didn't want to talk to him anymore.

The three of them strolled out of the park. Gangzi said, "Boss, Brother Qiang, why don't you come to my house and sit for a while?"

Huang Ziqiang smiled and said: "Boss, Gangzi's house is not far from here, more than a thousand meters."

Wu Bei nodded: "Okay, let's go sit at your house."

Gangzi was very happy and quickly called his parents and asked them to prepare wine and food.

Huang Ziqiang said: "Boss, Gangzi's family is all good. His father broke an arm when he beat Annan. Grandpa is eighty-nine years old this year. He fought against American devils on the peninsula and was seriously injured. He is a second-level combat hero."


Wu Bei couldn't help but be in awe. He knew very well that the Peninsula War had a great impact on the world situation and was a war to found a country.

He said: "Then I will give the old man a few glasses of wine."

Gangzi's home is located in a newly built residential building with three bedrooms and two living rooms. He bought this house after he followed Wu Bei.

When he arrived at Gangzi's house, his parents and grandfather were both there. Gangzi's parents were almost sixty, and his father was missing an arm and was mainly doing housework at home. His mother was a female worker and had been retired for many years.

Working odd jobs outside, the income is not high.

The family was very enthusiastic and quickly invited Wu Bei and Huang Ziqiang to sit down.

Gangzi's father started cooking, and soon eight dishes and one soup were served on the table. The old man opened a bottle of old wine, and when he smelled it, Wu Bei knew it was decades old.

After a few glasses of wine, the old man talked about the events on the battlefield and couldn't help but burst into tears when he talked about the emotional aspects. At that time, his company was defending the position, and only thirteen people survived, and all of them were injured. Thinking of the sacrifice

As a comrade in arms, he could not calm down.

The old man also mentioned a strange thing. He said that that night, their company encountered the American soldiers. The enemy fired a flare, which exposed them, and the two sides exchanged fire.

However, the strange thing is that when the flare was launched into the sky, they saw many white, translucent shadows running around on the ground. The American devils seemed to have seen it at that time, and both sides stopped fighting for a while and both looked blankly.

There are silhouettes of people all over the mountains and plains.

The battle didn't resume until the flare went out. However, when the second flare took off, those white shadows disappeared.

Wu Bei's heart skipped a beat, and he asked: "Grandpa, are those white shadows humanoid?"

Grandpa thought for a while and said: "Some look like people, some look like horses, some look like...chariots, it's all a mess. We all thought we had seen a ghost and didn't report it to our superiors."

Wu Bei then asked for the specific address. Since it was the place where the fight took place, his grandfather remembered it very clearly, so he told Wu Bei the name of the place.

After finishing the meal, Wu Bei and Huang Ziqiang took their leave. Before leaving, he gave Gangzi a check for two million and asked him to respect his parents and grandfather.

He refused to give in, so he was kicked a few times by Wu Bei, and he accepted it obediently.

Back at the hotel, Huang Ziqiang blinked and asked, "Boss, are the shadows on the battlefield I just mentioned really ghosts?"

He was a human spirit and noticed the change in Wu Bei's expression, so he asked this question.

Wu Bei: "Ghost? You are also a practitioner after all. Can you be more professional?"

Huang Ziqiang laughed dryly: "That's right, it's not a ghost. When people die, ghosts don't exist."

Wu Bei: "Through practice, people can have spiritual consciousness, spiritual thoughts, and even souls. Ordinary people may also have immortal consciousness and live in the world by chance. This kind of thing is called ghost by the people.

We call them 'Yin spirits'. Some Yin spirits, if they learn how to practice, will become ghosts and immortals."

He continued: "The white shadows on the battlefield should be the Yin spirits left behind in the ancient battlefield, and there are a large number of Yin spirits. This is very abnormal!"

Huang Ziqiang's heart moved: "The boss just said that Yin spirits can only be formed by chance. So, that place is extraordinary?"

Wu Bei nodded: "There is probably something unusual there. When I have time, I have to go and take a look."

Huang Ziqiang said quickly: "Boss, you must take me with you."

"Okay, I'll call you," Wu Bei said.

That night, he gave Huang Ziqiang a few pointers and then went back to his room to practice. Tonight, he was going to practice body awareness.

Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, these are the six consciousnesses, and body consciousness is very important to a boxing master. With body consciousness, the body will be more sensitive, react faster, and can respond to every touch.

The last comes first.

He was cultivating the body and mind yesterday, and with a little practice tonight, the body consciousness has become. With the body consciousness, he felt that his whole body became emptier, and his body and the external world were illuminated internally, making him extremely sensitive.

After body consciousness, there is tongue consciousness. This tongue consciousness is also very useful. Tasting and distinguishing medicines requires extremely high taste.

Moreover, the cultivation of tongue consciousness is the fastest, and he mastered it before dawn.

Immediately, his six consciousnesses merged into one, and he officially had complete spiritual consciousness! With his spiritual consciousness completed, he began to practice the breathing method. The effect of this breathing method is hugely different between those with spiritual consciousness and those without spiritual consciousness.

After gaining spiritual consciousness, he can capture some energy from nothingness that he has never been exposed to through breathing methods. These energies are of great benefit to his body and spirit.

This practice ended at nine o'clock in the morning. Huang Ziqiang did not dare to disturb him and ran to Ziguang Tower to prepare. Gangzi was also called by him to arrange the scene properly.

At ten o'clock, people from Yunding's world arrived one after another. The first one to come was Zhang Jiuhan. Soon after, Wu Bei also appeared at Ziguang Tower.

Zhang Jiuhan stepped forward quickly: "Master Wu."

Wu Bei nodded: "Have all the posts been sent out?"

Zhang Jiuhan: "Yes, I sent people to deliver the posts to all my friends in the world."

Wu Bei: "Hard work."

Afterwards, he went to greet these comrades. In fact, none of the people who came were as good as him. Except for a few of the Zhang family's divine realms, the strongest among them were the aura realm, and some of them had not even reached the aura realm.

Zhang Jiuhan's appeal was very strong, and by eleven o'clock, all the martial arts figures that Yunding could call had arrived.

Huang Ziqiang called the boss to start the banquet. At this moment, a loud voice sounded at the door: "All Genting masters gather here, it's great!"

Wu Bei looked over and saw a middle-aged man slowly walking in. When he saw this person, he narrowed his eyes and said word by word: "Zhou Fosheng! Do you still dare to show your face?"

This chapter has been completed!
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