Chapter 3082 Parallel Era

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"You can control taboos!"

The little old man snorted again: "Nonsense! Lao Chan was the first monk to study the wilderness back then, and discovered the secret of the taboo. The human race's taboos started with Lao Chan."

Wu Bei understood as soon as he heard this. This person's origin was not simple. He was at least an old antique who had lived for several epochs. He immediately bowed deeply: "Li Xuanbei, meet the old man!"

The old man was very helpful. He glanced at Wu Bei a few times and said, "Boy, did you make this network?"

Wu Bei immediately said: "If monks from the heavenly world enter the secular world at will, they will inevitably do whatever they want and harm ordinary people. That's why I set up a heavenly rule. When monks enter the secular world, they must suffer a heavenly catastrophe."

The old man showed a bitter look: "Oh, I will be in a miserable state. If the catastrophe comes, I will be blown to pieces."

Wu Bei said with a smile: "Of course you don't have to be subject to this restriction, old man." After saying that, he recorded the old man's identity in his core. In the future, he will not be subject to heavenly calamity when he comes in and out of the secular world.

The old man was very happy, which showed that Wu Bei respected him. Although he was senior and a famous figure back then, it was an old thing after all, and he was just an old man now.

"You are a sensible boy." The old man pointed his hand, and there was a door in front of him. "Go and sit in the humble house. I haven't entertained guests in many years."

Wu Bei followed and walked in. Behind the gate was a small valley with some medicinal plants and flowers planted in the valley. A black tiger lay in front of the house. When he saw the old man returning, he opened his mouth and roared, and at the same time glanced at Wu Bei.

The old man asked Wu Bei to sit down on the stone bench in front of the room. With a wave of his hand, a young girl appeared out of thin air and made tea and water for the two of them.

"I haven't asked the senior's name yet." Wu Bei's attitude was very low.

The old man smiled and said: "I, Zhang Shiren, practiced Taoism in the seventh era."

Wu Bei: "Senior, you have studied taboos. Do you know how heavy the taboos in the wilderness are?"

The old man restrained his smile and said: "I have seen Huang's Ben

The body is so powerful that it can no longer be resisted by human beings. There are at least forty-nine levels of taboos in the body!"

Wu Bei: "I now have twenty-three levels of prohibition, but I know very well that every time I practice one level, the difficulty will double. After thirty levels, I am afraid it will not be a realm that I can reach."

Zhang Shiren nodded: "This is normal. Taboos should not belong to ordinary creatures in the first place. In the past few eras, I have spent most of my time studying taboos. I found that people or ordinary creatures can have up to thirty-two levels of taboos.

It’s impossible to reach upwards. So, you have to adapt after that.”

Wu Bei pricked up his ears: "Senior, please speak."

Zhang Shiren: "The essence of the ban is a force that interferes with the order of heaven. If we can find a force to replace the ban, we can continue to break through it and reach thirty-three levels of bans, forty-three levels, or even more!"

Wu Bei: "Oh, has Senior found that kind of power?"

Zhang Shiren shook his head and sighed: "I couldn't find it! This kind of power must be very powerful and rare!"

Wu Bei: "Can the seniors teach the juniors the content of their research?"

Zhang Shiren said with a smile: "I can tell you. You still respect the old man, and the old man thinks highly of you."

Afterwards, he imparted his lifelong research results to Wu Bei with his spiritual thoughts. After Wu Bei received the information, he bowed to Zhang Shiren.

The two sat and talked for three days. When Wu Bei said goodbye and went home, it was already three days later.

When Li Chunchun saw this unreliable father coming home, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Dad, now all my classmates are asking me who you are, what should I say?"

Wu Bei thought for a moment and said, "Just say, my father is the cousin of the Emperor of Heaven."

Li Chunchun's eyes widened: "

Cousin of the Emperor of Heaven, is this okay?"

Wu Bei: "That's it."

Li Mei smiled and said: "Xuanbei, go and do your business. I will take care of Chunchun."

Wu Bei nodded: "Okay, I'm about to go back to heaven."

This time, he left behind an incarnation at the Tao level and then headed to the heaven.

Now that the core has been running for a period of time, the rules and regulations of heaven have been initially established, and the entire heaven is basically under Wu Bei's control.

In particular, the establishment of the underworld allows dead people in heaven and earth to enter reincarnation and be reincarnated. The quality of reincarnation depends on the negative virtues during life. People with more negative virtues will be reborn into good families; those with bad virtues will be reincarnated.

Reborn as a beggar or even a beast.

Wu Bei was in charge of Heavenly Court, perfecting Heavenly Rules, and practicing daily at the same time.

Time passed quickly, half a year passed in the blink of an eye. During the six months, Wu Bei revised the rules of the sky many times to make them more perfect. At the same time, he also successfully condensed the twenty-fourth level of prohibition.

This level of ban was condensed by him based on Zhang Shiren's teachings. This level of ban can coordinate the power of the previous twenty-three levels of ban.

At the same time, he was also looking for the kind of power that could replace the taboo, but he found nothing.

On this day, he was reading documents from various places. An immortal official sent a box. When he opened the box, he found a fragment that could not be seen. It released an aura that was completely different from that of this era. But if he looked carefully, the aura was different.

Somewhat familiar, similar but different, why is this?

He read the memorial from the Immortal Official, who was a monk at the tenth level of Chaos. He believed that this fragment did not belong to this era, nor to previous eras, but to a universe called the Parallel Era. Parallel.

The era exists at the same time as this era, and the time and space are parallel. What happens in it and the internal environment are also highly consistent. He even believes that the characters in the parallel era correspond one to one, but their status must be different.


Wu Bei felt that the immortal official's idea was very interesting, so he summoned him to come and have a face-to-face interview.

This immortal official has a beard, is short, wears purple court clothes, and is named Zhuge Changqing.

Zhuge Changqing first expressed his thoughts, and finally he took out a magic formation and said: "Your Majesty, this is a large formation that I have studied. With the help of it, you can enter the world of parallel eras."

Wu Bei: "What will happen if we go over there?"

Zhuge Changqing said: "According to my research, there should be more than one parallel era, at least nine, and at most forty-nine! The same creature in different eras can sense each other. If one of them is killed, then the other parallel eras will be affected.

Individuals in the era will also be weakened. However, if you can absorb and refine other individuals, you can strengthen yourself and gain unparalleled power."

After hearing his theory, Wu Bei's heart was moved. Could he enter a parallel era and refine another self?

Zhuge Changqing said: "Theoretically, this is true. However, if you enter the Era of Equality, your own cultivation will be erased and can only be restored after returning."

Wu Bei frowned: "So, if I go there, all my cultivation will be wiped out and I will become an ordinary person?"

Zhuge Changqing: "That's not true. If your majesty goes there, your own cultivation will be lost, but half of the other majesty's cultivation will be taken away."

Wu Bei: "In other words, what I will be like then will all depend on the strength of the other me?"

Zhuge Changqing nodded: "Exactly."

Wu Bei couldn't help but wonder, after absorbing himself from the parallel era, would the power gained be enough to support the thirty-second level of taboos?

Naturally, he would not try such a risky thing easily. After figuring it out, he asked Zhuge Changqing to retreat. However, he encouraged the other person to continue research and hoped that he would achieve greater results.

This chapter has been completed!
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