Chapter 614 Fist Like a Dragon

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Wu Bei was out of sight and out of mind. He called Meibao and grandma and played mahjong together with Wu Mei. After a few rounds, Li Dongxing walked in. He lowered his head, sighed for a while, and said to Wu Bei: "

Doctor Wu, we are willing to give you the property in our name."

Wu Bei said "hmm" and asked: "Which company?"

Li Dongxing: "We have an office building in Hong Kong City worth about 30 billion, and a shopping mall in Nandu worth about 13 billion. In addition to the two properties, I will provide Dr. Wu with another billion


Wu Bei knew that these two properties were the private property of Li Dongxing's family. He nodded and said, "Okay, let's go through the transfer procedures first."

An hour later, Li Dongxing's family lawyer arrived and assisted Wu Bei in the property transfer procedures. Before the transfer, he used acupuncture to relieve Li Hongtao's pain.

Transferring the ownership was a bit troublesome, so I first went to the Nandu Real Estate Bureau to transfer the Nandu shopping mall to his name.

Tomorrow he will make a trip to Hong Kong City to transfer the ownership of the office building to Wu Mei's name.

Wang Qinqin's family suffered heavy losses, but there was nothing they could do. Wu Bei would not take action unless they paid him. They could not watch their son die of pain.

At night, at Wang Qinqin's home, Li Dongxing sat dejectedly on the sofa, his head almost lowered under the sofa. But Wang Qinqin, who should have been explosive, became unusually quiet.

Li Hongtao is no longer in so much pain, but the current pain is unbearable and he groans from time to time.

Li Dongxing thought for a moment and said to Wang Qinqin cautiously: "Xiaoqin, don't be angry. If the property is gone, you can make more money..."

Wang Qinqin suddenly looked at him, her eyes were sinister and malicious, frightening all Li Dongxing's next words.

Wang Qinqin gritted her teeth and said word by word: "I, Wang Qinqin, have never suffered a loss since I was a child! This Wu Bei dares to blackmail me, and I will make him regret it!"

Li Dongxing was taken aback and said quickly: "Xiao Qin, you must not act recklessly. Doctor Wu is an immortal. Mortals like us cannot defeat him."

Wang Qinqin sneered: "Do you think my Wang family is vegetarian?"

Li Dongxing was stunned. He suddenly remembered that Wang Qinqin's uncle was a master from the Great Zen Temple!

He quickly said: "Xiao Qin, my illness was cured by Wu Shen. You must not conflict with him..."

"Shut up!" Wang Qinqin glared at Li Dongxing fiercely, "Don't worry about this!"

Li Dongxing sighed and did not dare to say anything more.

In a quiet courtyard in the villa, Wu Bei was sitting cross-legged, holding a soul crystal in his left and right hands. The innate soul power in the soul crystal continued to enter his body.

With the help of the Supreme Breathing Technique, in only about three hours, the two crystal stones in his hands had turned into black ash, and all the innate soul power contained in them was absorbed by him and integrated into his soul.

At this time, the power of his soul was almost complete, he was in a moment of joy, and could not help but reveal a smile.

At this moment, something moved in his heart, and he vaguely felt that something was about to be perfected. He was so blessed that he immediately activated his fist intention and began to practice the Five Dragons Holy Fist in the courtyard.

He has been practicing this Five Dragons Holy Fist from the very beginning and has already mastered it. Now he is using his fist intention to display it one move at a time.

After two punches, he always felt that something was wrong. The most essential thing about the Five Dragons Holy Fist is the dragon shape! The limbs plus the body are five dragons!

"What is a dragon?" Wu Bei suddenly asked himself, and he obviously could not answer this question.

After a few seconds of silence, he took out the dragon ball, fixed it with his eyesight, and suspended it in front of him. Then he opened the dimensional eye and saw the world inside the dragon ball. There was a dragon inside, so powerful and domineering!

He carefully observed the dragon's every move, and as he watched, he began to move himself, with each punch and kick conforming to the dragon's shape.

In today's world, I'm afraid no one has seen a real dragon, because dragons have long ceased to exist in this world. But Wu Bei can use the Eyes of Dimension to observe real dragons!

His boxing skills are getting faster and faster, and his body is getting more and more flexible. Even the rhythm of his breathing and blood circulation is becoming more and more like that dragon!

When the speed reaches a certain level, his moves suddenly slow down, one move after another, as slow as a snail, but also contains infinite power!

Between fast and slow, he suddenly smiled, and then slowly withdrew his posture.

At this moment, his fist intention and breath returned to his Dantian. He just stood there, motionless, falling into deep concentration.

A few hours later, the sun rose.

When the first ray of sunlight shone on him, he slowly opened his eyes and let out a long roar like a dragon's roar.

At this moment, his fist intention was finally perfect! For a moment, his momentum was like a dragon!

"When I open my divine aperture, I can fuse my fist intention with my divine will to create a martial spirit!" He murmured.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and Mabel walked in carrying a food box. In the sunshine, she was stunningly beautiful.

She smiled and said: "Brother Wu, I'll deliver breakfast."

Wu Bei: "Thank you."

He went back to his room, washed his face, and then returned to the restaurant to eat. Meibao sat aside and looked at him with a fawning look in her eyes. She was a girl who couldn't hide things. Her big eyes flickered, and she obviously wanted something from her.

Wu Bei put down his chopsticks and said, "Meibao, if you have any questions, just tell me and I will try my best to help you."

Mei Bao said with a smile: "Brother Wu, I had a long chat with Xiao Mei last night, and she said I should study."

Wu Bei was startled. Reading? He asked: "Meibao, how old are you this year?"

Mabel: "Nineteen years old."

"It's not too late to go to college at the age of nineteen, but you haven't been to school. Can you master the courses of elementary and middle schools in a short time?"

At this time Wu Mei walked in and said with a smile: "Brother, don't worry, Meibao is smarter than me."

Wu Bei was surprised: "Smarter than you?"

Wu Mei nodded: "Brother, after I taught you once, Sister Baoer will be able to do particularly difficult physics questions. Also, she has a photographic memory and can memorize particularly difficult classical Chinese texts twice, and she can recite them backwards and forwards.


Wu Bei was stunned, this little nun was so powerful!

He looked at Mei Bao and thought about it for a moment, then said: "Since you want to study, I will arrange for you to go to the County No. 1 Middle School for your senior year and take the college entrance examination this summer. Is that okay?"

Meibao was very happy and said quickly: "Sure! Thank you, Brother Wu!"

Wu Bei waved his hand: "Go and play, don't disturb me."

Wu Mei smiled, took Mei Bao and went out. They were going to go find Zheng Qing to play.

Wu Bei just had a good fist and was in a good mood. After breakfast, he drove to Hong Kong City to go through the real estate transfer procedures.

This chapter has been completed!
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