Chapter 730: Medicine Gourd

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Ma Xingkong was stunned for a moment: "Take the wrong elixir? But Doctor Wu, I have never taken a single elixir in my life. How can I say I took the wrong elixir?"

Wu Bei looked up at him with a strange expression: "You said you haven't taken any pills?"

Ma Xingkong nodded: "Yes, I have never taken any pills."

Wu Bei pointed to a purple-gold wine gourd hanging on his waist and asked, "Then you used it to drink wine?"

Ma Xingkong glanced at the wine gourd and said quickly: "This wine gourd has been with me for seven years. I usually use it to hold wine."

Wu Bei asked him to bring the gourd over. He opened the stopper and smelled it. In addition to the aroma of wine, there was also a strong aroma of red pepper inside. He asked: "Can't you smell the aroma of medicine in it?"

Ma Xingkong said: "Of course you can smell it, that's why I use it to hold wine. The wine filled in this gourd will taste better. Even if ordinary wine is put in, it will become fine wine."

Wu Bei: "Where did you get this gourd?"

Ma Xingkong: "I found this in Ma's warehouse. On a whim, I used it to store wine."

Wu Bei: "Think about it, did you start having health problems after you drank from the gourd?"

Ma Xingkong recalled it and nodded quickly: "That's right! I started getting sick more than six years ago. Doctor Wu, is my illness related to this gourd?"

Wu Bei nodded and said: "This gourd of yours is not an ordinary gourd. It is used by alchemists to hold elixirs. Over time, the inner wall of this gourd has been contaminated with some of the medicinal properties of the elixir. If you use it to make wine and drink it, it is equivalent to

I took that elixir indirectly."

Ma Xingkong suddenly understood and said, "That's it! Doctor Wu, does he have any cure?"

Wu Bei smelled it a few more times and asked, "Does your Ma family still have such gourds?"

Ma Xingkong thought for a while and said: "There are quite a few. I remember that there were more than a dozen gourds piled together, and I picked the one that was most pleasing to my eyes."

Wu Bei: "This gourd is of no use to you, but I can use it to store elixirs. It's a good treasure."

Ma Xingkong hurriedly said: "Dr. Wu can use it very much. I will give you all the gourds in my house!"

Wu Bei then said: "Your disease is actually easy to cure. I will give you some medicine later and you will be cured in a few days."

Ma Xingkong was surprised and happy: "Thank you so much, Doctor Wu!"

Wu Bei: "Mr. Ma, you don't have to be polite. I also respect you as a hero. By the way, your Ma family bullied my nephew Li Longchen some time ago. It's up to you to handle this matter."

Ma Xingkong said quickly: "Don't worry, Doctor Wu. After I recover, I will punish those bastards severely!"

Wu Bei smiled: "Okay, I believe Old Hero Ma will handle it properly. Let's do this. I'll have someone prepare a meditation room for you. You can rest first, and I'll prepare medicine for you."

Ma Xingkong immediately withdrew and was taken to the Zen room to rest by a monk.

Li Longchen didn't go far. As soon as Ma Xingkong left, he jumped in and asked: "Uncle, can you cure it?"

Wu Bei: "It can be cured of course. Go to Ma's house quickly and bring me those gourds. Be quick."

Li Longchen was a human spirit and knew there was something inside. He asked: "Uncle Master, can you tell me what's the mystery of this gourd?"

Wu Bei glanced at the purple gold gourd on the table and said, "This thing did contain elixirs. But its name is medicine gourd!"

Medicine gourd? Li Longchen scratched his head: "Uncle Master, aren't they the same? They are all used to hold elixirs?"

Wu Bei scolded: "You know nothing! The medicinal gourd is a treasure raised with countless precious medicinal materials! The energy and cost of raising a medicinal gourd is beyond your imagination!"

After saying that, he poured out the wine from the gourd and rinsed it twice with water. Finally, he poured a bowl of spring water in, then closed the lid and put it aside.

Wu Bei looked pained and said, "Ma Xingkong was so blind that he actually used a medicinal gourd to hold wine, which greatly damaged the medicinal properties!"

Li Longchen asked doubtfully: "Uncle, is there any difference between drinking wine and drinking water?"

Wu Bei: "What a difference!"

He shook the purple gold gourd, waited a few minutes, then pulled out the stopper and poured the water inside into a jade bowl.

Li Longchen looked at the water in the bowl curiously and said, "Uncle, there seems to be no change, it's still water."

Wu Bei clapped his right hand in the air, and then raised it. The water surface shook, and a wisp of smoke rose into the sky, condensing into the shape of an elixir. Li Longchen even smelled the faint aroma of the elixir.

He was taken aback and shouted: "Uncle Master, what is this?"

Wu Bei: “Have you ever heard of sustained-release tablets?”

Li Longchen nodded: "I know, it's a pill that the body can slowly absorb."

Wu Bei: "The function of gourd is similar to that of gourd. It can slowly release the medicinal properties of strong medicinal elixirs. Ordinary elixirs, if swallowed in one bite, will absorb all the medicinal power in a short time. Medicine gourds are different.

, People who take medicine can soak it in water and drink it every day, one gourd of water a day, so as to slowly absorb the medicinal power inside it."

Li Longchen's eyes widened: "That's it!"

Wu Bei: "It's a pity that this medicinal gourd has been soaked in wine and lost a lot of its medicinal properties. The reason why Ma Xingkong fell ill was because it was soaked in wine, which resulted in absorbing too much medicinal power and damaging his body.

Li Longchen asked: "Uncle, what kind of medicine is this?"

Wu Bei: "The effect of this medicinal gourd should be similar to the Fire God Pill."

He further explained: "The Fire God Pill is for masters after the eighth realm of Earthly Immortality. How can Ma Xingkong endure it?"

Li Longchen nodded: "Uncle Master, how long will the medicine in this medicine gourd last if soaked in water?"

Wu Bei: "It's hard to say. It can take as short as half a year or as long as three years. Because this medicinal gourd has been soaked in wine, 90% of the medicinal power inside it has been absorbed by Ma Xingkong."

Li Longchen was a little worried: "Uncle Master, can Ma Xingkong be cured after absorbing so much power from the Fire God Pill?"

Wu Bei: "It's not difficult to prescribe the right medicine. As I expected, there must be one yin and one yang in the Ma family's gourd. Since there is a fire god gourd, there must be a water god gourd. All we need to do is find the water god gourd.

, I used it to make some water for Ma Xingkong to drink, and his illness was cured."

Li Longchen was stunned and felt that Wu Bei was a big liar.

Wu Beidao: "Why are you looking at me like that? If I don't take action, can Ma Xingkong save himself?"

Li Longchen gave a thumbs up: "Uncle, I admire you!"

Wu Bei: "Stop flattering me and go to Ma's house quickly."

Li Longchen responded and hurriedly went to do his errands.

While Wu Beiyu was waiting for news from Li Longchen, he was studying the set of techniques that derived from the Vajra Indestructible Magic Technique, the Prajna Zen Technique, and the Tathagata Divine Palm.

This set of skills is called the Tathagata Divine Skill! The so-called Vajra Indestructible Magic Skill, Prajna Zen Skill, and Tathagata Divine Palm are only part of it, and their power is less than one percent of it!

Precisely because the power of Tathagata's magical skills is too powerful, it is very difficult to practice. And the more Wu Bei studied it, the more he felt that there seemed to be something missing from this set of Tathagata's magical skills.

Until he remembered the Tathagata Divine Treasure Sutra that he had practiced before, he felt that if he could practice the two sets of exercises together, they would complement each other!

"Could it be that these two sets of exercises have the same origin?" he thought to himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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