Chapter 12 The Cleanest Boots

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 The old manager looked towards the other end of the hall.

It was a completely unfamiliar face, wearing a rather strange black suit, with a blue ribbon tied on the chest, embroidered with twill of unknown meaning.

He has been serving the Sigros family all his life and has met countless people, not only those within the empire, but also his elven and dwarf neighbors, and even foreign visitors from the other side of the strait.

Those people come from different countries and city-states, and have their own traditions and etiquette, and their clothing is also ever-changing. However, because they have been trading with each other thousands of years ago, no matter how different the clothing is, there are traces of it.

Only the man in front of him could not be understood at all by the manager.

The tailoring style and materials used in the other person's black clothes were completely unheard of to him, and he could not incorporate them into any known cultural trend.

There is no doubt that this outfit conflicts with the existing aristocratic dress etiquette of the Bratis continent, but no one who is not blind can classify it as a barbarian.

In fact, the strange short jacket, the naturally sagging trouser legs, and the trouser legs that are just exposed outside the boots can easily make people laugh at any of them. However, when paired together, they create an interesting feeling.

Unexpectedly solemn and solemn.

And the sky-blue patterned ribbon that stretched like a long tongue on the chest was the finishing touch, elevating the temperament of the weirdo who suddenly intervened in the election of the Arias family to a higher level.

In addition, the manager particularly noticed the boots on the man's feet.

Like his upper and lower body, the boots were also very unconventional. Not only were they made of material and style, but the most surprising thing was their overall neatness.

Except for sporadic mud spots on both sides near the soles, the surface of the boots was as smooth as a mirror, shining brightly in the sunlight.

On the other hand, everyone in the banquet hall, even as distinguished as the head of the Figuerola family and Sir Leo who has royal blood, their boots are all gray and stained with dust and even dog feces.


No one knows what this means better than the boss.

Firstly, the leather material chosen by the other party was excellent, and secondly, taking care of and maintaining such a pair of boots would probably require a dedicated servant. Emperor Alessandro set an example when the Red Lion Empire was founded.

, vigorously advocated the virtue of frugality among the nobility.

So even the royal family wouldn't be so extravagant. Maybe among the wealthy Liberty City gangs on the other side of the strait, there will be wealthy businessmen with lots of money and nowhere to spend it who would create such a pomp, but what's the point?

Boots are meant to be worn. As long as you go out and walk around in a city full of sewage and mud puddles, no matter how clean the uppers are, they will quickly become dirty.

Although he was puzzled, this did not prevent the old manager from believing that the person in front of him had an extraordinary background. This was once again confirmed by the latter's palms without a trace of calluses and the clean nails without any dirt.

Therefore, the tone of the old manager was still very polite, "Who are you, and why do you want to disrupt the election of the Arias family?"

"Merlin." Li Yu announced his name, "I am Miss Ilea's advisor."

"Consultant?" Ilea's stepmother was stunned for a moment, then seemed to remember something, "Oh, I seemed to have heard some rumors in the morning, saying that Ilea's child was seriously ill and sought medical treatment, and found a human being as a consultant.

Is that you?"

As soon as she said these words, there was a burst of whispers in the hall.

Miss Rabbit's little face suddenly turned red, and she panicked and gestured to Li Yu, telling the latter to stop talking.

But Li Yu simply ignored her little actions.

Dias on the side even sneered, "Human advisors, they can't even live to be a hundred years old, what valuable advice can they provide to the lords they are loyal to?"

"The winners of evolution are never the races with the longest individual longevity," Li Yu said lightly, "otherwise the bastards would be the ones who rule the world."


Diaz was choked and speechless.

Sir Leo, on the other hand, took the lead in applauding for fear that the world would be in chaos, "Well said!" Then he looked at Li Yu with interest, "You don't look like a member of the Empire. You come from the other side of the strait.

Sailed through the storm to Bratis?"

"I'm afraid it's still a little further away."

"Wow, it sounds like you have had a long and arduous journey. You must have seen and heard many interesting stories along the way. When you are free, we may be able to find a place to have a drink in the city."

"Sir..." The old steward had to cough twice, interrupting the chatter of a certain royal family member.

"Oh, of course, let's take care of the Arias family's affairs before that."

Seeing that Leo seemed to be quite interested in this weirdo in black clothes, no one mentioned the latter's human identity anymore.

Vanessa and Diaz both shut their mouths.

The old steward continued, "You said that you have evidence to prove that there is obvious injustice in this election. Since you are not a Bratis, I think it is necessary for me to remind you that slandering the nobles in the Red Lion Empire is very serious.

Once a crime is proven, the person being slandered must publicly apologize, beg for forgiveness, and be flogged, still have to stick to your point of view."

Li Yu did not answer this question, but asked instead, "I heard that the nobles on this continent pay special attention to honor. Is this true?"

"Yes, honor is my life. In fact, if I have to choose between the two, even if I repeat it ten thousand times, I will choose the former over the latter."

Leo, who looked lazy and didn't care about anything, was actually the first to speak, and he answered almost without thinking.

Although the other nobles in the banquet hall did not speak, they all nodded in agreement and were convinced.

"Interesting, but from what I've seen it's not the case."

"What do you mean by this?" Marquis Cullen looked serious.

Li Yu stopped talking.

A moment later, Ilea's voice rang out in the banquet hall, "Uncle, you said you would support me in tomorrow's election. Is this true?"

When Miss Rabbit heard this, she was as shocked as if someone had poured ice water on her, because she didn't speak just now. Where did this voice come from? Why was it exactly the same as when she spoke? This is really weird.


And soon more and more people discovered this, and without exception they were all shocked.

However, before they could digest the shock brought to them by this magical scene, something more important came!

This time it was Antonio's voice that sounded, "Of course, even if you don't come to me, I will choose you. My dear niece, everyone knows that I have a close relationship with your father, Ruth. We have been inseparable since we were children. He became the

The lord queen of Green Field also relies on me very much and entrusts me with the management of the territory's taxation and the family's finances.

"No one knows what he is thinking better than me. When it comes to the issue of successor, his preferred candidate has always been you, not Blanco."

"Really? Uncle Antonio." Ilea seemed a little embarrassed by what she said, "But my father sent me to the temple of the Silver Moon Goddess."

"Hahaha, I have a daughter myself, so I can understand this kind of thing very well. It is easy for a daughter to misunderstand her father. Russ sent you to the temple of the Silver Moon Goddess not to let you stay there and become a priest, but to

I hope you can establish a good relationship with the Silver Moon Church, which will help you when you rule the green fields in the future."

"That's it." Ilea suddenly realized.

Antonio was shocked and angry because this was exactly the conversation that happened between him and Ilea last night.

This conversation took place in his room. The content of the conversation was very private, and he was very sure that except for himself and his silly niece, there was no third person in the room at that time.

In fact, the reason why he dared to say this was because he was sure that Ilea could not prove that these words came from his mouth.

However, now he found that the eyes of everyone in the hall had begun to change.

But the storm had just arrived, and the conversation between the two later became even more exciting.

Ilea said, "Uncle, can you swear in the name of the gods and ancestors? Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't trust you, it's just that I have been restless tonight for some reason. I have tried various methods, but I still can't.

Go to sleep, otherwise I wouldn't come to you at this time. I wonder if you can help me?

Antonio hesitated for a moment, and finally said with emotion, "No problem, I am willing to swear in the name of the gods on the holy mountain and the ancestors of the Arias family that I will vote for my dear at the election meeting tomorrow.

Niece, Ilea, the future head of the Arias family, how are you? Does your nervousness ease a little when I say this?"

"I feel much better. Thank you so much, uncle."

"Hahaha, that's good. Go to bed. Tomorrow you will become the next head of the Arias family. This is a big day in your life."


"No, don't listen, don't listen, it's a lie! It's a trick! Yes, it must be some evil trick from the other side of the channel. I never said such a thing! This despicable foreigner somehow faked it.

The voices of me and my niece! You must not believe him!!! He was not in my room at all last night, and there is no way in this world that can leave a voice!"

Antonio roared, and he was like an angry bull, roaring one after another. But despite this, many people still heard the fear and panic hidden in his words.

At this time, he was obviously a little angry.

But what defeated him was still his own voice.

"No, don't listen, don't listen, it's a lie! It's a trick! Yes, it must be some evil trick from the other side of the channel. I never said such a thing! This despicable foreigner somehow faked it.

My voice! You must not believe him!!! He was not in my room at all last night, and there is no way in this world that can leave a voice!"

Antonio’s hoarse roar echoed repeatedly in the banquet hall, exactly the same as before!

In the dark, it was as if there was an invisible ghost that kept repeating every word of this poor ghost.

Antonio didn't even dare to quibble anymore. The man was already frightened, for fear that if he spoke out, another buy-one-get-one-free offer would follow.

"Unfortunately, this kind of method does exist in my hometown." Li Yu calmly took out his right hand from his pocket.

"What I just released is a conversation between Antonio and Ilea when they met last night. I recorded this conversation clearly and unmistakably. If you are still willing to follow the glorious tradition of the Bratis continent and regard the oath as

If you want to take your own life, then Antonio’s vote should belong to Ilea.”

This chapter has been completed!
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