Chapter 31 Unexpected Development

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"You go and hide too," Li Yu said to Adele, "Be prepared. If there are any wounded, I will have someone send them to you."

The former priest knew that now was not the time to show off, so he nodded obediently and ran towards the nearest cellar.

It was only a few dozen steps, but when she started running, Adele felt that it was extremely long.

Halfway through the run, her legs began to tremble, and her body became stiff.

Although she came to Greenfield to help the people here fight against the black dragon in the swamp, she still couldn't help but feel fear when the black dragon was about to appear.

This has nothing to do with courage, just the biological instinct of prey when faced with an apex predator.

In fact, as winter approaches, the former priest can clearly feel that the surrounding atmosphere is becoming more and more tense, and the smiles on the lizard people's faces are much less than usual.

Everyone seems to be holding on to a string.

Adele has been here for a while, and has naturally heard a lot about the black dragon. The more she learns, the more scared she becomes.

That monster seemed to be born to kill.

With terrifying power, speed exceeding that of a cheetah, scales almost covering its entire body, coupled with the ability to fly and breathe fire, it looks like a monster straight out of myths and legends!

Perhaps only the gods can take action to subdue it. For ordinary people, its strength is undoubtedly too powerful.

Just the thought of it leaving the swamp made the former priest's heart beat faster and his hands and feet became cold.

She ran to the cellar in one breath and was ready to get in. However, when she saw a female lizard man with two children not far behind her, Adele stopped again and stepped out of the way to let them go first.

Go in.

She herself followed closely behind. Before closing the stone door of the cellar, the former priest glanced in the direction of Li Yu and saw the man standing motionless in the open space outside the house, staring in the direction of the swamp.

The next moment her heart felt as if something had hit her hard. This scene left an extremely deep impression on Adele!

When death was about to come, everyone was running around in a panic, but only that person stood calmly and looked at death!

There are also many big figures in the Silver Moon Church. They talk about kindness and bravery every day, but when disaster really strikes, they run faster than the last.

Few people dare to take risks, let alone write lightly like Li Yu, putting life and death at risk.

Looking at the figure that was like a sea-fixing needle, the former priest felt that his heartbeat had slowed down again, and he was no longer as panicked as before.

Adele closed the stone door, and the cellar immediately fell into darkness.

Then she heard the rapid breathing coming from around her, which should be the two children of the female lizard man from before, so she comforted her, "Don't be afraid, the prophet Merlin is here...he will definitely lead us to defeat that evil dragon."


Adele spoke the lingua franca of mainland China. After she said it, she realized that the two children probably couldn't understand it. But what surprised her even more was that as a believer of the goddess Pisiya, she could actually say such words.

And I don’t even feel much guilt in my heart.

As if it were a matter of course.

However, the former priest didn't bother worrying about this kind of thing anymore, because soon she heard the roar of mourning coming from outside the stone door.

The sound was obviously not made by any known wild beast. It was more like many sounds mixed together. The pitch was obviously not high, but it felt like being pricked by needles when it reached the ears, making people feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

Adele couldn't help but worry about the people who were still outside, but the fire she imagined did not fall from the sky, and there was no sound of fighting after that.

The people in the cellar waited with anxiety for about ten minutes, until Li Yu's voice sounded again, "Come out."

Then the former priest and several people around him pushed open the stone door again.

Adele poked her head out of the cellar, looked around, and then asked Li Yu with a blank expression, "Where is that dragon?"


"Where did it go?"

"I don't know. Our lookout only saw it flying eastward. It flew very fast and ignored us. Before our people had time to adjust the angle of the Sea King Halberd, it flew over us.

It’s over.”

"East, that's not the direction of Teacup Castle?!" The former priest's expression changed and he lost his voice, "No, Yin Leya and the others are in danger!"

"You don't have to worry too much about them. When the lookout saw the dragon, someone had already lit the beacon. Yin Leiya should have received the news by now, and she will hide in advance."

Of course, Li Yu also told Miss Rabbit about the plan to use the air-raid shelter to defend against the dragon.

And the latter is easier to implement than them. Teacup Castle itself is a very traditional noble castle, with a dungeon and wine cellar underneath. As long as these two places are cleared and slightly modified, it will be a ready-made shelter.


As for other farms in Green Field, they followed suit and dug cellars one after another.

Moreover, the beacon fire that originally heralded the attack of the lizard people was now changed by Li Yu into an early warning of the sight of the black dragon. He and Yin Leya have held several joint exercises to ensure that when war comes, non-combatants can be effectively


However, an hour later the carrier pigeon brought news that everyone expected.

——The dragon actually ignored the landmark building of Green Field, the tall and solid stone castle of the Arias family on the hillside, and passed directly from above.

Disappeared into the sky.

Its move confused Miss Rabbit. It wasn't that Yin Leya wouldn't feel comfortable if her hometown was roasted by fire, but it was mainly because she had made so many preliminary preparations and endured the mental pressure for such a long time.

The girl and her subordinates were dreaming every night, thinking about how to deal with this terrible disaster, but when the disaster came, they stopped at your door and ran away.

Anyone would feel dizzy.

Of course, Yin Leya didn't let down her guard either. Who knows if this dragon would deliberately make its prey relax its guard, and then suddenly attack with a counterattack. With the cunningness of the black dragon, it wouldn't be surprising to do such a thing.


Therefore, she did not even order her soldiers to take off their armor, but simply left some women and children in the wine cellar, and everyone spent the night in fear.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

Then... Black Dragon did not wait, but received a piece of bad news.

When Miss Rabbit heard the envoy from the Yin Manuel family in front of her telling them about their tragic experiences, she couldn't hold back and burst into laughter.

This chapter has been completed!
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