Chapter 77 Good show again and again

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 Under Timothy's extreme rescue, more and more people began to believe that the scene just now was just a performance effect.

Love and Mead is indeed a great troupe from the royal capital.

These props and the stage atmosphere are really beyond the reach of those unscrupulous small theater troupes, especially the actor who only had one hand just now. His superb acting skills are simply breathtaking, and it is impossible to tell the real from the fake.

Although the applause this time came a little late, it was more enthusiastic than the previous ones!

This is probably the first R-rated performance in the history of Bratis drama. The exploding plasma is infinitely close to the real death scene, accelerating everyone's adrenaline secretion and giving viewers an unprecedented sense of pleasure!

The cheers that followed even drowned out the actor's voice reading his lines.

However, compared to the frenzied commoners, the atmosphere here among the nobles is much weirder.

Because they were closer to the stage, they could see it more clearly.

When Carloman swung that sword, he was probably completely devastated, so he didn't hold back at all. His head was almost cut off, and the wound was already bloody and bloody, and white bones could still be seen.

Especially the people sitting in the first row were even splattered with blood drops.

The head of the Weir family looks miserable, and no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like he is still alive.

This is obviously not acting.

Many people couldn't help but shudder.

Some people with brighter minds have even guessed what Ilea wants to do. She is not treating guests to a show today, but wants to avenge her father.

It's just that after just two scenes, the head of a family died. This opening was a bit too cruel. Who knows what will happen next, and people were panicked for a while.

On the contrary, David, who was sitting at the front, remained unmoved, and then even took the initiative to reach out his hand and applaud.

As soon as he made this move, some of the nobles who were about to leave the table had to stop again and exchanged glances with each other, all looking suspicious.

Then Finance Officer Romero also started clapping his hands. Seeing the big bosses expressing their opinions one after another, the rest naturally knew what to do.

So the applause from the nobles also started one after another. It was sparse at first, but became louder as it went on.

David glanced at the sullen Ilea not far away and said nothing, but Miss Rabbit understood everything, and her blood pressure also increased.

But she couldn't do anything at this moment. Carloman's death was undoubtedly beyond her expectation.

This was originally a trump card she had prepared. Miss Rabbit has been wondering these days what David's face would be like when he saw Carloman, whom he could not find, suddenly appear on the stage.

However, when this scene really happened, the latter did not panic at all, and right under her eyes, he killed the only remaining witness in her hand. During the whole process, David did not even move a finger. It was really

It's like just enjoying a play.

Ilea can now somewhat understand why Hells is so afraid of her brother.

But just when David turned his head, Hugo, who was sitting behind him, couldn't bear it anymore and vomited directly on David's favorite mink jacket.

"Yes, I'm sorry." The young man saw David's frown and said in panic, looking like a frightened chicken.

I was afraid that the man in front of me would pull out the knife from his waist and stab him.

But what he didn't expect was that David's brows soon relaxed again, and what he took out from his waist was not a knife, but a handkerchief, handed it to Hugo, and said softly.

"Come on, you are about to become the head of the Weir family. You can't ignore your appearance in public."

Hugo took the handkerchief with a trembling hand, his eyes fell on the lynx emblem in the lower right corner of the handkerchief, his body was shocked again, and he said gratefully, "Thank you, I will definitely serve you well in the future."

There was an unnoticeable look of disgust in David's eyes, but when the boy raised his head, his eyes had regained their composure, and he reminded, "You are wrong."

"Ah, what's wrong?" Hugo said tremblingly.

"He is working for my father, not me. He is the head of the Figuerola family."

"Yes, I am loyal to Marquis Cullen, but I will definitely listen to your words." The young man said hurriedly.

As soon as the two of them finished talking, a waiter came forward and took David to change clothes.

Hugo was able to breathe freely again. While he was taking a big breath of fresh air, he thought about his father's tragic death.

I couldn't help but feel sad again, and tears welled up in my eyes.

"Why are you crying? This is a day worth rejoicing." The lady beside him said, "But few people have such good luck as you, being able to lead a family at such a young age. Didn't you say that when you become the leader?

Will you invite me to your castle as a guest after becoming the lord?

"You know, I've always been curious about what it's like... on the city wall. Maybe we should give it a try."

"And Ilea." Hugo murmured.


"Oh, you just said that few people can lead a family at such a young age. I said there is also Ilea, and she also killed a dragon." The young man said enviously,

"So what, she's in the wrong team and her glory won't last long." The noble lady said disapprovingly, "Are you jealous of her, my melancholy little pony?"

"No, no, she forced my father to death, I...I..." Hugo stammered.

"You want to seek revenge on her?"

"Of course not. The Arias family is much more powerful than the Weir family. She can also defeat the dragon. I don't want to attack a stone with an egg, but I just want to know more about her."

"Don't worry, with Lord David and me protecting you, she won't dare to touch you." The lady smiled.

The young man nodded and gratefully held the catkin that the lady quietly extended.


Timothy, who was behind the scenes, had no time to care about things outside. He didn't even hear the flood of applause. He was concentrating at the moment, writing as fast as he could.

This was the first time in his life that the troupe leader had experienced something like this. He was writing a script while performing, and he had to make sure that he could leave some more time for the actors to get acquainted with it.

However, what he didn't expect was that just when he was so busy, a new situation actually appeared!

An extra took the initiative to find him and offered himself, saying that he wanted to give him some suggestions for his creation and that he would add a scene to it.

If an ordinary person had made such a request, Timothy would have scolded him a long time ago, and might have even used his bastard fist to compete with the opponent. However, he couldn't refuse the person in front of him.


This chapter has been completed!
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