Chapter 23 I'm sorry, I'm afraid it's too late

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 Quintus is in his early forties.

Unlike his colleagues, he does not like to be a guest in the noble castles. Instead, he prefers to walk in the countryside all year round and feel the power brought to him by this land and the ordinary people on it.

Due to constant exposure to wind and sun, his face looked a little dark, wrinkles began to appear prematurely, and it also made him look older than his actual age.

In addition, he was dressed very casually. If he stood near the field, he could easily be mistaken for a farmer.

But don't be fooled by his appearance.

Quintus possesses an eloquence that is unparalleled even among priests and a superhuman affinity.

Everyone who comes close to him will be involuntarily infected by his personal charm.

It is said that when the Silver Moon Church sent people to Green Field this time, High Priest Kokoon personally called his name.

And Quintus did not live up to his teacher's expectations. The village he was responsible for was very close to Teacup Castle and was a place that was heavily infiltrated by Shuangxiujiao.

Some villagers even witnessed the dragon-slaying battle that day, although they only saw some firelight, vaguely saw the terrifying black figure, and heard its roar and roar.

But the fear of it has been deeply rooted in my heart, and I also admire Shuangxiujiao for defeating the black dragon. In addition, the female lord made a bad start and announced that I will convert to Saturday.

As a result, many people in this village are ready to take action.

Quintus faced such an extremely difficult situation when he first arrived. Some villagers were even avoiding him, but he didn't panic at all. He soon used his personal charm to open up the situation.

And for those who didn't want to communicate with him, Quintus also had a way. By helping those people carry water and crack firewood, he naturally struck up a conversation with them.

Then Quintus will use his sincerity and eloquence to open their hearts little by little, figure out where the temptation they are coming from, and help them analyze how to resist this temptation like a friend.

, remain loyal to the goddess.

Because he kept his posture very low and did not command from a high position, the villagers were also happy to talk to him and listen to his sermons.

Soon, more and more people gathered around Quintus, and everyone restored their faith in Pisiya. The cold wind blowing on them seemed not so cold anymore, and the poor days were not so difficult to endure.

Quintus felt that in another ten days or so, his mission would be almost complete.

However, he didn't expect that it would all come to an end at some point.

Quintus opened his eyes from the haystack that day, pushed open the door and went out, wanting to greet the enthusiastic believers outside as usual, but was surprised to find that there was no one in front of the door.

Not only that, Quintus looked closely and found that the village was also empty.

Although it is the slack time for farming and many people like to sleep in, it is quite unusual for people in a village to be so lazy.

Not to mention that Quintus also went out at this time in the past few days, and there were usually many people outside.

Why are there so few people today?

Quintus curiously came to a longhouse where believers lived and knocked on the door, but no one answered the door.

No one is home?

Quintus was stunned again. Why did he run outside if he couldn't stay indoors in such a cold weather?

Quintus then knocked on the door of the next door, but no one opened the door either.

At this time, Quintus had already realized the seriousness of the situation, quickened his pace, and came to the third long house. As expected, this room was still empty.

Quintus hesitated for a moment, then leaned into the gap in the wall and took a look inside. There was indeed no one there.

What's going on? How come everyone is gone when I wake up?

Quintus looked confused. At this moment, the door of a room behind him was suddenly pushed open, and the people inside ran out while getting dressed.

When he saw Quintus, his face froze, and he tried his best to smile, "Good morning, Priest Quintus."

"Good morning, Varro." Quintus also showed a sincere smile, "Where are you in a hurry to go this early in the morning?"

"Uh..." The embarrassment on Varro's face became more and more intense. He huffed and hawed for a long time without uttering a word.

"I thought we were already friends who talked about everything," Quintus sighed, "How about I tell you a little story. Did you know that the Silver Moon Goddess also kept a secret?"

"Priest Quintus," Varro gritted his teeth and interrupted Quintus. "If you have anything to say, can you wait until I get back? I'm in a hurry now. I, I was a little overslept."

"Oh, is that so? Then let me go with you. I can tell you slowly on the way."

Varro smiled bitterly, "You really can't go to that place."

"This is strange, but didn't everyone in the village rush over?"

"I'm going to listen to Shuangxiu's sermon." Varro finally had to tell the truth.

Then he saw Quintus, who was originally very talkative, suddenly fall into silence.

Varro now feels like a scumbag. His lover is still working hard at home to prepare simple and warm meals for him, but on the other side, he is having a good time with a third party.

"No, this is not your fault." Varro comforted, "The principles you told us are all right, and everyone likes you very much, but..."

"But what?" Quintus still couldn't recover from this sudden betrayal, so he just asked subconsciously.

"But we are giving out cloaks today during the weekend!"

Vallo apologized, "I'm sorry, but I have to go get my cloak. I'm afraid it will be late."

"What, a cloak?" Quintus suspected that there was something wrong with his ears. Although the Silver Moon Church would also distribute some free supplies to poor families in disaster years.

But this year the harvests in various parts of the Western Territory are pretty good, and based on Quintus' understanding of this small village, although they are not rich, they are not so poor that they need relief.

Quintus reminded Varro, "There is no such good thing in this world. You'd better be careful and don't be deceived."

In the end, it was a good thing that he didn't mention this. When he mentioned Varo, he slapped his thigh and said angrily, "Stop talking, we just listened to your words and believed that Shuangxiujiao's mouth was full of lies. As a result, we missed yesterday's bread distribution.

People from other villages received it as long as they went there.

"That's white bread. It tastes much better than black bread. I didn't eat it either. I can't miss this cape distribution no matter what."

After Varro finished speaking, he rushed out of the village without waiting for Quintus to answer.

This chapter has been completed!
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