Chapter 57: Five Departments

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 Soviet architecture has had a considerable influence on modern Chinese architecture. Especially during the first Five-Year Plan period, a large number of Soviet experts came to China to assist in construction.

It was also from that time that a large number of Soviet-style buildings began to emerge across the country, some of which have been preserved to this day.

Of course, Soviet-style architecture itself is a relatively broad term, and there is no very clear definition. There are many internal factions, and the performance in different periods is often different.

However, most Soviet-style buildings are deeply influenced by avant-gardeism, which advocates using simple forms, clear structures, bold imagination, abstract designs and innovative concepts to reconstruct the world and serve reality.

And it often carries the political function of displaying achievements and summoning followers.

Looking at it this way, it doesn’t seem to be inconsistent to move to the green fields for weekend teaching.

The day after the auditorium was completed, Li Yu returned to Bratis and played ten episodes of "Tom and Jerry" on a projector in celebration.

As a result, the auditorium that was originally supposed to accommodate only 600 people to watch the movie was crowded with more than 2,000 people, almost three times more people. Not only the lizard people, but also many believers from nearby villages came after hearing the news.


Li Yu couldn't keep out the people who came after him, so he asked people to remove the chairs that had been placed, and everyone stood and watched together.

Even so, the auditorium was still packed to the brim, with people jostling each other, adults holding their children on their shoulders, and some taking the opportunity to climb up the stone pillars...

Fortunately, the structural design of the building was scientific enough, and the construction team headed by Fitzwilliam did not cut corners. This allowed the new auditorium to successfully withstand the test on the first day it was put into use without causing a tragedy.


[An old book friend who I have known for ten years recommended to me a book-chasing app, Yeguo Reading! It is so easy to use. I rely on this to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here]

Then Li Yu went to look at the four newly dug fish ponds. The first batch of pike had been transported to Luye. There were a hundred fish in total. They were not expensive. It only cost him ten gold lions, and among them

Most of it is shipping fee.

Pike is a relatively common fish in the Western Region and can be caught in the river. Local nobles like Yin Leya and others can basically eat it if they want, and no one has thought of raising it specifically.

There are fish ponds in the castles of some big nobles, but they are only used for temporary storage, and some fish that cannot be eaten are placed in them to ensure freshness.

So Miss Rabbit was quite surprised when she heard that Li Yu wanted to raise pike that can be seen everywhere.

The main reason is that she doesn't see any profit in this business. Pike grow very fast, but they also eat a lot. They usually feed on other fish in the river.

The female lord calculated an account for Li Yu with her fingers.

Li Yu wants to raise pike to produce meat, but pike needs to eat meat every day, and it will definitely not be able to grow as much meat as it can eat. Looking at it this way, Li Yu's pike breeding is simply a loss but no profit.

The more thanks you have.

"That's not the case. You can also use other feeds." Li Yu said.

"for example?"


"Insects? Do you plan to let people go to the woods to catch bugs? Yes, that's fine, but how many bugs can one person catch in a day?" Miss Rabbit made a rough estimate, then shook her head and said, "It's such a waste of manpower, it's better to just plant them."

Land makes a lot of money."

"It's really not easy to catch bugs," Li Yu admitted, "so I plan to raise them directly."

To be precise, he planned to raise maggots and earthworms, because these two things do not require much technical threshold to raise, and they reproduce quickly, have low feeding costs, and are rich in protein.

Not only can it be fed to fish, but it can also be fed to chickens.

Of course, if you really want to develop aquaculture and fisheries, you don’t just have to have feed. You also have to consider issues such as water quality, cleanliness, disease prevention and control, etc.

Usually, the first person to try something new in all walks of life will definitely have to make a lot of detours and pay a lot of tuition fees. Moreover, the risk of breeding itself is very high.

However, fortunately, the land under the Shuangxiu School is engaged in a collective economy, and its ability to resist risks is stronger than that of an individual.

Although Li Yu, a prophet, has never raised fish before, he can use Baidu to learn from the experience of another universe. If something goes wrong, he can directly connect to experts in this field.

Therefore, Li Yu is relatively optimistic about the prospects of pike breeding. When the Golden Fleece Chamber of Commerce can get him carp again, Shuangxujiao's fishery will take off completely.

While everyone was still immersed in the joy of the completion of the new auditorium and the longing for the future, Li Yu issued several orders one after another, all related to organizational structure adjustments.

After much thought, Li Yu gave up on applying the traditional church organizational structure and copied the structure of the pope, cardinals, patriarchs and bishops.

It’s not that this power structure is bad, the main reason is that this pyramid-shaped structure actually relies more on middle-level managers to manage the church.

There is little or no direct contact between the upper-level decision-makers and the lowest-level executors. Orders issued by the upper-level are passed down through managers at all levels.

The advantage is that after delegating part of the power to middle-level managers, Li Yu's burden will be much lighter. He has gone from managing an entire church to managing a few subordinates, and then driving it at every level.

In this way, the initiative of managers at all levels can be fully utilized. Even if Li Yu is gone or wants to fish, this organization can continue to operate on its own.

In fact, not only various religious groups, but also the current ruling group of the Red Lion Empire adopts a similar structure. There is an emperor, followed by the emperor's vassals, and then the vassals of the vassals... If there is something, the emperor first assigns it to the vassals,

Push it forward step by step.

A prerequisite for this kind of organizational structure to work well is that it must have a group of middle-level managers with firm ideas and strong abilities. Otherwise, the execution of the orders of the upper-level decision-makers will be inconsistent or even go in the wrong direction.

And middle managers are exactly what the emerging double-holiday education lacks most.

Even though Li Yu launched missionary activities such as the Green Field Open Wheat to discover talents, compared with established sects such as Silver Moon Church, the talent pool of Shuangxiu Church is still pitifully small.

This forced Li Yu to adopt a flatter organizational structure in the early stage.

He divided the staff within Shuangxiu Education into five major departments according to their functions.

They are missionary, military, technical, commercial and supervisory, corresponding to the mission, the Black Dog Guard, the Bureau of Truth, the Fortune Society, and the Inquisition.

Li Yu plans to elect one or two more heads in each department. However, except for the Black Dog Guard, which already has head Ononde and deputy head Jude, the heads of several other departments are still vacant for the time being.


Among them, Li Yu from the Bureau of Truth originally wanted Clara to join, but the maid was kidnapped now, so Li Yu could only let Fitzwilliam take over temporarily. As for the remaining missionary, Li Yu was more optimistic about Adele, but unfortunately later

The author is still confused.

In terms of ability, Anton is not bad, but the time he joined Shuangxiu Tutoring is too short, and his purpose is not simple, so Li Yu can only let Aton take over temporarily.

After that, there are the Wealth Club and the Tribunal. The former is intended to be used by Li Yu to develop business and make money, and candidates are still being identified. The name of the latter sounds scary, but it actually serves as an internal supervisory function to ensure the purity of the organization.

This candidate is not easy to choose, but fortunately, there is no need to worry too much for the time being.

This chapter has been completed!
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