Chapter 79: Divine Pattern Embroidery

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 The harsh winter has passed without realizing it, the weather has begun to warm up, and the small trees in the yard have sprouted new buds.

Clara and Ruby chatted for a while, and then asked the latter to continue teaching her embroidery.

Perhaps because she was so bored in confinement and had almost played all the games she could play, the little maid had nothing to do recently, so she actually started to learn needlework for the first time.

After practicing for a few days, she can now embroider with style.

After Ruby finished embroidering the roses, she turned her head and looked at the maid beside her, curiously asking, "What are you embroidering?"

"Divine Marks." Clara did not raise her head.

"Shenwen, do you teach Shuangxiu? What does it do?"

"It is used to pray to Saturday, hoping that one day I can return to the green fields." Clara embroidered very seriously.

Ruby looked at it for a while and felt that the pattern of the divine patterns was quite mysterious, but she couldn't feel the actual divine power in it.

After a moment she asked again, "Do you want my help?"

"Okay." The little maid was not polite, "One more person will give me more strength, and it will also make Saturday notice me earlier."

So Ruby took out a new handkerchief and imitated Clara to embroider the Chinese characters for "HELP" in the blank space.

Three days later, the handkerchief embroidered with life-saving messages came to Herodotus, along with a letter.

The letter was written by Ruby. In the letter, she recorded in detail her and Clara's life over the past six days, including everything they said during their chat. Ruby wrote down everything verbatim.

After reading it, Herodotus picked up the handkerchief and looked at the pattern on it carefully.

As the custodian, he keeps all the books and documents of the Silver Moon Church, the furthest ones can even be traced back to three thousand years ago.

Various divine patterns were recorded in it. Although there was no pattern like the one in front of him, Herodotus could still see at a glance that these divine patterns were not drawn casually.

There is obviously a certain pattern in it. But as Ruby said, as an outsider, you cannot feel any divine power from it.

Herodotus looked at the handkerchief for a while, copied the Chinese characters for "help" several times, and gradually became impatient.

This is already the fifth letter sent by Ruby, but there is still little progress. Herodotus still does not understand how Li Yu can communicate with Saturday and perform various miracles.

And he hasn't heard the goddess's voice for a long time. Even if he ignites the essence of the moon, inhales the smoke, and enters that ethereal state where the mind and heart are united, Herodotus can no longer hear it as usual.

The teachings of the goddess.

This also made him feel particularly depressed recently. People around him felt his mood changes, but they only thought it was brought about by High Priest Martina.

In just half a month, High Priest Martina has won the response of more than a dozen noble families, and has assembled a guard army of more than 5,000 people outside the lake city.

Once they complete their reorganization, they will advance towards Scaled City.

On the other hand, Herodotus is still recruiting people slowly. So far, he has only recruited less than 3,000 people, and most of them are untrained civilians, as well as some mercenaries who want to fish in troubled waters.


In fact, among the people, including the middle and lower classes of the church, the majority support Herodotus. This is because Herodotus had the upper hand after all.

While High Priest Martina was still on the run, he seized the right to speak first, and he was very smart, mixing truth and lies together.

For example, the meeting between High Priest Martina and Yin Leya in Yanxue City was seen by many people, but in fact, High Priest Martina wanted to persuade the female lord to turn back, and even offered a generous offer.


Another example is the case of Adele. Because Adele was a disciple of the high priest Martina, Herodotus used the girl's failure as evidence that the high priest Martina colluded with the couple.

In addition, the Silver Moon Church had just been defeated in Green Field not long ago, and many people were filled with anger. They not only needed to find out the reasons for the defeat, but also hoped to find a way to defeat Li Yu and his Shuangxiu Church.


Although Herodotus' proposal was a bit radical, it gave many people hope of victory. In addition, Herodotus also took control of the Council of Seven and received legal support from the church.

On the other hand, High Priest Martina, although she refuted the previous accusations one by one after entering the Lake City, it was already a step too late.

And she was alone, but relying on the strong reputation she had accumulated in the past, she still got the support of some people in the church. Of course, her most important supporters were the noble families in the Western Region.

Except for Yin Leia, the nobles in the Western Region are all followers of Pisia, but they are accustomed to the demilitarization of the Silver Moon Church. Even if they face the threat of double cessation, they do not want the church to form its own army.

This is also the reason why more and more noble families finally stand behind High Priest Martina.

This also made Decius, Kirkeon and others feel uneasy. They were pulled into the chariot by Herodotus, but they could not resist bravely like the high priest Hesiod, so they were forced to become Herodotus.

of party members.

If Herodotus loses, they will definitely not get anything good to eat.

The war between heretics is even more cruel than between heretics. The only good news is that the Guards are now on their side.

Otherwise, the three high priests who are familiar with the dark history of the church may not even be able to sleep peacefully.

However, no matter how strong the Guards team is, its numbers are limited after all, and there is no way to defeat the real army head-on. And the three melons Herodotus has gathered now do not look like they can win the battle.

High Priest Kokoon stood on the city wall, looking at the tents set up outside the city and the noisy crowds. His face was very ugly. Those guys were more like a group of refugees than soldiers.

Even so, High Priest Kokoon could comfort himself before, saying it was better than nothing.

But in the past ten days or so, the number of believers who came to sign up to join the army has also been decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Not to mention the 5,000 people who were recruited from the opposite side, they will probably wait until High Priest Martina brings people to fight.

It would be great if we could gather four thousand militiamen here.

And the high priest of Kokoon also knew the reason for this very well.

It's not that High Priest Martina used any strange tricks, it's simply because it's almost time for spring plowing, and most of the believers have to be busy plowing first.

High Priest Korkuon sighed and couldn't help complaining, "What on earth is that guy Herodotus doing now? If he has any solution, please come up with it as soon as possible."

High Priest Decius frowned. Although he didn't say anything, he was also not satisfied with Herodotus's performance during this period. It was far from the decisive and cunning he had shown previously.

Xiao Dai Zhao

This chapter has been completed!
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