Chapter 5 The Power of Symbols

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 While Ilea was struggling with her new job, Li Yu on the other side also followed the maid to her room.

According to the maid, this is the most comfortable and spacious room in the castle. It is located on the top floor like the master's bedroom, and all the furniture and furnishings are of the highest standard.

Including feather mattresses, a complete set of walnut tables and chairs, which are also engraved with the rabbit pattern of the Arias family, silver candle lampstands, and even the chamber pots are carefully crafted... It can be seen that there is indeed a lot of effort in the layout.

It took a lot of effort, but unfortunately in terms of comfort, it is not as good as a fast hotel that costs more than 100 yuan a night.

Moreover, since the room faces the outside of the castle, there is only one long and narrow window on the wall, so the lighting in the room is very average even during the day.

Not to mention the unique cold feeling of pure stone buildings, which is fine in summer and autumn, but in spring and winter, living in this house will definitely be even more uncomfortable.

Li Yu has never quite understood why the protagonists of those time-travel novels can always adapt to the environment quickly and devote themselves to their royal domination without any nostalgia for their previous lives.

It stands to reason that if modern people do not touch their mobile phones for a day, they should have obvious withdrawal reactions.

Fortunately, he doesn't have to live here all the time. If he's on a business trip, he doesn't need to be too particular.

Li Yu removed the battery from the drone, then put the drone, lighter, screwdriver and other bits and pieces into the large iron box next to the bed, and locked it.

These things he brought one after another when he went to work these days.

Due to weight restrictions, Li Yu had to think carefully about what he was going to bring before each departure. In addition to things that needed to be recharged, such as electronic anti-riot devices, there were also things like mobile phones that were used in daily life. He usually brought them with him.

I won’t take it back to avoid taking up the next weight quota.

Five kilograms sounds like a lot, but this number includes his clothes and shoes.

Of course, Li Yu can also choose some lighter weight clothing so that he can carry more supplies and equipment.

But Li Yu hesitated and gave up this somewhat tempting idea.

Because as far as he knows, almost all religions in the world have dress requirements, and this is not an accident.

Just like Bruce Wayne is worth tens of billions, he can buy all the clothing factories in Gotham City and give himself a new look every day, but when he decides to switch to the role of Batman, he will always wear

He wears a black suit, a black mask and a black cape, and drives his black Batmobile.

It's not because he doesn't like other colors and styles. It's just that only in this way, when the Bat-Light appears in the sky over Gotham, the criminals and villains in the city will feel fear.

This is the power of symbols.

From an advertising perspective, uniform attire also helps spread information.

When Li Yu first appeared at the Marquis's residence, he was wearing the suit he wore during the interview, and he left a deep impression on everyone, including Marquis Cullen.

Nowadays, if the residents of Yanxue City talk about his deeds and the magical methods he performed, they will definitely talk about the foreigner in black clothes.

That's right, in this world without photos and without the Internet, people can only capture a few main characteristics when describing others.

In other words, if Li Yu changed his clothes, those people would not recognize him.

So Li Yu simply kept showing off in suits, since wearing formal attire to work is also a requirement of many companies.

After locking the box, Li Yu found the maid named Clara and asked her to take him around the castle to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment.

Clara was actually quite nervous at first, because when Manager Fausto explained to her, he said that although Merlin was not a noble, he was a distinguished guest of the Arias family, and the current owner of Teacup Castle, Miss Ilea.


All his requirements must be met as much as possible. If they cannot be met, they will be reported immediately and Fausto will find a solution.

Clara saw that Li Yu was a foreigner, and was afraid that the latter would make such weird requests.

Aunt Marina, the eldest in the castle, once told her a story about a dwarf prince who came to Teacup Castle as a guest. It is said that as soon as the prince entered the house, he clamored for maids to sleep with him, and even asked for seven maids at once.


He would also cut off the hair on his lower body, put it in bread and swallow it with jam, and force the women around him to eat it with him, because this was the way the dwarves expressed their love.

Therefore, Clara was very worried that Li Yu was such a person.

But she soon realized that her worries were unnecessary. Li Yu only stayed in the room for a short while and did not let anyone else in. After that, he called Clara to take him to wander around the castle.

Every time this foreigner in strange black clothes met someone working, he would stop and ask what the other person was doing, how he was doing it, and what the results were.

The more detailed the respondent's answer, the more satisfied he will be.

Clara took him to visit the kitchen, stables, bread ovens, workshops and shops, and then the two walked out of the castle and walked to the nearby farmland.

Li Yu chatted a lot with the farmers and women. Of course, most of the time he was still just acting as a listener, asking questions from time to time. The content of the chat was not limited to farming and harvesting.

In fact, Li Yu's problems involve all aspects of life, and many of them are just trivial matters in Clara's opinion, and many of them are common sense that almost everyone on the Bratis continent knows, which makes Clara on the side faint.

Although he was about to fall asleep, Li Yu still listened with great interest.

The two finally had dinner together at a farmer's house. Although the hostess of that house had tried her best and brought out bacon that she was usually reluctant to eat, the meal still seemed very simple.

Clara was a little worried that Li Yu would not be happy with his meal, and the latter did not eat much. He only tasted a few bites and then stopped taking action.

But in the end, Li Yu thanked the family for their hospitality and told Clara to wait for someone to deliver the meal money.

By the end of the day, Clara had become acquainted with Li Yu, and her speech was not as reserved as before. After going out, she said to Li Yu, "Look, I told you early in the morning, there is nothing good to eat outside."

"It doesn't matter, I just want to know about their lives." Li Yu said, "As for dinner, I can eat it when I go back."

Clara naturally thought that what Li Yu meant by going back was to return to the castle. It happened that the sun was setting at this time, so the two of them started walking back.

However, what they didn't expect was that they were stopped by someone just as they reached the castle gate.

The man said nothing, but looked at Li Yu up and down with provocative eyes.

After a while, he said, "Are you that Merlin?"

This chapter has been completed!
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