Chapter 467 Merlin is mine

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 St. Anthony's Fire is actually ergot poisoning, and ergot is produced when fungi infect grains such as rye.

If you don't pay attention to what you eat, it may cause very serious consequences.

This is also the reason why Rogers fell ill as soon as he returned to his wooden castle and got better as soon as he left his body.

The treatment of this disease is not complicated, just take antifungal drugs, and it has almost disappeared in modern times.

But it was quite deadly in the Middle Ages.

However, usually more peasants suffered from the disease because noble lords rarely ate rye.

However, as a new aristocracy, the Rogers family has recently encountered some financial problems and is very tight on money, which has forced them to start eating rye.

Moreover, Mrs. Rogers was worried that other nobles would know about this embarrassing thing and be laughed at, so she asked a maid to go to a distant town to buy it secretly.

As a result, he probably encountered unscrupulous businessmen and ground the moldy rye directly into flour and sold it to them.

As a result, their family was poisoned one after another, and their daughter also died.

Li Yu roughly found out the ins and outs of the matter, but he did not tell Rogers everything.

It was difficult for him to explain to Rogers what fungus was and why it caused him to dance uncontrollably. Moreover, the truth was a bit too cruel for Rogers and his wife.

In order to save money, his daughter died.

After Li Yu removed the curse from the wooden castle, he just asked Rogers to hand over the remaining rye to him, and warned the latter not to go to that town to buy flour again.

Li Yu did not destroy those rye flour afterwards.

Because when Li Yu was checking the information, he found that this thing seemed to be able to be used as a biological and chemical weapon.

It is said that around 600 BC, the Assyrians sprinkled fungus-infected rye flour into the black water upstream, poisoning the enemy soldiers downstream.

Li Yu had doubts about this statement, because it was not that difficult to poison river water, but well water might have some effect.

The prerequisite is that the person drinking the water does not notice any changes in the well water.

As for mixing it into bread, it is quite suitable, but there is still the same problem. Nobles generally do not eat rye, and civilians have no value in poisoning it.

For the time being, Li Yu just asked people to keep the flour and not allow anyone to eat it.

In order to repay Li Yu for dispelling the curse, Rogers later led others to catch up with them and volunteered to escort them to the royal capital.

In fact, along the way, as Li Yu's fame grew, more and more nobles came to him for medical treatment and help, not just civilians.

In addition to Tregg and Rogers, Li Yu also helped a wandering knight named Orwell. Orwell had no territory, so he simply went to Shuangxiujiao.

In addition, after being given a pair of glasses by Li Yu to cure myopia, Gil, the head of the Blaise family, was also very generous. Although he did not come to the capital with him, he directly lent hundreds of cows and horses to Miss Rabbit.

Helping the elderly or in poor health at the back of the team to keep up with the large army also allows the female lord to speed up the march.

Seeing that they were getting closer to Lionheart Castle, everyone couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Calculating the time, they should still be able to arrive at the capital of the empire before the start of the tournament, without delaying the official business.

Moreover, the female lord now looked at the people around her and found that she had a few more allies, and even more followers.

If all these people could be brought back to the green field in the end... wouldn't the population of her territory make another huge leap forward?

The total number of people is estimated to have doubled compared to when her father ruled, and considering that less than a year has passed since she took over this area, this development speed can be said to be very amazing.

And a larger population also means more taxes and the ability to recruit more warriors. Miss Rabbit couldn't help but swallow her saliva when she thought of this.

Of course, there are problems. Compared to the Arias family, whose names they have never heard of, these people seem to be more willing to listen to Shuangxiujiao and Li Yu.

The female lord is actually not unfamiliar with this situation. The lizardmen who came out of the swamp basically only listened to Li Yu's words, and the remnants of the Weiting family also felt that they listened to Shuangxiujiao more.

Ilea, who is also a noble, can guess some of their thoughts.

After all, the Weiting family was once one of the twelve major families in the empire, at the top of the hierarchy of power. However, it was because of the rebellion that it completely fell into dust. They died and were imprisoned.

Now the remaining people have to make a living in the territory of the female lord, and are protected by a small noble in the Western Region that they have never heard of before. This reality is probably difficult for them to accept.

In contrast, Shuangxiujiao is a sect after all, and it is easier for the Weiting family to accept joining Shuangxiujiao.

In addition, some people who sought treatment for their illnesses on weekends also became loyal Saturday believers after they recovered.

However, Ilea didn't think there was anything wrong with this situation. Firstly, she always had unconditional trust in Li Yu, and secondly, she was the only lord who believed in Shuangxiu Sect. Basically, all followers of Shuangxiu Sect

They are all her subjects.

But during this trip to the royal capital, with the participation of several other nobles, especially during this period, Wilder and others asked her about Shuangxiujiao and Li Yu more and more frequently.

Obviously I am also a little tempted and want to convert to Saturday.

And this is not surprising, considering the various miracles they saw along the way, including the unheard-of summoning ritual of heroic spirits that can "resurrect the dead."

The shock it brought must have deeply impressed them, and it is reasonable for them to have such thoughts.

Of course, except for Orwell, the wandering knight, everyone else who wants to change their faith must be very cautious, after all, there are many things involved.

They only have intentions in this regard now, and it will probably take some time before they are actually implemented.

But the female lord can also vaguely feel that one day in the future, double holidays may no longer be exclusive to Luye.

When the time comes, the orders she issues may become even less effective among the Shuangxiu sect believers.

How will she deal with her relationship with Li Yu and her two-year-old teacher when this day comes? Speaking of which, her father seems to have reminded her not to allow the expansion of divine authority.

However, Miss Rabbit only worried about this matter for a short while and then put it behind her. She thought to herself, Merlin knows everything anyway, so just ask Merlin directly when the time comes.

After thinking about this, the female lord suddenly felt relaxed again. She chatted with Li Yu some more about the things she encountered on the road. A wave of tiredness came over her, and Miss Rabbit just lay down on the chair and fell asleep.

My ears would twitch from time to time, wondering what I was dreaming about.

Li Yu shook his head, stepped forward and gently covered her with a blanket. When he got closer, he heard someone mumbling in his sleep.

"Merlin is mine, no one is allowed to take it away, hum!"

This chapter has been completed!
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